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The 10th and 13th live stream of the seoul concert both fall at times right before work 5am Friday and 4am Monday if I converted the times correctly.. so we won'tbe able to watch real time. I am more than happy to purchase a 1 day or 2 day pass and record and watch it after work if you would like to see our reaction. We might record only one of the days and enjoy the other off camera like we have done before. Whats your thoughts

** see you tonight for yoongis vlive here and also unboxing Season Greeting 2022 on yt



whatever of these options works best for you guys! watching one with us and enjoying the other on your own time sounds great πŸ’œ


Whatever works best for you guys. The 2nd date March 13th would be Sunday morning for you guys, 5 am eastern time right?

Bernadette Roberts

Whatever is convenient and works best for you both :)

Neha Neeraj

I love watching with you. Any day would work for me as long as it works for me :)


That would be amazing 😻 whatever suits you… more than happy to watch one concert with you and you can enjoy the other concert in peace! πŸ’œπŸ―


Anything you guys decide I’m up for 😊. If I understood right you guys would just be watching the replay since you wouldn’t be able to live? πŸ’œ or just record the actual live concert like when it starts to watch it later like you said if I understood correctly :)


Thank you πŸ₯° - would love to watch it with you guys. It’s Thursday and Sunday morning EST, not Friday and Monday, I think… πŸ˜€πŸ’œ


Thank you so much πŸ’œ. I would love to watch your reactions to the concert. I don't know what time it will be for me since I live in Portugal but I'll see it when I receive the notification. I purple you πŸ’œ


Yes. I would like to watch you r reaction to concert. Thank you so much


I'm up for whatever you guys post

Renea Tidwell

I would love to watch your reaction


Yes, I would also love to see your reaction to it and share the excitement with youπŸ’œ But whatever works for you is fine!


YAAS! Jimin may kill us all Josh...I saw sheer shirt and new tattoos and their outfits seem different from LA PTD!


Cait! Your time conversion isn't right :( 3/10 and 3/13 concert dates are Thu 3/10 at 5am ET (which I watched) and Sun 3/13 at 5am ET! (FYI: This Sun is spring forward!): https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220313T090000&p1=235&p2=2222

A. Brown

I would love to watch your reactions if you would like to post them. I always have fun with you both. πŸ’œπŸ’œ