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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert MAKING FILM

Good Morning America MAKING FILM


memories 2021 d 4 p 3 4 5 dance, late, gma.mkv

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“Know that I got that heat let me show you cause talk is cheap” they’re talking about the second part of that line lol


You guys are the best… I totally missed the OR part… and you guys have NoTHING to say sorry for!!! We know you guys are the GOAT and legit go above and beyond. I asked bc I missed that part and honestly my Patreon is kind of a mess… it makes me resign up for my subscriptions EVERY time that I come on.. so every day at least lol it always shows that I have a credit for the $ amount so I’m not paying for it again every single time.. but sometimes it’s hard to tell if it has me properly signed up.. or if I’m seeing the videos that you post that anybody without a sub can see… if that makes sense. So generally I may be slightly more of a pain in the arse asking … so I apologize.. and it’s not bc I think you didn’t do something you said you would… it’s that I’m making sure I’m seeing all that you guys have posted.. if that makes sense lol and it’s not just you guys… I have to do this with everyone I’m subbed to on here… it’s weird.. but yeh I’ll make sure to pay attention to the and/or part… bc I totally missed that lol please never apologize about that or anything and again I’m sorry if it came off negatively towards you guys.. bc def not my intent… just checking im able to see what you post is all. Thanks again.. love watching anything with you guys! Can’t wait for the concert… even tho I’m slightly nervous… but excited too! Oh also you guys should check out the acceptance speeches for the bonsang and daesang awards at tma! The compilation you guys saw didn’t show those two speeches… and you don’t have to react to it if you can’t but the speeches from namjoon and jungkook were very sweet and thoughtful .. I know you will want to see them. Thx again for all you guys do… and please don’t apologize to us lol you always go far above and beyond 💜


I think they got confused bc when jimin first pointed it out and said to focus on cheap… he said “know that I got that cheap, let me show you talk is cheap,” lol he only said it wrong that first time but I think that’s what josh heard