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i think jiyeon and tae i have good chemistry, but i think everything is just too unserious between them. i mean having fun with each other is great in a relationship, but it becomes too hard for them to talk maturely. i think they’re on different wavelengths, and it can’t be all fun with someone. i just don’t think they can fulfill each other’s needs. to be honest, i saw jiyeon completely different from you guys. sure, she’s implying she has feelings for him still, but the way she says things can sound hurtful. saying things like “only i can love you, i’m in the minority of people who could like you, i’m messing up my life by liking you when i could be with someone better.” i think it just shows how she’s still young and immature.

Sammy 123

I amn't surprised that girls aren't paying attention to TaeI, because he is very intimidating. He looks like he wouldn't want to be friends with you. He isn't like that inside once you know him but he looks very cold on outside, so it's hard to approach him. I feel like only very confident extrovert girl can get through his facade.