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Not sure if you are aware, but the actress who played the granddaughter is Sulli, she was one of IU's best friends and was a member of f(x), she unfortunately passed away in October 2019. Many people believe IU's and Yoongis song Eight refers to her in it. Also you were kind of right but in the past life Mina wasn't in love with Manwools friend, she killed him because she was queen and was killing anyone who was rebelling against, the plot twist is that in the present life they are putting a love story between two people who in their past life one of them killed the other


So this comment is really really late and don’t know if you’ll see this but I’m here to kinda answer your questions and some confusions you have lol but from the last episode and this one it still seems that old lady in black or the one that appears in chan-sungs fear “dream” is the grim reaper and she’s not she’s deity, the grim reaper is the guy that’s always with them when sending of a ghost to the afterlife or the guy that popped up when man-wol was asking if they knew anything about chan-sung and the Grim reaper was just on the side and man-wol asked if he knew anything and he just got up he’s the grim reaper not the old lady. Next someone already kinda told you but the actress who played the chairman or the old guy who passed granddaughter like they said her name is Sulli and was a member of a girl group called f(x) and she was really good friends with IU she unfortunately passed away in October of 2019 like someone mentioned she passed away like a month after the last episode aired or the episodes she came out on and she was found by her manager and later revealed that she had passed away due to suicide by hanging. Like the person above said many believe that IU and yoongis song eight refers to her in it since they were really good friends. Also when Chan-sung and her went to Chan-sung best friends restaurant sanchez and you guys were like there you go like if Sanchez and the girl should be together but Sanchez actually has a girlfriend they mentioned her in like the first couple of episodes and he has talked about her and mentioned his girlfriend lol I think you guys missed that or forget about it but yeah he has a girlfriend and it was said in like maybe episode 3 or 4. Then also the guy that’s from man-wols past which is a cop now you already know what he is to her he was like family to her and and best friends and was part of man-wols gang and the reason why Mi-ra or the princess are together in the present life or second life is because the deity said that she loves it when people from there past life meet each other in there second life and since there wasn’t really a love story in there pst life’s there would be one in there second life and since I’m there past life’s it’s not a happy ending and one of them killed each other then they would be loved in the second life and also the reasons mi-ra or the princess killed part of Man-wols gang is well because the princess or mi-ras have the order and she was the one who killed them since she had that power but the guy that betrayed man-wol didn’t kill him because he doesn’t have that power and is the leader of the princess guards so it was mi-ra or the princess doing. Then on the part where you guys forgot when the friend who killed all those people when he was looking at the car with yu-na when they followed him it was the moving truck it’s when they moved locations like at the beginning of episode 9 and the reason it was under Ko Chan-sungs name was because they technically needed a humans name and just made it since he was the manager of the hotel but wasn’t at the time and then the girl yu-na couldn’t have made it since she is in high school and probably still underaged in Korea so it couldn’t have been made by her so that’s why they used chan-sungs name and you guys seem surprised at the end of the episode when it was the old place but it has been the old place for a while remember that when they moved out they had to move back in or move back because of some inheritance tax because if they didn’t pay it they had to move back or else they couldn’t move out. Also man-wols friend or now cop have different names there not the same ones you guys didn’t seem to realize that it was him when he showed up in his new life lol but him/cop and from his past life have different names and also they already cleared up in past episodes that chan-sung is not the guy she was in love with from her past he’s not the second life of the guy from her past he’s just Chan sung and the guy is another I think that’s the best way to explain it and Chang-sung is not the second life of the guy from man-wols past remember in earlier episodes he said that he has thought about him being the second life but he said that not possible and even man-wol said it’s not him also if you think about it this way the reason maybe why the dieity sent Chan-sung is for man-wol to move on from the guy and fall in love again because if you think about and watch the times the tree has bloomed is when she get more and more worried and falls more in love with chang-sung and the only way for her to go to the afterlife is when the tree blooms and it’s always been dead until the dieity sent Chan-sung and well there in love you could say and now the tree is blooming. Also about the part of chan-sung and his mom you kind did see why she didn’t want people find out about him or her son because she didn’t want him to be born and in a way that kinda explains it where maybe she was ashamed which is sad and that’s why Chan-sung said his dad was the only one who wanted him to be born and well his mom didn’t want him and maybe being pregnant at the time when she was maybe she felt like it was shameful or not good in her times or maybe her family would have thought of her in some way and she didn’t want that because when before Chan-sung opened the book she said for him to get rid of the pictures so her family never finds out about it so I guess you kinda have your answer there. And when Chan-sung was vacuuming and the pictures fell it was his dad and him when he was little in the pictures. omg sorry for the long comment but it seemed like you like you guys neede some answers lol I hope you read my long paragraph and cleared up some confusion or questions if you did read it thanks for reading all of it lol and like you guys said you really have to be reading and watching carefully more reading so you could know but also I don’t want to sound mean or anything but josh I think the reason why your sometimes confused or don’t know what’s going on is because I have noticed that when your watch the episodes sometimes your not reading the cc and sometimes you do that when it’s something important and the answers to your questions that you ask have already been answered lol I just recommend maybe reading more of the cc 😅 I hope I don’t sound mean or anything but I have noticed that sometime you don’t read the subtitles and I’m like noo you missed some important stuff but yeah again I don’t want to sound mean or anything but it’s just something I’ve noticed that you don’t read the cc sometimes and miss stuff and later on confused but like you said you have to focus a lot more on the cc and your right these final couple of episodes get crazy and have to really pay attention to the subtitles to understand everything 🤍anyways can’t wait for the next episodes and next episodes for descendants of the sun!