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eoaw ep 8 pt 1.mkv

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This was one of the best episodes. I think something that gets missed by the people around Woo Young is that she does feel things deeply. Flashbacks with her dad show her at young ages not responding to much and even his character sometimes misses that she feels more as an adult than she shows. I also think alot of this is due to her dad too. You can see it in little ways like being passionate about the North Korean client, wanting to help her best friend, being upset about how she handled the atm case and not wanting her dad to be lonely. You can tell she felt that moment with her mother. I'm watched up to episode 14 now and it keeps getting better and more emotional. I'm seriously going to miss this show when its done.


This was an episode that needed to be told as it has a bit of everything that is Young Woo. It’s her life with her father and her best friend. It’s her feelings towards her mother, her father and Jun Ho. She has her friends, she has her work, she has a life that is blooming big as that tree and there isn’t gonna be anyone who can tear her down. I love how straight forward she is, confronting Attorney Kwon, if she had hit him, I would cheer for her all the way to the bank. Glad to that her true friends Attorney Choi Soo Yeon and JunHo. Always have her back against the odds. Love where her Relationship is going with JunHo, So cute 🥰