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pt 1


pt 2







I still haven't received my book so i'll be holding off for a while. Love the idea!


im excited! was waiting for the book club. My order is also still on the way. But i love audio books so this is perfect. feels like im listening with my bestie haha.


At my place the book is releasing on September 29th. Since I don't have the patience to wait I'll go ahead and start with yours haha


Just finished part 1 and it was sooo amazing. I'll be enjoying the book club a lot. Thank you for doing this!


I'm gonna wait to watch this cuz I haven't got my copy yet. I wanna read each chapter then watch your analysis


I’m supposed to get my copy tomorrow, can’t wait!!!

Melissa Chung

I haven't started reading my book yet, so I'll hold off to watching your reaction/review on it for now. Will come back to this later on!


My book finally arrived on the 13th and i was able to read 2 chapters at my local water park. It was very peaceful! It came with photocards which was really nice. 🥰 Anyways i can't imagine being 13-18 years old, traveling on my own for the first time in a place unfamiliar filled with strangers to find work. It's very impressive and courageous of the members and many other idols to take that step forward and find their dream career while being so young. Not many people do that. Being homesick, scared, but hopeful, it's a huge ride of emotions and i love how this book is giving us insight into how the members were feeling during their stay in the old dorm. How they met, what conversations they had together, i'm always so curious to hear more about these types of stories because i know they have a lot of amazing anecdotes to tell us. It can be sad, happy, funny.. i wanna hear it. HAHAAHA so true!! Namjoon was waaaaay beyond his years.. watching documentaries and studying about hip hop while only being in first grade. I was playing with dolls and running around in the dirt. 😂 He was probably picking up certain English words and phrases but not fully studying the language at that point in his life. I know suga said he became interested in hip hop while still in elementary school. (12 years old.) I am almost 100% certain that the practice studio yoongi was mentioning WAS that old restaurant in rookie king with that sweet auntie. Like the book mentioned jimin was the last to join the group. The last to meet all of the boys and form a close friendship with them. Aww the jihope moment of hobi meeting jimin for the first time.. that was a moment i loved hearing about during you quiz on the block. ❤️ I couldn't believe that suga would be eating like that.. chicken breast blended with grape juice and a banana? That can't taste good. That's definitely more of a reason why yoongi tries so hard to comfort and help the younger artists who are working so hard to make it big. He goes out of his way to buy them sets of meat and fried chicken so they can have full tummies because he understands how stressful the environment is. Constantly practicing and rehearsing with low sleep and no time to properly eat. It's sad. Jin coming into the dorm to literally cook a DECENT fucking meal for the boys every once in a while.. what a blessing. He took on that older brother role extremely well and tried to maintain a sense of normalness. And you're totally right, the ages between the boys was significant at the time. In the early 2000's the most popular groups at the time were shinee, TVXQ, big bang, 2PM, 2AM, super junior, wonder girls, girls generation, 2NE1, f(x). I was into shinee in 2010. 😊 The bit where they were talking about jungkook coming to the dorm and gaining seven older brothers touches my heart too. 🥺💜 It's such a soft moment how they immediately took him under their wing and cared for him without even questioning it. Bringing him to places, feeding him, mentoring him, it's a loving atmosphere. I completely understand why you were getting emotional because he was just a little kid. At that age you get easily influenced by those around you and luckily he had seven amazing, respectful, affectionate, and outstanding hyungs to shape him into the man he is today.


I also wanna say how it's really nice that tae would sneak off to eat snacks with namjoon and jimin, take jungkook to go sledding or to the spa, go on night time adventures, he wanted to be a kid, a normal teenager living their life and gave everyone that chance to be a kid, away from the stress of becoming an idol. He was that guy to bring a touch of innocence and youth to the team even if he was breaking the rules. :') I love it. To answer your question: Tae and jimin did NOT know each other beforehand. They went to completely different schools and lived in different cities. Tae moved to seoul and started studying at the korean arts high school. Once jimin moved up to seoul as the last member of bts, he also transferred to the same high school as tae but were in different classrooms. Tae was quite popular and introduced jimin to his friends and told them to take care of him and be nice. He knew jimin was shy around strangers and wanted to help as much as possible and it's so sweet. You probably already know about their 95 grad song but here's a link again just in case: https://youtu.be/dHvEkm0j7aw


I am now teary eyed. I like the format of listening to the audio book at the same time having insights from you. It feels like we are having a conversation.


I think there’s quite a few “origin stories” that were altered a bit in the beginning …. Just bc BTS didn’t have the money… so they needed to hook ppl early on however they could… and stuff like yoongi not dancing before bighit I’ve heard them talk about before bc yoongi actually did bboying lol that’s the kind of crew he was in… so he did have some dance background but music was his passion ya know… it’s connected… but he may have been apprehensive of being in a group that was going to require a lot of dancing maybe? Slowly little things like that have started trickling out but everything very minor and back then they had to use what they could.. ya know.. they never just made up stories.. but bent them a bit at the time bc they needed rememberable things to compete with groups with all the money and stuff. But there’s a few things like this over time… and honestly a lot of info we get is army based so someone may just remember wrong or mis translated something… but I know bang pd has talked about needing to use what they could around their earliest days to make a mark.


Jungkook was actually 12-13 when he came to bighit.. 14-15 when they debuted… in international ages… remember he was literally in MIDDLE SCHOOL when he came to bighit. Ppl talk about that.. but I don’t think they talk about it really.. bc a middle schooler in that environment so far from his family…. Such a wild idea imo. Just thinking of myself in middle school lmao I was a mess… but I mean then you have joon watching documentaries on hip hop artists in friggin first grade, yoongi having multiple part time jobs while training to help his family out… I mean you can go on and on with insanely amazing things about these guys… all of them… it’s nice to hear their stories… I’m sure there’s still so much of their story that we still don’t know… but this is just a beautiful way to open up a little more with what they can and what they even remember… once in a lifetime group..


I kinda love this idea .. it’s super cute bc I can see you on full teacher mode right now!!! Thanks for this cait!!!