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I wanted to respond in bulk to messages that I see in the comments and in dms in bulk rather than individually because I am having a hard time remaining calm and not crying my eyes out. The messages were my exact concern with this happening so close to a new month (tomorrow.) I see people saying about leaving and cancelling payment. That is completely up to you but I do want to point out that a cancel payment means you want your money back for the month of June that you may or may not been here for the complete month besides Run Ep 95. If you chose to leave till its fixed which I know based off mine and Josh work ethic will be tonight because we work until its fixed to place each video on dailymotion. I will make an account today and you can only upload 10 a day. So I will work backwards and start today for our last 10 uploads till all 300 videos are reposted and clickable. It will take me 30 days to have all videos restored. We will continue with our normal upload schedule and will still be posting Wednesday.  If you don't want to renew today into tomorrow even if you come back next week or the week after you are only paying $3 for the complete month weather it happens on the 1st, 16th and so on for those saying they don't want to pay for something that is not available right now it will be available later this evening.  I am sorry that this is happening like I said we were reported by someone who paid to have access to patreon in order to do this. We can jump to conclusions of who it just might be or we can dig to find out but in the end if you follow us on twitter you know we have had strikes two of which also happened from reporting.  All I can think is because someone in the same position as us that meaning reactor wants us know longer to be around.  

A message to the person who reported us: I know you see these messages. I hope it makes you feel better about yourself doing this but just know that just like bts haters, struggles etc. we will try our best and we will not get discouraged about doing something we love sharing something we love with army.  Stay Gold.  Just know that you are not just affecting us but also our kids.  We just moved into a new house and what money we do make here helps support our family.  We have the least amount of people on our patreon and our youtube compared to everyone else so why worry about us? You might be surprised but not as many people love us as much as you think and we are the only ones who see the number so we know who comes and goes.   This morning alone new month or not we lost 70 ppl and counting 

ps, thank you to all the people who have commented support and encouragement you truly mean the world to us I see your messages. 

i know these messages make things worse but I wouldnt have to type them if it werent a result of losing our upload platform because of hatred that someone will stop at nothing till we are no longer around.  



I can’t comprehend someone paying for access to content from a reactor only to report them for the reactions. That makes no sense to me. Seriously, stay strong. Take the time you need. We understand. We love you guys


People suck. I'm really sorry this is happening to you guys, it makes no sense to me either. You guys take your time we'll still be here 💜💜💜


Are you going to post the daily motion link on here?????


So much respect for you guys to get this problem fix as quickly as possible. I'm not going anywhere and I don't think most of your other patrons will leave either. Hope it all work out well.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you guys, I will continue to stay and support, no matter how long it takes. We purple you 💜


I don’t usually comment but I just wanted to tell you guys that I love it here and have been here since the beginning and I’m definitely not planning on leaving anytime soon. 💜 Please don’t stress yourselves. 💜

Do I look like sick⁷

💜💜 you guys are so strong and i love your passion and determination i know you guys will make it through this and im happy to know that ill see it 💜💜


Stay strong you guys, this situation is so unneeded and complicated, your family doesn’t deserve this. Most reactors are so fake and money corrupted and they hate to see anyone doing well, it’s a shame that people have such evil hearts. Thanks for updating us and always being honest as well. I’m mostly busy because of my work schedule but your videos on YouTube and on patreon always helps me when things get stressful. sorry for my English. Have a nice day please.

Murisan Family Vlogs

Im looking into how and where I will get something upload by tonight hands down. Its going to be like nothing ever happened because its our site we upload to not here that were having the issue


Stay strong. Stay Gold. Borahae. Don't let this get into you okay? Continue doing you


I think one way to avoid your videos being taken down would be to upload it to google drive and then share the link


People can be ridiculous, I just rolled my eyes so hard at whoever is reporting, why do this?? Seriously, you guys are amazing reactors especially with everything currently happening, your move, Josh's health scare, family life, everything in the world.. Please take care, take all the time you need!


I don’t understand why some people have to be cruel. To be cruel to amazing people that don’t do anything to them. To be cruel to amazing people that mind their business and just want to do the things they love doing. I’m sad this happened to you guys. You deserved none of this. We love you guys and stay strong💜💜💜


You guys put your all into your videos and give so so much content it's crazy. Never thought of leaving in the first place let alone now when your trying everything to sort things out and are in need of support. I hope you keep your spirits up. Love to you both and the girls 💜 Karma will come to those who have such hatred in their hearts


Stay strong this was an unnecessary situation and I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’ve been watching your videos since when you were baby army’s and I know how genuine you are , I’ve grown a strong bond enough to not leave by something like this. I’m still here . People are so evil I’m so so sorry , hopefully it all works out . Keep us updated on changes and where we can watch you. Please don’t cry Cait, stay strong . Bts and us love you guys


I keep coming & commenting because i feel sad & hurt too...


this is so messed up and not fair. like i can think of you guys and three other channels that are genuine and love bts and are army so this is just insane to me. i'm so sorry its happening x


Also try google drive and posting a link to that video . It’s worked for most people without copyright issues


Stay strong, we are here with you 💜 no matter what happens I will follow you in every new step 💜

natasha richardson

I've been here from the beginning I've no plans to go anywhere but it sucks that someone would be that cruel 😡


That is absolutely ridiculous that someone payed money just to report your content. I would say just remember that there are plenty of people, like me, who have no intention of cancelling at all. You have real support so don’t stress about people sending hate your way or cancelling membership every month. We purple you 💜

I love myself

Hmmm, stay strong. Army and BTS are there for you. A lot of hate is going on about BTS and Army but as they always say, we shall overcome the storm together. Stay gold and ugh" 🙄 to the haters💜💜💜

Alex Sarmiento

Stay strong! We'll keep on supporting you. Although I started supporting you for the content, I stayed because you have been one of the most genuine ARMY reactors I know. It felt as if I was watching or rewatching BTS content with an ARMY family. Stay gold. Purple hearts to you and your family.


Stay strong fam!!! Hope you know that there are people that are always here for you!!! Will stay as a Patreon dont worry!! 💗


I can't believe someone would report you. I'm going to keep supporting you no matter what


Also maybe you can look into other streaming sites like ok.ru?


Stay strong 💪 Fighting!!! We'll still be here for you. Don't stress yourself too much. We know you try your best at everything. Borahae 💜 take your time.


Just like Jin said “people succeed when others say negative things”. The person who reported you is just probably jealous of the love ur receiving!


Here to support you all the way 💜


I cant believe someone will do this to you guys. If its a reactor can someone tell me who is it please? Maybe Im subscriber to them so I can unsubscribe asap and not gave them money. Hopefully its not from my other 4 patreons because it will be so disappointing following those kind of people.


This is really terrible. I'm so sorry that someone so spiteful would do this. Don't worry, i'm sure many of us will remain and continue to support you guys until everything is back to normal 💜


stay strong💜


stay strong 💜 so upsetting that someone would do this :(


I’ll always be here because both Josh and Kate makes me feel like part of the family. What reactors out there make you feel like that. I love their reactions it is always an excitement when I see a new post. My message to the bully!!! Why? What satisfaction do you get out of this? To hurt a family who has done nothing but tried to make us feel at home and make us laugh. I hope you know this behavior is childish. An if you get pleasure from see someone else suffer maybe you should ask for help.


Cait, this seriously hurts my heart that someone is devious enough to try to hurt you, your family, and all your hard work. It's sad that there are people in this world who have nothing better to do than hate on others. It sounds like they need to take some advice from BTS and learn how to love themselves. Because without loving yourself, you can't love anyone, and you won't spread love. So this person must really be struggling in life, and that's sad. But we true Army are here with you, and will be here to support you. So don't cry, because love wins over hate, and good always defeats evil. Stay strong! We will all be here waiting for you!


This is such a horrible situation, I’m so sorry you have to go through this :( stay strong 💜


This is my 1st time to comment cuz I’m a silent watcher but I really enjoy your genuine reactions that’s why I decided to subscribe to your patreon, I sometimes pay late coz of financial difficulties but rest assure that I won’t leave because I really enjoy your reactions, stay strong. 💜




I'm sorry this is happening to you, I've been here from the beginning. It started with YouTube and than patreon because I honestly love you guys, and I will still be here. I have a hard time puting my feelings into words. So I purple you, stay strong.💜💜💜


한국인 계세요? 무슨 일이 일어난 거에요 설명좀 해주세요ㅠ

Alishea Ally

I'm so sorry you're going through this, I never knew someone who paid to be here can even have the guts to report such a nice family like yours. I do not think you should jump to conclusions and think another reactor did this, that would be a far stretch. Reactors generally don't talk about one another or from what I've seen so far only some like the black guy reactors would send BTS challengers to each other. My most likely guess is a "fan" who maybe started to dislike you in general did this. There are more of them since you mentioned the stikes on youtube and you have had a history of the thumbs down/hate comments especially towards Josh in the past. I do hope you can solve the problem before it escalates and I'll stick around since I've been here since the beginning of your first reaction with you guys. I feel like both of you are my family now but take care of your mental health first and not worry about whos leaving and whatnot because people come and people go 💜


I’m sorry this is happening to you guys ): I do hope everything works out. This is so messed up. Unfortunately, I do have to leave, BUT don’t worry I will be back in a week or so, once I get the card that I use specifically for Patreon straightened out. It’s gonna be alright C & J. Karma will come around for the person who did this. Keep your heads up. Fighting. 💜💜


I’m staying and I’m sorry this has happened 💜💜💜💜💜💜


I am not going anywhere. Stay strong, there are people who are supporting you. You are the only Patreon account that I follow and will continue to do so. Note: This happens to a lot of BTS reactors because of the hate, I heard. I have also heard that reaction videos have copyright protection through Fair Use doctrine, I am sure you are looking into that. Fighting!

madeline z

well i am not going anywhere! i know that this sucks but i hope you can stay strong. i will always support you 💜💝


i love you guys. been with yall for more than a year and i'll continue to support you. it hurts my heart to see something like this happen to you :/


I usually never comment but I just want to say, i am staying because I enjoy your reactions. I can see you are genuine about liking our boys and that's why I feel good whilst watching your reaction. I don't follow many reactors so I didn't know people will be so vile to try and take down entire channels for reactions, like why? Anyway, just know I am planning to stay, take your time to fix any problem


i am not going anywhere you are my favorite reactors. stay safe and strong we love you




Stay strong!! So sorry that you have to go through this.. 😢 I will be here. 🥰👍👍💪💪


omg that is so cruel to report you.. but never forget! You have the BTS boys and ARMY Family by your side and we aren't going anywhere soon! We really appreciate what you do for us and it is hard to see you struggle .. Stay strong, stay gold!! <3 Love you guys!


just dropping in to say that ily, patreon or not upload or not. youre my favorite youtubers for like a year now and ill never stop supporting<3


I don’t get why someone would do this to you guys you are one of the most genuine army reactors imo. You don’t do anything except show how you love and support the boys. I’ve seen a lot of reactors who only do it for clicks and views and a lot of army’s don’t even realize that. Watching reactions from WAB:the eternal MV is really an eye opener. Anyway stay gold guys I will be here and I’m sure most of your loyal patreons will be here as well. Borahae!


누가 신고를 해서 사용하던 플랫폼이 막혀서 모든 영상을 재생할 수 없는 상태가 되었다고 해요. 다른 플랫폼에 어카운트를 열어서 다시 업로드 해준다고 하는데 하루에 10개씩 업로드 할 수 있어서 30일에 정도 있어야 모든 영상이 다시 재생 가능하게 된다고 해요. 예정되어 있는 업로드는 계속 스케줄 대로 진행되고요.. 💜 답이 되었나요??? 😀


Stay strong Cait and Josh!!! I know you are genuine people who love BTS and care for people. I feel so bad that you are going through this. I love your reactions and I’m not going anywhere. Take care and stay strong!! 💕💜💕💜💕💜


I’m so sorry you guys are going through a sucky situation but I’ve been here since you first made this account haven’t left once and won’t unless god forbid this account get taken away completely hopefully your able to resolve this issue so you don’t have to transfer your videos elsewhere 🤞🏼 .. I Literally watch a video every night to caught up 😢 but stay ARMY strong we always get threw the tough times. Stay Gold💜


Stay strong guys! 💜💜💜 we purple you!


LISTEN! Don't say things like: "You might be surprised but not as many people love us as much as you think" That's so wrong. You have so many people here on patreon and youtube who love and cherish you guys very dearly. I enjoy coming on patreon and watching your videos because they truly make my day better. I adore hearing your commentary about the boys and your own personal stories, laughing and even crying together has always been something i looked forward to each day. I've grown to consider you guys as family just like bts. The people that leave are missing out and i really hope you start focusing more on the number of people that stay. Those are the people that really matter. We love you very much. I hope your days get better and everything gets figured out. Regardless, i will continue supporting you guys. 💜


Stay strong you guys... 😢😊😶 don't give up hope. The ones that really care for and support you guys will still be here to help you out as much as we can!! 😊💜💜💜

JSKM 보라해

I'll never leave you, so don't worry.We are sending you an upload so that you can watch the latest video again.


Stay strong and don't give up. I can't believe that already 70 people left. Such a shame. Borahae💜

Jennifer Akins

Oh I'm sorry this happened! It must be a case of jealousy. Well, for what it's worth, I am a fan and I am staying.

Tasha C.

IM NOT FUCKING LEAVING!!! (In my Leo DiCaprio Voice)


Im not leaving such kind hearted and sincere people. Let's stay gold together 💜


I was with you guys from the beginning. I had to canceled last week because Im short on some payments because of Covid. Hopefully Ill get back in a couple of weeks to next month. Stay Gold. I really don’t understand the situation. Who would do this? Anyway, I am looking forward to your reactions. Im behind on the runs. Hopefully everything is back to normal next month for the both of us


You guys shared so much with us from the beginning of patreon till now and continuing I enjoyed listening and watching your reactions I love you guys and I hope you stay with us for a long time


people are so cruel and hateful :( i hope everything gets resolved! i will still be subscribed to your patreon regardless 💜💜 stay strong. and stay gold


It makes me sick to think that it’s possibly another reactor doing this to you. I wish I knew who so I could immediately blacklist them for life. Jfc I am sorry this is happening. I don’t know how much difference it’ll make but this is no where near enough to make me leave. I’m sorry people are not more understanding and are bailing on you. I’m here for the long haul though! You guys are some of my favorite reactors. Stay strong. Stay gold! Fighting!! 💜✊🏻


I was with you from the very beginnig and i'll stay with you!!💜


I’m here to support you! Fighting!!! 💜💜💜 God bless your family 💜💜💜


Im so sorry this is happening this is such disgusting behavior 😭. We love you guys and restart or whatever we will be here!


I feel sick to my stomach! I just woke up and read all these messages and I just can't believe people actually do that kind of stuff?? What is the point of such pointless hate? I don't have a lot of money at the moment but I'll upgrade to a higher tier just for this month to help cover for the people who have gone.


I will not leave! I support you guys cuz you both are genuine army and i love watching your reactions. Its seriously so sad people feel like they need to stomp on others to get ahead. You both dont deserve this! Like you said, stay gold! Those who are staying and supporting will be there for you to get through this. Karma will get the better of those who did this to you. Im thankful that you both are willing to post them all again.


Because of that, I edited my pledge to $5 today. I hope everything will go back into place. I will never leave because there are only a few genuine reactors I follow. I would rather spend more to genuine reactions than leave and support another one with fake/ reactions for clout.


Stay strong guys, I support you 💯% 💜💜💜💜


I’ve been with you since you first began reacting to BTS and although I’ve never commented I have always appreciated how much work you guys put in to your reactions and giving us content. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and shame on not only the person who reported you but the patrons who are leaving because of it. Y’all put out more content than anyone else I subscribe to and without complaints. I highly respect you both and will continue to support your channel. I wish the best for you! 💜


I am so sad to hear that😥 I know how nice you are, you shouldn’t be treated like this...Stay strong 💪 We’re here to help you get through this together. I believe good will prevail over evil. Remember Karma is an ARMY 🤣


to whoever report your account i hope he/she sleeps well at night. Just keep going, we'll follow you to any platform you decided to go 😂 We are your babies haha Keep going, always remember what bangtan say Spring day will come. 💜


Could it be another streamer doing this?