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eoaw ep 10 pt 1.mkv

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One thing that I love about this show is that it often parallels aspects of the case with the personal lives of the characters. In this one, I think it compares the client's romantic relationship to Young Woo's. The client was I think torn between what her mother wanted and what her love interest wanted. I'm not sure if I believed he loved her as much as she loved him though. I do believe he thought it was true love and maybe didn't want to acknowledge to himself that his motives weren't always as pure as he said. Its like he convinced himself it was all in the name of the love. I also think that the mother should have been made to go outside the proceedings the same as he was because you could see how much her mother being there affected her too. Her upset was just as much about her mother finding out details as it was her being pushed for a physical relationship she wasn't maybe ready for yet. With Young Woo, its a true giving relationship as its been shown how their feelings developed and he genuinely cares for her-not wanting to do anything that would make her uncomfortable. Unlike the defendant who pushed the girl past what she may have been ready for, Junho wouldn't do that with Young Woo.


The other parallel is parental relationships. You see Young Woo's mother who never put her first and shows only concern about discovery affecting herself only. Then the other two parents, the client's mother and Young Woo's father are both parents that put their children first but not in the same way. The client's mother is very protective and loves her daughter but doesn't really see her as a person with needs, feelings or as an adult. Instead of supporting through her ups and downs, she tries to control everything and ultimately it doesn't keep her daughter safe from harm but actually hurts her more. Then you have Young Woo's father, who is protective of his daughter but also allows her to be her own person and be the best she can be. Granted Young Woo is much higher functioning than the client but I think Young Woo's dad allows her to soar and grow and thrive while the mother of the client almost smothers her daughter with her love and protection. Either way it would never be easy when they both love their daughters so much-no one wants to see their child hurting or struggling but Young Woo's dad wants her to be and have everything she wants.

M bat78

Young woo and junho are the cutest 😍