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yeah there were a lot of tidbits that fans saw that werent in this cute log (jin slowdancing. chris taking him to tango. Argentina treating jin like royalty with the presidential security) but it was precious because we got to see jins pure happy moments. chris's shoutout during 'my universe' was especially adorable, i hope theres a part 2 to this as well. and yessss having jin leave beautiful messages every month or so is going to give so many of us strength this year, i was so happy to get that message, jin is just so integral to so many's happiness, i pray he knows that and keeps himself peaceful and happy as well, because we love him so much and cant wait to see him return <3


I was hoping to see more behind the scenes AFTER his performance on stage too. The vlog ended way too soon! He had a relaxing down time in the hotel. :') Apparently cilantro can taste like soap to some people because of a gene cluster. It contains the chemical aldehyde which is also found in soap!