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I just finished watching your reaction and it's interesting to hear that you could also sense jimin was close to crying. He's been struggling a lot.. with things we don't even know about but he was able to express a few key points with us. His solo activities broke records so he should be very proud of himself. Military life is around the corner but he'll excel and do great. Entering your 30's can be scary especially for someone of his status.. some of the members are definitely thinking about love at this point in their lives. Wanting to be in a relationship, some of them might be currently, possibly thinking about marriage and wanting a family. I would be extremely happy if ANY of the members fell in love. Truly. Thoughts like that can weigh heavy on the mind and i can only wish that he keeps his head up high. 💜 They're always worried about disappointing army. ):


Whenever I'm faced with this question, I don't really want to tell them things like oh you're good enough, you're perfect, or you're just being hard on yourself. Although that's how I actually think about it, I don't feel like those words mean anything to the members, more than just being grateful for the fans who support themselves. It doesn't actually make them feel better or comfort them. The thing is, they have their own ideals that they set, and when they don't meet them, they aren't happy with it. Other people's words don't matter to them. What ultimately matters to them is whether they meet their own standards or not. It's in the same vein as what Jungkook said in Suchwita. (JK : My dream is, I'm hoping a day will come when I'M able to think that I'm pretty good. MY SELF. Reaching the level where I'M satisfied with myself. SG : You're the only one who doesn't know, but everyone else already thinks that way about you. JK : No. I have to do more. When I'm able to think that way about myself, It'll mean that I'm doing really well.) I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I think the point is how you deal with this matter. Depending on how you handle it, it can be an advantage or poison. It's like a double-edged sword. I think a certain level of compulsion―to desire to continue to grow and keep thinking that you're not good enough―is kinda necessary part of their job(artist/performer). It can be a strong driving force that makes you grow exponentially. And ofc it'd be toxic if they overly beat themselves up or sink into depression. But I don't think that's how they do anymore. I think they're past that stage. They seem to know how to handle it compared to the past. It's natural to be painful in the process of challenging yourself. Therefore, As hard as it is to watch them in pain, I try not to just simply take it as a negative thing and worry too much. They have a higher standard than ordinary people, but that's what makes them special. If they weren't of that nature, they also wouldn't have gotten this high in the first place. A sense of duty is inevitable given their position of now. There's nothing we can do about it. I think my job is just to be supportive by their side, quietly watching them work through it.