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As we approach the end of the year I always like to reflect and look back on the year and also think about what's to come and get excited for the future. I'm sitting here thinking its about to be the year 2023 and how and where we were in spring of 2019 when bts and army found us and changed our lives.  I will forever be grateful for this journey and will never tarnish that relationship. For those who still don't know or may have missed how exactly we landed here it was like fate and had a big part played by our older daughter Zoey who was playing in a bts roblox server that we as parents looked into and never looked back. Not only did our relationship with our family grow stronger but the relationship we have with ourselves. As you guys see in our reactions and what we share without filter is some very vulnerable moments that help us cope and move on and deal with some internal struggles we have. I think where we would be without bts and army but then I think again there wouldn't be a life without bts because in some shape or form just like how Josh and I crossed paths many times before we landed together that would be the case for us with bts if it wasn't than it would still happen. You all became like family throughout this journey you shared your stories with us helped us learn things about a culture we were unfamiliar with and helped us fall deeply in love with bts and for those reasons we thank you. We thank you today for all the time and support both here and youtube and hope that you all know how we appreciate each one of you.  We are at some 1400 posts here, over 20+ kdramas, 7 animes, 8 movies, 7 memories packages, all weverse lives, festas, runs, docuseries and over 132 tags videos. Our collection grew behind us from a plan wall to a little wooden shelf to a full wall and the room we record in became our happy place. We hope that we never upset you and if we do like in all things we work through them. We never take this journey for granted and its never been about I need this to do that mentality. We posted just under 700 videos on Youtube and have a family of just under 90k. I never thought so many people would join this journey and I also didn't know we would still be doing this years later but now being here I can't picture it any different and the longer were here the stronger the emotions become.  Thank you love you and appreciate you. Feel free to never hesitate to dm us or let us know how we can make your experience here better. 

The Murisan Family



I remember your first reaction to bts. It's such an amazing journey to have been involved in. I'm glad you guys found them. Like army says people find bts when they need it. Now being along for your anime journey is amazing too. I cant wait to see what will happen next.

