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i love sieun and minwoo chemistry. they are cute and look good together


i like minyoung and jinseok too. i don't like how the hosts always scold her for being playful lol... just cause he's calm and speaks to her like she's a child doesn't mean she has to back, she's not even being mean she's just simply teasing it's part of their dynamic...and they misunderstood their talk when she cried too and are running on this narrative that she wants to talk to everyone but wants him to stay with her. she wanted both of them to talk to ppl without pressure being added to their relationship and she's still figuring out her feelings so ofc she's allowed to be a bit jealous as long as she 's not overbearing which she isn't. even the way the men in the show talk about her rubs me the wrong way like habin saying for jinseok to keep her woman in check, or gwanhee telling jinseok to ask about the 4 candies as if it's trifling behaviour when he's not one to talk AT ALL....it's giving misogyny and the need to humble her which i don't like one bit, i like how the girls in the show stick up for her. all this bs about "she should have treated him better" cause god forbid she gives CANDIES to more than 1 guy without even talking to them...meanwhile gwanghee the bright red flag exists and they just kekeke and laugh over his insane player behaviour