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PT 2





Yay let’s gooooo~ 💜


This was soooo good. I could watch the Jinny’s kitchen cast & Crew do any number of shows, they are so lovely together! You will also love the God of Gratitude - Grateful to Taehyung’ episode you’re planning to watch later too, it’s so cute. To answer Josh’s question, the show they were watching that Yumi was in, was ‘Nattering With Na’ which is on the Full Moon YouTube channel (Na PD’s Channel). Seo Jin has also guested on it. Seo Jun also guested on Na PD’s live… they talked about how Tae was doing in the military when he had first joined. Coming back to the episode… Tae here said ‘if I work hard, will I get to appear on it too someday?’ After they had just finished watching Yumi on there. It was so cute that they were telling him you don’t need an invitation, of course you can go on. Some fun facts… the section Tae was saying he’s a veteran of the game, he said Run BTS but he called it Dalbang which is the Korean abbreviation that means ‘Moon Room’ which is what it it’s known by colloquially by fans in S.K. but they just translated here as other show lol. The drama that Seo Jin asked who was the actress and why it was so funny… in Korean is called ‘Pretty Noona who buys me food.’ (The subs had the title it’s known as in English, which is ‘Something in the rain’ so it won’t have come across) hence why Seo Jin asked who plays in it… when they said Son Yejin (from crash landing fame) he acknowledged it saying , yes ‘she is pretty’, in effect meaning that it’s correct lol and that he couldn’t find a loophole to argue. Also you will have heard Pitam baegi (which is better translated as Blood Sweat and subtraction (extraction) which Woo Shik made into a funny famous meme in Korea by getting it wrong here, on JK’s second last Live (which was timeline wise after this show aired… ) when he sang Pitam baegi instead of blood sweat and tears (Pitam numul) it’s already become an inside joke. Poor Woo Shik can’t live it down now. Another tidbit, during the Korean broadcast as you know the soundtrack is different (they play a lot more BTS) they played Slow dancing during Tae’s sunrise excursion which was so cute as it was not too long after it had come out. Seo Jin is in fact getting funnier as time goes on… in Youn’s Kitchen and Youn’s Stay he’s not as numerous… those shoes are more under the healing category… especially Youn’s Kitchen. P.s I was quietly waiting for you to watch the second part of this but I didn’t want to put pressure on you or pester hence I didn’t ask for it in the comments. Thanks for this reaction, I laughed so much rewatching with you… my cheeks are sore. 😊💜