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Hey guys in preparation for tomorrow's video/ videos we are wanting to know what live performances you are looking forward to the most. On our last album listen livestream of Your Choice Album there was several reccomendations for live performances of those songs. If you can do two things when sharing provide a link and if its already shared drop a heart on everything you want to see. This may or may not be done live but this will be a good start so I can make a playlist to make things easier so we can fit more in. Thank you so much.

Also I saw Coups and Hoshi spoilers on US Tour 2024!!!

Thank you
Josh and Cait



This was from there latest concert In China. It’s a Chinese song and it was unreleased. Woozi, Jun and Minghao made the song thinking about Carats. Some of the members parents were there at the concert as well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RB5KLykp6_o Dino Last Order: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_iT2bavjchs&pp=ygUQZGlubyBsYXN0IG9yZGVyIA%3D%3D

Hend Taha

here is the link you 5th Anniversary [SPECIAL VIDEO] SEVENTEEN 5th Anniversary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY8ok-R0Mp4