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Tae having to splash water on his face to get sober again. 😂😂 LOLOL i'm just teasing. His heavy breathing tho hahaha it's so obvious he was tipsy. I agree with WCSR and that's what i immediately thought too.. he totally filmed a suchwita episode just like hobi. Hobi showed up on live after a few drinks as well and told us he finished filming something and was gifted a cake from suga. :') That wine bottle is gonna appear on there just you wait!! Tae isn't a fan of alcohol but he does enjoy himself some red/white wine! 😘 That's his style. I'm super intrigued about his appearance on you quiz on the block. I very much enjoyed when bts went on it, it remains as one of my favourite interviews.


I'm not much of a drinker myself for a number of reasons and the first drink i had was actually at the beginning of this year. Alcohol is too bitter for me to appreciate and even flavoured soju was too much for me. It's like drinking acid. I like really really sweet rose wine and i have yet to try white wine. It's easy to indulge in cooler cans as they taste just like pop but i would love to have more recommendations for sweet wine. 😊