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Hey guys Just wanted to say Happy ARmY Day . I recorded a solo video lastnight in my kitchen to say what Im about to type. I decided not to post it but still wanted to say a few shorter things than me rambling. I appreciate and love each and everyone of you. Your recent messages with this whole situation have been uplifting and got me out of how I was feeling way faster than having to deal with it alone. 

Because of how I grew up and tragic goodbyes they have scared me so much that I get very emotional around anything that is out of my control such as losing something that I love.  I felt so helpless and I don't want to take away from everyone's positive messages but want to point out something that I felt but was also pointed out to me. 

The person who got the page deleted is still here. Not just on one account but on multiple accounts. While I was fixing all the videos they were only finding  videos that didn't work and commenting but coming with multiple accounts to say the same things.  There motive was to make us look bad, try to push us to respond negatively. Not saying those who literally wanted to watch those videos are being grouped with these accounts. 

When a new person comes in it will say if they are new new or been with us for an hour, returning etc. These several accounts doing and saying the same things came on the same day if not the day after. The sifted through only videos that didn't work and commented the same thing over and over. They then responded back to one another within minutes. It was like on random videos that wouldn't be viewed or in the middle of a season of Bon Voyage that I would think if they were new new they would be starting from the beginning. It was also like the emails being like jhkjgkjg as if they just typed super quick to come back faster. 

some of the dms were really rude pushy with zero patience being demanded of something out of our control that I feel like we fixed pretty quickly with how much work needed to be done while still uploading new videos here and on youtube. 

The day we got deleted and we were tweeting about it. One youtuber did message us to get the story after we said we were going to find out who did it. Its like one of those things if Im closer I wont be suspected. We told them everything and the conversation ended than the messages came in faster. LIke hit us when were down. I wont say who it is because we dont battle hate with hate. But our intuition has been right all along. 

Long story short I am only looking for Rookie King Ep 5-3 currently but everything is fixed. Every video is on google drive and has a link for Mac, iphone, pc in the description.  Each new video will be posted on dailymotion with a password. I ask that it someone randomly asks for a password please don't give it to them just so we don't have to go through the same situation again. 

I see Google Drive has some delayed processing when something is new or exceeded views. this was the fastest method of fixing the amount of videos quickly. We are thinking as we start posting on dailymotion google drive will be getting less clicks and everything should be working smoothly. 

As many of you are already Aware dailymotion has uploading restrictions that don't fit our needs if we were to upload many longer videos at once. You can post 96 videos daily but with our longer videos it could only amount to 2hrs and each indiviual video can only be one hour long or it needs to be broken into parts.  We will try our best to change videos from google drive to dailymotion especially if there is processing are exceeding clicks on those videos. If you see this message you can comment or direct message us, There is a possibility if you come back to it later it may be working. 

I think the reason why it exceeding clicks yesterday is because the person who was going back to videos not working and just checking what work from what doesnt work. Sorry for the long message just wanted say this so we can enjoy the Run together.  

Looks like Festas won for Fridays and summer packages came in a close second. So we will be doing Festa than summer pkg. A new poll will follow after we finish them. If we catch up on Run. Run will be one day of the week than festa and summer pkgs like that. That wont be until we are caught up on runs tho. 

looks like I did ramble. feel free to message us about anything just getting lunch together for the girls now but Im free to talk. 



im glad it’s fixed. but i’m also wondering who the person is (if it’s a youtuber) so i know that i’m not supporting or subscribed to them. also happy army day !! 💜


Im glad that you guys are doing better now! And I hope whoever those people are will get hit by Karma soon. There is no point with spreading hatred and greed.

Lizeth Hernandez

Im sorry for all the negativity and all the people being mean. Thank you so much for your time and effort to please us!!! I purple you 💜💜💜


You guys only deserve the best! Truly 💜 thanks for always working so hard. Happy Army day


First and foremost, Happy Army Day!!! 💜💜💜💜💜 Glad to see everything up and running again. Secondly, is there any way to kick that person out of you guy's patreon or completely ban their ip adress?? They sound bitter and rude af and i don't want them to try and sabotage y'all again :( ((ALSO I'm really looking forward to the festas!! Woohoo!!!))

Bri Nicole

Happy ARMY day💜💜I don't understand how people can be so mean and like to put others down. I hope you guys handle this situation the way you want it to go, you'll have real supporters whole genuinely love, and appreciate your whole family☺and to that person, KINDLY FCK OFF, PLEASE AND THANK YOU😊😊.


Same here! I dont want to meddle but I also want to check if Im subscribed to them so I could unsubscribe!

Tanya perez

Here's a toast to things only getting better!!🍷 HAPPY ARMY DAY GUYS! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I'm sorry that people did that to you guys, but ignore those haters just like what BTS said and did. All the army will be supporting you guys 💜

Mich Sm

Thank you for explaining to us. Enjoy your army day above all. Ps: I'm still hoping for weekly Idol. Thanks again

Susan Schmoyer

I truly am sorry for everything that happened. You are all such a sweet family and I don’t understand why bad things happen. But here is to bigger and better things! I wish you all the luck and I will still be supporting you like I always have! We all got your back! 💜💜


Happy ARMY day! Thank you for all your hard work trying to fix these videos, it’s annoying that uploading platforms like dailymotion come up with a bunch of rules like how many videos you can post in one day and how long they can be but keep your spirits up, you’ve got all of us watching and supporting you guys 보라해! 💜


Happy army day! 💜 keep positive vibes

Do I look like sick⁷

Happy ARMY Day! I love and am so proud of you guys. Even if you cried or felt beat down you guys were strong enough to fix it and still bring yourselves to continue. I hope that you guys see better days and become stronger as each one passes! 💜💜💜💜


Whoever this person is, why are you being so cruel to fellow humans man, this fam is not even hurting anyone. Is it a competition thing or what..there's enough to go around. Anw it's messed up. Positive vibes to you Josh n Cait💜! You've handled a tough situation very well imo. It's totally understandable tt this has affected you emotionally. Hope you're taking care of yourselves

Alishea Ally

It's scary to think that person or persons are still here wasting their money on complaining about your videos. You guys are a wonderful family and it's sad to see you being targeted like this 😢 To the person who reported them: go watch bts videos on your own you don't need to harass the Murisans for a reaction video when you can watch it for free. Thank you for staying positive and doing your best fixing all those links so quickly 😊 Happy ARMY day 💜


Happy army day!! 💜 I don't want you guys to worry too much about this problem. We know how genuine and kind your hearts are. You guys have been open and honest with us since day one so we'll definitely look out for you like real family. I can't believe that someone can be so petty and envious. It's childish. I also just wanted to mention since festa won the poll, would you guys be interested in squeezing in their Christmas party special? It's from 2013. It's up to you! (: The video is split into two parts and is about a half hour long. Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNIV8IbuOJc Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa7XtF2VxWc Have a nice day and i can't wait to watch the new run episode tonight. 🥰


Some people are so pathetic. smh. I seriously hope I don't support them. Why are they even wasting time on someone else? If they are a youtuber then they should invest that time into their own channel. PERIOD. BUT Im glad everything is going ok for you guys and you aren't letting it bring you down. I was honestly thinking about cancelling a few of my subscriptions this month because there are some new channels I would like to support but I unfortunately cannot support everyone at the same time but after hearing about all this I decided immediately to stay and support. Even though its only $3 coming from me haha. It just makes me so happy to see you guys in the videos looking upbeat still and not down and depressed and you worked so hard to have everything up and running quickly and I greatly appreciate that because sometimes I like to go back and rewatch old videos that I have already seen a million times lol. So excited for the future with all of the new options you guys are bringing! HAPPY ARMY DAY 💜💜💜💜


Firstly, Happy ARMY Day! Borahae! Secondly, who in their right mind wastes their time to go through all of your videos just to complain and spam? Honestly, they need to take time off the internet they're losing their minds. Is their a way you can report them or block them from your account? If they are youtubers I want to know who they are so that if I'm subscribed to them I can unsubscribe, I don't want to support someone who is this malicious. I hope you don't let their negativity get you down. Love you guys 💜


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feeling with us. I always support you guys. Take care. 💜💜


Love you guys for being real and sharing this with us. Happy ARMY day. Borahae <3

Line Henriksen



HAPPY ARMY DAY! Truly... I think all Murisan Patreon Fam Gang whatever you want to call it lol have taken the words out of my mouth. I truly hope that person finds a dang life to live (I hope you see this too) because you're being a sad human being right now. Why would you want to be so wicked? Truly, Cait & Josh, you guys have become my #1 BTS reactors and it's been that way for a longggg while now. It's the hard work, the consistency, but most of all it's the sincerity and how we can see that you guys are enjoying it sooooo much, even to tears and everything. You guys recovered from this entire situation so well.. I'm worried about how we can fix this with this person being an anti. But I hope we'll find a solution very soon, it looks like yall have caught up to their ways as well so hopefully they can be removed from here. Truly appreciate & love you guys. I'll follow yall wherever you go lol. Always remember though, you guys are humans, parents of beautiful girls, and have your own life to live. Life sometimes can get in the way so please don't worry too much when that happens! No one here is a robot or a perfect machine that can provide whenever and wherever (though you guys have done a dang good job of doing so lol). But pls do take care of yourselves always. We appreciate you guys. Once again, Happy Army Day and to many more years in our little Bangtan world. In twitter words: we in this bangtan shxt for life lol! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I knew it had to be a jealousy thing. Whoever is fcking with Josh and Cait should know that Karma is an ARMY. Love you guys and Happy ARMY Day to everyone here 🎉💜


It's a youtuber who is doing all this?? Is there a way to ban someone from patreon based on their IP address or something? I can't believe there are people out there who really just spend all their time being hateful. If they're a bts reactor or something they need to spend some more time actually listening to the things bts say and learn from them.


It's a youtuber? I only follow a few reactors, including you. I hope it's not one of them. 😔


Happy army day 💜💜💜


If a subscriber/patreon of yours is targeting, I really don't get why they would do that. You are honestly such warm, genuine people which is so rare in this world and you do more than your best for us. I'm not the one to believe in auras, but I always say that BTS excudes a certain aura of goodness and sincerity and I can say the same for you guys. I'm not just saying that. I'm pretty introverted and wouldn't go out of my way to write this if I didn't mean it. You're the kind of people I would be delighted to talk to in real life. I have never subscribed to anyone else's patreon, but I know some reactors have been for example army for a while and haven't reacted to even half of the Bon Voyages or Runs. They likely want to drag it out for money, maybe they hope they can drag it out for years because they know BV and Runs are often what people want to see others react to the most. You guys on the other hand aren't in for it for the money, are trying to catch up and actually provide us with so much content. It really surprised me how much you were reacting to. If you wanted to, you could also post twice a month a reaction here and try to make as much profit as you could with minimal effort. Instead, you do the opposite. It means a lot. If it is a patreon here like you believe it is that targeted you, and even potentially a YouTuber, I hope you won't let it get to you. You both don't deserve this. And this person also doesn't deserve the satisfaction of knowing they got to you. I can't believe someone would actually pay to be here, to support you, only to use it as a way to hurt you. You have every right to feel down. I remember watching the video where you talked about your past, it was very emotional for me because I could relate to both your pain. Your feelings are valid and I get how it must feel when things are out of your control. Please know you can't control others, or certain circumstances but you CAN control your own actions. Don't change and don't let it dim your light. Keep you head held up high. You both are fighters and survivors. It's not just stupid, but insensitive that anyone would try to sabotage you. I'm frustrated and disappointed in your place, so I can't imagine how it must feel for you. How hard we try to empathise, we will never truly get what you are going though with all of this. Hopefully it's a comfort that we all wish nothing but happiness for you. And many of your YouTube viewers are undoubtedly the same. They might not have the funds to support you here, but know they have your back. Things might feel hard right now. Hopefully tomorrow is kinder and brighter. This is only an idea, but you said you lost a lot of patreons so I thought of this while writing. Have you thought of maybe opening one link of BV (like the very first episode) to the public for free? It might draw a new audience or make people curious to check it out. In the past, I know some reactors did this (they sadly stopped with YouTube and reacting when I discovered them) and it made me want to watch more of such content. In my case, I didn't end up subscribing to their patreon since they quit. But I could see how people would be very inclined to subscribe to your patreon if they watched just one reaction. You have honest to God so much content here, I don't think other people could ever compare. And it's all amazing content too, pure gems. It's just an idea. I obviously already watched all your BV reactions (they were so good!), but it could give you an influx of new patreons. Your patreon deserves all the love and apreciation. Scratch that, you guys deserve all of it. I know from my own experience that I only started thinking of joining your patreon after I knew you were really doing all BV's, since I don't have a lot of money and I couldn't pay monthly to only watch like one episode. There's no way I would allow myself to do that, knowing I couldn't afford to pay every month. I believe many people don't realise the gold mine that's your patreon, which is why I suggested you opening one video to the public. The reactors that did this, actually shared one free link to a reacted every month I believe. In hindsight, it was pretty clever since people obviously go watch those free episodes (I for sure did) and get drawn into the reaction and look forward to seeing more and end up subscribing to patreon. I don't know if you guys watch any reactors yourself, but rewatching stuff with you both kinda feels like watching it with friends? It's so good to see your perspectives and hear your opinions. You guys bring up things I haven't thought of or point out things I didn't see or just share the smae emotions I felt. It's genuinely a joy to watch you and a fresh air in the fandom. I believe the fandom as a whole would benefit from watching you since armys deserve honest and genuine reactors who are passionate about BTS and good people overall. You might not be comfortable talking about the topic, but I want to ask if it's a YouTuber you were very close to that possibly targeted you? I hope not. If that's the case, I would feel incredibly let down. Again, you don't deserve people targeting you or messing with you.


To whoever youtuber that is, i hope he/she find happiness on what he/she achieved in youtube, be grateful for what he/she has & not throw hate on people who have what he/she doesn't have. The world is too big, youtube is too big, there is a place for everyone to succeed. Hope we can stop hating other people out of jealousy instead use that to inspire you to do more. Anyway Happy ARMY Day Josh & Cait. It's our day so just be happy okay? Borahae! 💜💜


Happy Army Day!!.. i have noticed too some comment shows no patience when the video can't play. Before that incident, if anythings happened i didnt see any of us here keep commenting "the video can't play" too often like they want it to be fix in a second.. we only said it once & we know you guys always take note and fix it immediately. To Josh & Cait, i always support & wish the best for you guys. like my bff ever said to me, " you'we strong enough, that why God put you into this kind of situation to prepare your heart & greater reward awaiting for you ahead. just believe in Him & youself". i know it hard but we can forgive those haters. its not for them but for ourselves. for our heart well-being & peace of mind.

Lenny Merlenna

You're one of those people who have gone far ahead in terms of BTS content and up to date with your reactions. You almost caught up with RUNS and now I feel that the only thing that is causing them to waste huge amount of time to go and make those negative comments is probably out of spite and jealousy. A true ARMY wouldn't do such a thing. I'm here because you are genuine people. I feel that ever since the beginning, I've not seen you not trying your best to put up content for us. So, I don't get the hate. But cheer up. It's a small setback. You will bounce up stronger and better after this. It will also help if we know who this YouTuber is, so that we don't subscribe to toxic people.


I've been busy with work all week that I missed Army day :( anywaaays Happy late Army day!!, this weekend I'm going to make a marathon with all the videos I need to catch up from you lol. About the problematic person/accounts I still can't believe how a person can be that pathetic and sad, psycho needs mental help fast. Don't let that person ruin all your hard work, true army are here for you no matter what, lots of love 💜


Happy Army Day!!! So happy to be part of Cait and Josh’s Patreon family! Stay strong - fighting!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Hello Cate, you know the best way to respond to the haters? Ignore their hatred messages, continue to live happily with your loved ones and us, ARMY 😄 They will eventually go away, even if they won’t, no one would care about them. They don’t deserve any attention. Don’t let the haters let you down, just care for those you love and who love you 💕


Happy ARMY day!!!! And stay strong!!!! 💜💜💜💜