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I def can see how you guys felt bc I’m very emotionally invested into my characters and it’s why game of thrones was rough for me lol squid game was cool and I enjoyed the concept and the fact that it hurt to lose the characters is the point… the pain, the human element to the story overall is at the core the point. Almost like this could happen to so many people of all walks of life ya know…. But you also have to remember it was supposed to be a movie and then something happened so it didn’t happen and then the show took longer to make I believe… but like the climate that this was made they never could have imagined it being Netflix picking it up and it being as big as it is especially with Kpop gaining popularity and a lot of different Asian media is getting more attention… and more of a platform ya know. If they knew that in the beginning I’m sure it could have gone more places .. but who knows lol I’d like to see another season and background of the front man and stuff like that but who knows


I think them killing the characters just as you start to like them is the point, it creates a bigger reaction because if they killed people you didn't care for it wouldn't be a big deal, and if they build up characters that you love but never kill them then it would be predictable. Also I'll be honest, I think the reason you're not in love with the show is because you guys missed the hype for it. When the show first came out it was all anyone was talking about, the amount of memes you literally couldn't be on the internet without seeing something about it 😂 but by the time you two watched it the hype had died down, so you didn't have the same experience as everyone else, coz part of the reason people loved it so much was because you felt like you were in a big inside joke