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pt 2




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natasha richardson

Wow watching this brought back so many good memories, I was obsessed with these photos lol especially namjoon's orange pants and the beanie with the glasses, I have a drawing of Namjoon Hobi and Yoongi in their fits from the photos they took at the house too it's so cute 😍


Thank you for uploading the entire thing! Much appreciated. 😊 I adore namjoon's hair style here so much! The peach colour with his hair swooped up. 💕 It's always been such a look for him! 😍 Suga's outfit with the pink shirt, green pants and blonde hair, gorgeous~ I love whenever the members dedicate letters to one another. They're always so thankful for having each other's backs through thick and thin and jimin's note for tae was touching.

Melissa Chung

This was great! Miss BTS so much. :(


Yoongi looked so salty that it was jungkooks fortune and not his 😂 It’s funny bc I knew it was JK right away… he’s the king of learning new things, achieving success in so many different areas, he always wants to work and succeed … def say he made that fortune come true for himself in 2019 so many achievements actually… but that was a cute little segment with them all… jungkook looks so sleepy with his cute hair and pouty sleepy lips. It’s cute to hear what they all think of each other and kinda where their heads were at. Love those pics with Jin jimin and jk… omg they look so cute and these three were always together and just hilarious together… I have always loved those pics of them in particular and also namjoon with the beanie and stuff just looked so him… the fits were really fire!!! Only thing I wasn’t sold on was taes hair in the white and teal tracksuits lol what the hell were they doing to his hair there ?!!! Lol The mafia was so funny and they are just born entertainers… absolutely precious. I miss them all together so so so much


When they said “energy of the sun” and someone said it sounds like a superhero.. I knew it was jungkook… bc namjoon and Jin have both called jungkook “the energy of the group” on stage. He’s the center of BTS and his energy and love of learning new things has always driven him. Jimin saying jk needs to come out of his room I just disagree with.. jungkook is an introvert.. he likes to be alone and he’s more of an observer in big groups anyway lol if he likes to spend time alone practicing nd working out… then so be it… it’s wild bc he grew so much stronger in the year following this fortune.. vocally he’s always been top tier but he really got up on another level , his dancing, his confidence… everything he touched turned to gold… he really grew up in that year It sounds like they’re thinking about “trying new things,” in a way that just pertains to music.. but with jk he’s evolving everyday and in so many random things… there’s a reason suga calls jungkook a genius lol