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Totally agree with all comments above! Really hate those stupid, immature, DELULU shippers! x

Stina S

I also think it wasn't just the shippers 🤷🏻‍♀️ y'all forget not just ARMY join the chat too right? So you got the shippers, solos, young army, and some who aren't Army, and antis along with ARMY in chat. Like I swear I want to write down all the army's name I report or that is getting reported and send an email to Weverse to lock or ban there account, maybe then they will learn. Also, they do have some mods but they need grown ARMY mods. ARMY is reporting as fast as we can but the damn thing times us out after a couple reports 😩 one thing about Twitch I found out is that you can time someone out of the live for however long you want or completely ban them. Weverse itself hasn't really change even tho they keep saying they are implementing a safer environment for there artists, it just doesn't seem like it when you watch a live. Also, some ARMYs the comments on these lives need to understand that we as ARMYs are lucky BTS lives are free. I saw that BP is paid lives 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't know if it's bc HYBE has it set free for us or what, but some of them are so entitled 😩 probably explain why Jimin hasn't come on since the yoongi live or why Tae sometimes ignore the comments which is understandable. Sry for the rant😩


this live was so out of pocket the behavior in the comment section.. seriously i can see why he chooses to go live at 3 am. These kids and shippers need to grow up. It was super obvious how uncomfortable they made him.


LOL what are you calling me out cait?? 😂😂 I bought a perfume that jungkook used to wear and keep it inside of the box with my bts merch. I used it once and it's just nice to have and know that it was a scent he really liked. I also bought the same downey softer that he used and kept the empty bottle as a keep sake. :')) I'm not over the top and creepy when it comes to fragrances but i really enjoy buying perfume, i own like 15 bottles, and to know what my favourite person's perfume or cologne is.. it's exciting. For me it's all innocent and there's nothing more to it. It would be awesome if they came out with another perfume line. The comments were weird and the members can usually tell if it's a young army speaking to them but regardless, jungkook enjoyed his time with army and didn't wanna leave. He kept wanting to talk and felt bad for leaving abruptly.

Murisan Family Vlogs

Lol. Cheyenne. I legit got the McDonald's dipping sauces still. The bag, the cup and Nugget container lol basically the full meal haha.

M bat78

Idk what was going on with the vibe of this live- I only caught a few min and literally only say I love you, thanks for coming to see us、 congrats on the win, you're amazing etc and then I had to dip. It's too bad that these type of w lives happen every so often. The one most recently with Joon seems really good and comforting 💜 so hoping there is more like that. I wish that he would just ignore and not read those comments but maybe that was all that was there. Twitter army have been trying to get on w lives and reporting wierd comments and trying to drown them out with good comments in Korean - I have a bunch saved on my phone. I guess for this one the timezone attracted a different crowd. I also wonder if there are new fans that have found him through Seven so they wouldn't necessarily know him or have seen his previous w lives etc.


I know there were a lot of strange questions and comments, but there were a few interesting ones slipped in as well. Obviously, I like when people post nice comments, but I do think appropriate questions are ok as well. He's the one that can talk and elaborate on things, and we get to learn more about him and his thoughts when he fells comfortable answering questions. Also, while I definitely agree that I don't like the strange comments, I do like that he addressed it somewhat. He needs to be able to tell us when we're doing something he doesn't like. If he's the one that tells us not to make comments like that or that he'll ignore any comments like that, maybe more people will listen, especially newer Armies who maybe haven't learned the etiquette quite yet. I feel like he's slowly being more decisive about things. He has been so candid with us about how he wants to be more casual with us, and I feel like this should come with that. Him being comfortable enough to address what he wants from us, where in the past he would just sort of take it and gloss over it. He's told us he'll ignore things like that, so hopefully people will get the idea now that he's brought it up.