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strong woman bong soon ep 10 pt 1.mkv

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Can I just say that I really appreciate Cait laughing at the Mafia scenes I feel like yea it's corny but I think personally I've seen more cringy stuff sadly so those moments don't faze me (but I do agree those scenes are unnecessary and take up a lot of screentime from the main). Anyways, it takes a lot for me to cringe that's not to say I haven't run into cringe k-dramas cause I have. I think "Playful Kiss" is one of the dramas that set the bar high for cringe k-dramas for me. So now nothing fazes me. Though it's a classic! And no lie ...I love "Playful Kiss" watched it when I was in middle school, but if I were to re-watch it now I would definitely find it harder to watch it since it has a lot of cheesy scenes/ and mainly second-hand embarrassment. But I still love that drama just like I enjoyed and love this drama as well when it came out during its time :)


Romeo!!! xD