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It's alright, guys. Don't worry. I understand that you both have a lot on your plate, both in terms of daily life and creating content for us. I'm glad to hear that you went fishing and enjoyed your time. I also understand what Josh was saying about coming home and then filming. It's not always easy, especially considering how emotionally impactful Hospital Playlist can be, and the long filming hours of almost two hours. Take your time, guys. I'm here regardless!! just woke up , nice way to start my morning haha


here we go, ep 8,9,10,11,12 is one of the best second half series , so excited for you guys


Don't worry about your pacing for Hospital Playlist. It's a beautiful series and I'd rather you take your time to enjoy the episodes whenever you are ready for it :)


Since there are so many episodes regarding organs donation in this season of Hospital Playlist, it was reported by Korean Network for Organ Sharing (KONOS) that the amount of people registering for organs donation tripled from previous years. Then after this episode 7 aired, the number of people opting in for organs donation increased up to 11 times. cr. https://www.cjenm.com/en/esg/philosophy/hospital-playlist-season-2-spreading-social-impact/ This is why Hospital Playlist will always be on a whole different tier in itself in terms of K-drama rating for me. The amount of positive impact it has on healthcare is immeasurable.

Sammy 123

It's better to take your time then rush and not enjoy it fully. Even if you won't be able to finish Hospital Playlist this month it's okay. The only thing is I definitely recommend to not overlap this drama with Dr. Romantic.