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I loved your smiles as you were watching this… it’s so fun to see all of us so endeared by Tae here. I don’t know how it’s possible that Tae can get any more softer and adorable than he already these days with the dash of a little spicy sass keke. If you haven’t see his Hype Boy challenge with New Jeans I highly recommend it. It’s sooo smooth… his dancing is just *chefs kiss* in it. It went super viral… it’s the most liked and most viewed tiktok ever on the New Jeans channel… k-media etc where all praising him and saying he could be the centre member of a girl group. BTW just to clarify Tae didn’t write the lyrics or music for this mini-album… he’s not on the credits either… he said that he is writing different music for his full album now etc and that he would have time to present his own writing and music but when he was considering this album he first wanted to show his musical colour as the person Kim Taehyung and to establish the direction, style and the things he likes etc. Min Hee Jin and him focused on how best to express his slow laid back personality and sensitive sensibilities and melt them into the music and also focused on his strengths and what he can do well. And that’s the type of music she recommended. The writers and producer are ones that Min Hee Jin has collaborated with on other projects. But this album is still very Tae. His opinions and ideas were all through it. So he’s really proud of this album. He did a 7 minute introduction video of the album on YouTube. Layover Album release Album Introduction: https://youtu.be/Ay5QdfNK5z0?feature=shared He was also on the hybe channel radio show. There was two eps. It’s short but sweet. He chose the members, his family and ARMY as his 3 4 leaf clover moments amongst other segments. He will be on Stationhead today too. Also Hobi and JK are the only ones who heard the songs before release as everyone was so busy, Hobi when it was finished (Hobi saying they sang their songs in karaoke during his last live matches the time frame of the live from JK’s house) but In terms of JK, he was part of the ongoing process of recording the songs etc at a different time… He did vocal directions for Tae… and gave him feedback and helped him find his sound etc… which reminds me of when Tae was recording 4 O’clock (the longer version in memories) saying he needs JK when he was recording. (Which is funny when you think that they are very different musically and in taste… having said that they’ve always shared music. I remember Jimin and Hobi complaining in that interview that them two find new music together but don’t share it with others.) Also if you remember Tae’s ‘these days ‘ photo dump from Insta that’s also when he was recording…it’s in the studio… also during his driving v-log last year he said he had guides recorded but no actual finished recording…so based on this and what he said on ‘You Quiz’ I think JK directed helped for both. The thing I love most about Tae is that he has never changed in essence from 2013. He might have matured, mellowed and had times he was fighting melancholy and burnout periods but even then he had many times and moments where he was just as goofy and happy etc. People tend to over generalise and forget this. And going from late 2020, 2021 to Jinny’s Kitchen, to the last RUN episodes to this promotion it’s been consistently his bubbly self in amongst more serene moments. He’s just learned to be more comfortable in his own skin and to be himself. As they also explained in the earlier days they had to be more outgoing then they really were deep down as part of their persona. Also my recommendation would be to wait for accurate subs rather than rushed half accurate ones. Will be worth the wait for ‘You Quiz’ it’s a really good ep. Also the clips on the YouTube channel are not the full episode version, they have small trims here and there. Coming back to this… I love how dramatic Tae was in his anecdote of running away from home cause the tea was a different one. P.s a small point but something worth being acknowledged… and something that many who pay close attention to have realised. Tae in hybe directed content (some specific years and not anymore) and Tae in outside directed content… there is a difference. Esp in editing and how his personality is portrayed between what is available for free and extra paid content. Or main eps and behind the scenes in paid content. The easiest example… Bon voyage where in the actual ep in season 3 and 4 it looks like he is stoic in the back seat while others are having fun singing… but you cut to the behind the scenes and he has been singing along the same as the other members the whole time and even the leader of it. Or in Black swan MV making where it’s seems he’s super serious and quiet for all of it but there is other separate behind the scenes footage of the same day where he is goofing off with singing opera. Unfortunately many people do not watch the behind the scenes or the separate buns clips so won’t have seem this. I love that you guys watch almost all of it. Can’t wait for the rest of his promos. Thanks again. 💜

Deanna Wilson

Tae was just so cute in this 🥰 Did yiu guys know there is another Spotify video as well? It’s just as cute as this one! https://youtu.be/Dn3YXjLBWRk?si=Y2DMPWeVp4usUwOM