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PT 2




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Not sure if you already watched the last episode but from what I got watching these 5 episodes with you guys is that: The ex-leader of the new truth mentioned before he died that he did not know why he was a target when he was so young at the time and did not do any sins. After he tried to search for other people that have the same fate as him, he came to the conclusion that the creatures came for people at random and that not all of them are sinners because he himself was not a sinner at the time. In the end, he did commit a sin which is killing the detective's wife's killer because he is going to die anyway. He then preached that the creatures are only targeting sinners to make a 'better world'. The new truth then keeps the ex-leader's preaches going and even going further as to make it seem like they have powers over everyone else when they actually know their own ex-leader that the public worship was a target. If the public knows this, the new truth will have no followers, so they can't take advantage of the situation to look powerful. As if they know what they are doing, smh. It's all about power. The arrowhead people also took this as an advantage to be violent and do what they like because to them: 'you're a sinner, I can torture and kill you too because the creatures will come for you anyway' or 'if you don't believe in god's will, that is going against god so you need to be tortured and die!' which is so messed up. It's crazy how we can relate this to social media. Some people made mistakes and apologised but no, the public will keep harassing them and keep bringing the mistakes back up. Like harassing people with threats are any good deeds and make them a better person, ridiculous. The professor said to the producer, that these creatures are just monsters or natural disasters that happen randomly and random people who are 'unlucky' die. Just think of those monsters we see in superhero movies, monsters doesn't choose who is a sinner and who is not. They just attack whoever they feel like. This answers your question why are these arrowhead people not a target all this while because anyone can be a target. Not sure how these creatures came about, maybe they are aliens, who knows! I haven't watch the last episode yet hahaha The public was just unaware of this and thus follow whatever the new truth and arrowhead are doing because the public always needs someone knowledgeable and in power to follow and believe in. They also want to believe so badly that only bad people will be punished. It's so sad to see that innocent people were labelled as sinners and their families even thought so too. Not sure how to stop this but I think by making everyone knows about the bullshit new truth and arrowhead are doing, everyone will stand together to try to find a solution and stop these creatures from coming instead of just letting it be. There must be a way to stop it. Hope we get all the answers in the last episode! I'm frustrated as well, not everything is answered, just some here and there but I guess I like it dramatic like this haha. Sorry for the long comment!


Also, i think we will never know if any of the members from new truth and arrowhead was a target because Ms lawyer mentioned that they will conceal those cases that are disadvantage for them just like what the baby will be. They only broadcast or shows targets that are real sinners to continue gaining trust from the public. I guess thats why it seems like they are not affected by any of it despite being violent and all.

Kayla Kittrell

Unrelated but I don't think I have ever seen Kayla spelled with 2 "L's" it looks really cool actually

Rae Avilez

I am dying to see how you guys react to the ending! I should be sleeping but I have to know how you feel about the resolution of the show.