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jhope military and hope on the street weverse 6-26-2023.mkv

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M bat78

It's ok cait- I was crying right along with you. These guys just hit my emotions too much and the enlistment are just hitting a different way. I thought it would go in age order and then switch up happened so idk anymore if it'll be 5 more times or members will go at the same time? Either way I'm not ready 🥺


I seen army mentioning that "they took the moon and sun away from us" which is true.. our two most bubbly and feel good members are enlisting first. We were all enjoying ourselves too much to even realize and i think that's what the boys are trying to do.. to keep our minds occupied. It makes me so sad for jhope and how much he would LOVE to support all of the members and their solo works. He wants to be there for jimin's first solo debut, attend whatever show he may do, and scream into the crowd. Hobi just wants to give back all of the love he received from his members from his own hard work and he won't be able to do that. I know that must hurt. Touching on the military topic for a second because it's something that makes me sad and worried about the most. The military can change people, some people don't come out the same way, and i just really hope it doesn't negatively impact the members and their mental health. I want them to remain themselves and intact. I seen someone else feeling the same way as i did and how they feel like their innocence will be lost. I know they're all very strong men with hearts made of gold, but you can't help but be worried and that's okay. Only time can tell and i truly hope the best. 💜 Oh god cait i don't want to think about festa right now. Not after last festa. 😭


agreed, it does not get easier.


Sobbed watching Hobi…he looked sad. Our most Sunshiney member, I’m a bit upset for Jimin! Our member who always doubts how great he really is….3 members won’t be able to share his solo debut 🥺🥺 I’m sure Suga will be next after tour ends….maybe Jimin & NamJoon will go close together….? I remember hearing way back that Tae wants to go with Kookie. Realistically, in order for them to all be done by no later than Dec. 2025….June 2024 will more than likely be the latest they can enlist?

A. Brown

It's not getting easier and just knowing we have 5 more times we have to go through this also impacts. I hope they show us the goodbye at the base just like they did for Jin. Though sad, it was good to see them supporting each other right down to the wire. I imagine the Festa content for 2023 was filmed before Jin left but we'll have to wait and see. I wonder would Jimin go in even when he is finished with his solo work or wait for Tae and JK? I personally hope they start going in pairs to give each other support. So maybe Yoongi and Joon, Jimin and Tae, or Jimin, Tae, and JK. The way Jin and Hobi were talking on Weverse recently it really felt like they are expecting to see each other so maybe they will be on the same base? On a happier note, I also really love Jinny's Kitchen and so happy we will be getting 10 episodes. Loved your reactions to it. It's so nice to have happy content to look forward to.

Melissa Chung

When I first saw the news from Bighit announcement, my heart dropped. I know it's their duty to enlist in the military, but still feels emotional each time we'll get the news another member is enlisting in the military. Wishing Hobi the best and safety most important. My 4-ever Bias! Can't wait for his last gift this week.

DeJané (DJ)

Yea I’m gonna be emotional every time one of the members go 🥺


It’s really going to be pushing it to get all of them back by Dec 2025. Yoongi’s tour has dates through the end of June and I saw some “TBA” at one point. That’s pushing it really close and I’m just going to accept realistically it may be early 2026. If it’s sooner than that, great,if not, I’m mentally prepared. 🥰


*group hug*


I am still processing. Like people have mentioned, I knew he had to go, but I’d put it almost out of mind. When I think about it though, Hoseok just turned 29 international age. Yoongi will turn 30 international age in March. RM was born in 1994, like Hobi. BUT the shocking thing for me is realizing that Jimin and Tae were 1995 babies so they are ONLY a year younger than Hobi and RM. 😳That military extension is the only reason all of BTS except JK, wouldn’t be at the upper age limit and already be serving. JK wasn’t born until 1998, so he theoretically doesn’t have to go until the other six get back. I think he would find that too lonely though. JK (ilhsm) will do what JK decides to do. I can’t guess anymore who will go next. It’s not getting easier though. Just think after they get out there won’t be anything holding them back. Watch out world! 💜


Sweet hobi came to reassure us that everything will be fine. love him!


Life isn't fair! Can't believe our 7 sweet Bangtannies have to endure this for nearly 2 years (ugly crying now!) x :C