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For me personally, 2019 is my favourite season's greetings. Don't wanna spoil it but i love how they shared bits and pieces of their youth with us. Plus their clothing style and the summer vibes were everything. 🥰 It was also my first to watch after becoming an army in 2018 so shows/dvds during that era mean a lot to me. 💜 I feel jhope on the whole liking december thing. Winter is my favourite season and i absolutely love december. Being able to see all of the christmas lights in the streets, the christmas trees, giving presents to other people, watching the snow fall from the sky, going sledding, skating, it really is such a joyful time. I understand for the majority of people it isn't for many reasons and also seasonal depression is very real but for me, it's dreamland. Ohhh i actually have jungkook's picture from this photo shoot on my wall. :') The one with him leaning his head on his arms. So beautiful. 💕💕 My bedroom is extremely small and literally everywhere you look there is something bts related and it's hilarious to see how some people react to it. For reaaaaaal jin with blonde hair/dirty blonde is superior!


Here's a blog that has the pictures: https://guwoljk.tistory.com/164

DeJané (DJ)

This isn’t that long ago but they look so young here! I love reliving these moments 💜


My favourite seasons greeting are 2019/2020 /2021


they took this in 2016 so i think it's pretty long ago. it's five years ago so... also idk is it just me but it feels like there's a huge gap between 2016 and 2017. somehow they look much more grown and mature in 2017 compared to 2016. it's magical🥺


Awww 2016 was the first year I spent with BTS from beginning to end and seing them answer that question about their proudest achievements of 2016 is surreal knowing this was filmed before WINGS was released and 2 months later they were winning their first Daesangs at MMA and MAMA... boy they really didn't know what was coming none of us did 😅


To answer your question, all of bts's natural hair colors are black


Not all of them have naturally black hair! Some of them actually also have naturally dark brown hair, like Yoongi for example! (He mentioned it in one of his V-Lives) 💜


Thanks for the correction, I actually went off of their baby pictures bc in all of those their hair looked black. I just know for sure that non of their hair is a lighter color like the one Hobi had in the video lol


Thanks guys ! My first time seeing this.