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Sammy 123

I think I understand why Gyumin was worried about Haeeun's behaviour, I think he was worried what would viewers/knetizens think of her after the show aired. Because she had been so into him all the time and suddenly she showed affection to other guy, people might not have taken that well. And honestly I was a bit worried as well how knetizens would react (we all know how they can be sometimes). BUT thankfully everyone was on same page literally everyone was so happy that Haeeun did what she did with Hyungyu and it's all because of her personality, how nice she is and how dedicated she was to Gyumin all the past 16 episodes. As for Gyumin eventhough I can understand what he was worried about he had ZERO rights to say all that to Haeeun. Literally made her feel like she cheated on him eventhough they aren't dating. If he payed any attention to her last 16 episodes then maybe yeah he could tell her something, but he barely even talked to her, made her feel so alone& lonely and now he thought he had right to scold her. Gyumin and Heedo need to get married and live a happy perfect little life together. Our girls Haeeun and Nayeon deserve much better. It's funny how Gyumin and Heedo make themselves look so mature but in reality their ex girlfriends are way more mature then them. Haeeun and Nayeon at least are honest and can talk about their emotions, how they feel and what they want.

Sammy 123

Heedo...he is just the worst when he is with Nayeon. We get it Nayeon is clumsy she breaks cups and spills everything all the time, yes it can be annoying sometimes, but ALL THE TIME? He HAS to comment about it all the time? In front of everyone? Why would you embarass someone you love in front of everyone, she probably already feels bad that she spilled something and you have to add your comments on it. Another thing that I hate is how he helps her to clean up. Like if you are mad just be mad, if you want to help just help and don't say anything, but he gets mad and still helps, that's so annoying, it's as if he is saying "I am such a kind person, I still clean up your mess eventhough I am mad"... If I was Nayeon I would be so stressed whenever I would be near him.