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PT 2





I'm like beyond anticipating and excited for the episodes going forwards 😆

Sammy 123

I disliked their relationship so much, I don't think people like them should be together. They are great on their own but together they make the worst couple. The only thing that made me kind of okay with their relationship is the fact that Nayeon realizes how bad they are for each other. In many cases in toxic relationships one side is more of a victim who doesn't realize that they are being mistreated and they think their partner is an angel, but in their situation Nayeon realizes that Heedo isn't treating her right, that she deserves better but she still wants him. She isn't young either, she knows what she is getting into and she still wants it so...that makes me feel a bit better about their relationship. If she was a clueless girl who doesn't know what she is getting into I would be more against their relationship, but she seems quite self aware about everything that's going on. I still prefer her to let go of Heedo and find better relationship, I can see her and Gyumin working out, if they met outside of the show they would 100% date right away.


well i mean her and heedoo are still going strong so i think they just have a relationship where only the two can understand their dynamic and still be in love with one another


4 months late but i don't thinnk it's fair to paint hee doo as this macho alpha male stereotype you see in the west. yes he's an athlete and a tsundere but that doesn't mean he's a sadistic piece of shit or enjoys seeing nayeon cry or wants to assert dominance over everything. he's very clearly kind to her in his own way, they just have diff personalities but their stubborness gets in the way of them making up over very small fights. i feel you guys view this show through a western lense, like the fights they go through aren't abusive or explosive the way i assume u guys think but i could be wrong. they're just both rlly stubborn so they go around in circles and makes them wanna give up. anywho ik ur done the show but clearly it's a type of relationship only them 2 can understand which is the case.