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V WEVERSE LIVE 6112023.mkv

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Tae is so breathtakingly handsome like goddamn. Man can roll out of bed and look like a god. His moles are beautiful too. 🥺 Tannie lives with tae's parents so i guess tae must be visiting them a lot lately?? Which warms my heart if that's the case.. i'm curious now. It's kinda crazy for him to be streaming at their house but i guess it doesn't really matter as he doesn't stay on too long. 😂 YEONTAN IS FIVE YEARS OLD, CLOSE TO SIX NOW. The amount of times i've commented that. 🤣🤣 It's okay, it's fine, you might've forgotten.

Monica Ibanez

Lol Cait you were being so funny in the lives today lol.. I’m literally the same I was answering all his questions 😂

Shawn Fox

Guys, I wish you could read Jin's comments! Sweet endearing talks between the two.

A. Brown

The apartment is Tae's though, we have seen him film from that room multiple times at all hours of the day/night including an episode of ITS Friendcation. Maybe he is wanting Tannie to be with him more since he'll be going to military most likely this year. He was calling out to someone so maybe his parents are even staying with him and taking care of his apartment as he goes out of town for his schedule. Loved the interaction of Tae and Jin, their bond is so precious. Tae truly looks magnificent day or night and with any hair color. His personality really enhances everything he does, on stage or off. 💜🥰🔥🎉


Tae actually came live straight after his fan meeting. As in immediately after it. (He flew to Paris the next day before he got over his jet lag) The food dishes he was referring to was the food at the fan meeting place (not gonna lie it looked so good from the pictures people posted.) he came live to show his face cause he knew so few got to see him. Same as he did last year after the performances at music shows. He was doing the live from his appt. That’s his Gym/office. He’s done many lives from there. Just small cultural note when talking to animals kids etc, in Korea it’s common to refer to yourself as Appa, Eomma, etc when calling your pets attention. Same as JK did when calling Bam in the Soop 2. So while he could have been referring to his father, in these circumstances it was much more likely he was attracting Tannies attention to himself. Although it’s not impossible that his father was visiting him. While Yeontan does mainly live with Tae’s parents when he’s away. He stays with Tae a lot of the time too. I so agreed with you Tae looked sooo pretty… although I’m worried he’s a bit too skinny… people who saw him at the airport when he got back a couple of days ago used the Korean expression ‘paper doll’ to refer to him and said he’s very very very thin recently and 30 to 40 skinnier than he appears in pics etc from people and on camera. Hoping he gets to rest before his next schedule. He sounded so jet lagged and adorably sleepy during the call to Namjoon yesterday at the festival. 💜