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PT 4





I'm your friend cait. Everyone here on patreon is your mini family. We all have your back along with josh. To think about everything you guys have been through growing up i'm really proud to see everything you've accomplished for yourselves and i hope you can be proud of yourself as well. To have an education, an amazing job, own a house, be in a happy marriage with two kids, both of you are inspiring to have made it this far. I only have one close friend in real life and it's unfortunate to have grown distant from many others. As you were talking about your mother it reminded me of my own mom. Both of my parents grew up with a traumatic and rough childhood. My mom's mother was also handicapped and she had to look after her 24/7 even as a kid and was often made fun of and caught weird glimpses from outsiders. Regardless she tried her best to help in any way she could and sadly, her mother passed away from an overdose. She had to plan the funeral all by herself at the age of 18. I can see the values that my parents brought forth towards myself and my brother through your own actions with your children. Wanting to be the best version of yourself and keep a happy, stable home.


Thank you so much for doing this! This is also my favourite chapter for sure. I actually finally got my book earlier this month and loved every moment of it. Really appreciate the commentary on everything, I wish the book was longer so I can continue having your chapter commentary on while I work. The audiobook with your voice commenting on it is just perfect :)