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Alishea Ally

In the beginning that is DNA (Pedal 2 LA Mix) It's on the Love Yourself: Answer album =) when yoongi revealed what outro: tear lyrics really meant army was crying so much. I couldn't believe this was how the members were feeling and it makes me more thankful that they pulled together in the end and stayed together 💜


LOL i know what you mean, i will never listen to tear the same way again. Their conversations were extremely open during this episode and i love when they share their thoughts about important stuff like this with us. Cait, it's interesting how you picked up on jungkook being the most quiet while the boys were talking about hardships and their past thoughts on disbanding because you're right. Jk is absolutely terrified of the idea and it's understandable considering he was raised by the boys and grew up with them and feels very attached to them to the point he feels like he wouldn't be any good on his own. He tends to keep to himself and once talked about how when they were struggling he would often drink and cry by himself. Jimin also did the same. It's good to know they're in a better mind set and i hope they're all doing okay right now. This whole pandemic really sucks.. for all of us. I'm curious to see what you guys will start next once this series is over. I'm still looking forward to more AHL. 😌❤ I'm one of the very few who loves that show.


Ahh this episode was heartbreaking to watch. As an ARMY, I, myself have a hard time thinking about that moment so I can’t imagine being in their position. But I will say that I admire them so much because they have such a healthy mindset and are so emotionally intelligent and self-aware about fame and their career. They always make it a point to end things on a positive note, like yes they went through a really hard time but more importantly they were able to overcome it together and be in a happier place and be stronger and just continue to enjoy the present. 2019 was really a great year for them and they seemed so much happier. Selfishly, I hope they’re together forever lol even if they’re performing in chairs and I’m in a wheelchair or using a walking cane lol I’d still be there and it’d still be a fun time, but again that’s me being selfish and thinking of my ideal world lol. Also after finding out TEAR was about the members, I will not be listening to it the same lol re-reading the lyrics after watching this episode...man did I cry lol

Alex Yeezus

Definitely Outro Tear hits different after hearing the actual meaning behind the song


This episode hit me really really hard, especially the last statement. This episode answered all my concerns and questions that I had about BTS. It explained why they are able to balance everything and remain humble. When they were talking about letting go what they have, Jimin made me kinda worried because I can see that the moment will hit him hard. But I think he was just being really really honest and didn’t want to lie to himself. Jimin is someone who thinks deeply and tends to think more about the negativity and risks. But I believe in BTS. The members will help each other and lift each other up. I trust in their healthy mindset and emotional intelligence. I am rooting for them to make another legendary thing: the first group who has steadily STAYED GOLD and always been the PRIDE of ARMY. There is NO SHAME in their game. I genuinely hope when that time comes, BTS will be able to land smoothly instead of crashing. I wish that they will be able to maintain their names as shining and bright and positive as always. I wish that none of them will face harsh criticism or scandals that may contaminate their names. I wish that BTS will be remembered in the history of music as an amazing legend forever. I wish that my future grandchildren will learn about BTS in their music class and I will share with them about my ARMY life during 20s (the most beautiful moment in life) proudly and happily. I wish that all BTS members will be still respected and admired by younger generation after 40 years. I wish that they will still be together as good friends and brothers. Then, I will feel that I live the most wonderful youth and I’m grateful that I was born in the same generation as BTS. 🥰FOREVER WE ARE YOUNG 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


OH BOI, your comment just speaks up my heart. Thank you! Now I don’t have to write another long ass comment ^^ 10000% completely honestly relate and agree with what you said. I had to reread TEAR lyrics again too 😭


This episode was such an emotional rollercoaster! When I first watched it I was crying the whole episode.. but I am thankful that they show us this because I think ARMY needed this to be prepared when this day comes.. And to find out about the real meaning of tear makes the song even sadder .. And I really loved how joonie talked about what BTS is and that he compared it to a rainbow who could suddenly dissapear.. Anyways I think this is one of my favourite episodes from this docu-series just because it is so raw.. And for Fridays I would suggest that you finish the last episode of rookie king and then make a poll just to have this complete :)


When I first finished this episode, I just sat and cried for a long time. It was such an emotional episode. From Tonight being played (I cry every time I hear that song) to them discussing the fact that they will have to let it all go someday (I’m with jungkook on this. I’m not ready to have that conversation) to learning the true meaning behind Tear’s lyrics..it was a lot. Like Joon once said in a live, “perhaps I just wanted to cry and i needed something to trigger me.” BTS often is that trigger for me. 😭💜


i got the phone 💜 so excited 💜


I just found out that there are only 6 artists that performed with a sold out tickets at the legendary Wembley Stadium: The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Queen, Taylor and BTS


really? how about one direction or ed sheeran tho


This ep definitely was the most emotional :(((

Line Henriksen

Tear has never been the same after watching this episode 😭

Lenny Merlenna

Hi guys, I didn't get the phone as I am an Apple user and old habits die hard.. so I don't think I'd ever get used to an Android phone. I've tried before and I actually missed my iPhone.. hahaha.. however, I got the Galaxy Buds! They are too pretty to resist. Like a another ARMY friend said, it is going be a pair of purple diamonds in my ears. Anyway, on a slightly different note, after watching this episode, listening to TEAR will never be the same again. I remembered listening to it, and reading the lyrics trying to understand who this song was meant for.. and what exactly is causing the pain in the words. When Suga mentioned it was actually meant for the members and how they are trying to cope with the reality of staying together or to break apart, I cannot handle it. Like what they mentioned, as much as they are mentally preparing themselves for the inevitable, us ARMY would have to start thinking about it too.. how are we to cope? how are we going to accept that reality? Can we bear to wake up one day knowing that they won't be 7 again? It's a hard pill to swallow, but like RM mentioned, it's about living the NOW.. enjoying what it is now. So that when one day that happens, we won't have regrets. Small solace for a future that is uncertain.


In the begining, it's DNA pedal 2 LA mix, it's on Love yourself Answer album


I got the phone, I was due too. My LG6 is 3 years old and my memory is close to full. This episode was so intriguing. They really let us in on what they think about their careers as entertainers and how they might feel when they can't physically perform at this level anymore. The quote at the beginning of Black Swan reflects this too. Luckily if they take care of their voices, they can still sing their whole life. It's still so tough to hear what it might be like when they break up and that they really had to face that in early 2018. I'm still confident they will try to stay together as long as they can and I think we'll get performances and music from them their whole life. I don't think Yoongi, and RM could ever stop producing music, and I don't think Jungkook or Jimin would ever stop singing. They all will take breaks at some point but I think they would return to music.


it would be great if you watched some vlives, theyre very fun!


this made me miss the boys so much more because I was at wembley 😭 I’ll never listen to tear in the same way after this, I reread the lyrics and got so emotional


It really hurts to think about bts not being bts anymore... I can’t imagine them not being in my life. I hope they’re together for a lot longer 💜


For suggests to react to I would love vlives (you could make a poll each week and people vote for ones to watch). Or going through and watching 1-2 bangtan episodes. Some are short so you could do 2-3, and others are longer.


I suggest Vlives for the polls!


I suggest gayo or bangtan bombs


I suggest Vlives and the summer packages throughout the years! But most of all, if there's anything you're most interested in, please react to it and I'll support!


Love your reactions so much as usual! You guys are always the most genuine, and i really appreciate your empathy and understanding when it comes to Bts. There's also an emotional depth there, in which you're able to relate to whatever they say through compassion


I totally agree with J-Hope when he says he hopes their end as a band comes as a landing and not a crash. I was forced into retirement when my company was sold after having been there for 35 years and it did me in that I didn't get to leave on my own terms. I think these discussions hit JK the hardest because he is the youngest and most athletic and feels that he has many more years in him, whereas some of the older members might be starting to feel the physical strain of constantly performing at the extreme levels that they do. One thing they talked about that I disagree with is their insecurity about being irrelevant if the group disbands. Each one of them is talented enough to be a successful solo artist and they would already have their loyal fanbase built in, but I hope that is a long way down the road. Thanks for your reaction. I bawled too when the Wembley fans sang to them (even though I've seen it a hundred times before). I wonder what Hitman Bang thought of that..it must have touched him too.