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Hey guys,

Josh had went to urgent care before finishing work today. If you guys remember last year around this time he was in the hospital for his thyroid and flushing his kidneys and heat exhaustion just in time that could of resulted in Kidney failure. They wanted him to go to ER to make sure its not Rhabdomyolysis which is a potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from the breakdown of skeletal muscle fibers with leakage of muscle contents into the circulation. The most common causes are crush injury, overexertion. This also affects the Kidney's. He is going to come home and see how the cramping is. He was nervous heading over because of the virus. We will keep you posted on when and what we are gonna post.thanks for understanding



I hope everything is alright! Sending y'all good vibes 💜💜💜


Take your time💜 you’re in my thoughts guys

Marisol Pulido

OMG! seriously guys you don’t need to post! i hope josh feels better, but if you need some time that’s absolutely 110% ok. health is important, we can wait :)


Dont worry, thinking of you guys, hope he feels better soon


hope everything is okay. be safe...


Omg no problem pls take your time to take care of your health 😥 I wish him all the best! Josh! Pls know that It’s gonna be okay and that we ain’t mad at you! Take as much time as you need 🥺

I love myself

Wishing him quick recovery. All the best. 💜💜💜


sending thoughts and prayers 💜💜 take as much time as you need


Please take care. Wishing him a quick recovery and no complications, you take care too Cait 💜💜💜


I’m praying for your guys, take care ❤️ I hope everything will be ok for Josh


Omg hope everything turns out okay and hope Josh gets better! Don't worry about us, we'll be waiting patiently, just please take care! 💜💜💜


Please take your time and take a break there's not rush to come back xx stay safe and healthy 💜💜

Susan Schmoyer

Take your time!! I hope everything is okay and that Josh gets better soon and is well taken care of! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts! 💜💜


Dont worry about the posting. Health comes first. When you are in good health, you can post as much as you can but now focus on your health first. I hope Josh getting better. Hope he continue to be positive mind as it might help too. Our prayer always be with you guys & we all here love you guys.

Tanya perez

Sending up prayers for our buddy Josh! I know all will be well. Hang in there💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Don't worry about us, dont worry about posting for now. We will understand and we understand. We would like it more if you guys are healthy and well. We are praying for you all and hoping he would recover quickly and that would everything would turn out fine for Josh and all of you. 💜💜💜❤❤❤


OMG! Don’t worry about it. Take care🙋‍♀️ I hope get better soon josh😉

DeJané (DJ)

Don’t worry about posting. Take care and hope you’re well!


Hope he gets better soon! I've been so worried since I heard, on twitter, he was in urgent care 😥 Sending love and healing thoughts! Please take care💜 we Army all look forward to seeing Josh come back healthy and reacting to our boys. Take care💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Hope he feels better 💜

Katja S.

Don't worry about us or posting anything at the moment. Health is the most important thing right now. I hope everything will be ok and Josh will get better soon 💜💜💜


I hope everything turns out well for you guys.


Feel better Josh! Sending you thoughts and prayers 💜 please don’t worry about posting, we all understand. We just want you healthy and happy.


I hope all is well! Don’t worry about posting, we just want you guys to be happy and in good health 💜


Hopefully everything’s ok. Don’t worry about run, his health is more important 💜

Alex Yeezus

Wish him a speedy recovery, I was also feeling sick the past couple days and definitely understand health and priorities come first 💜💜


Hope he gets better soon, wishing you guys the best and sending positive energy! 💜


Praying for Josh to have peace of and that his diagnoses is something minimal and easily treated. We care more about you taking care of yourselves than giving us content.💜


Holy shit. I’m sending good vibes your way!! I hope he’s ok. 😫😫


OMG!!! I am so sorry to hear that! Thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts your way. I hope Josh recovers well soon!!! Lots of love and you all take care!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Omg 😥 I hope that Josh will get better soon. Please take care and don't worry about posting as your health and well-being comes first. I'll pray that Josh 🙏 have a speedy recovery and hope u guys stay healthy.💜💜




Don't worry about posting anytime soon. Just take care of yourself and I hope Josh will get better soon. Lots of love.💜


I hope your family be happy and healthy. I'm here for you guys. Please be strong! from KR 🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜


Hoping Josh is feeling better soon💜💜💜

Alishea Ally

I hope josh will be okay and that it is nothing serious, don't worry about uploading anything until he is all better 💜


Hope Josh gets better soon. Take care and stay safe..


Praying for Josh 🙏


Sending prayers and good vibes your way!!💗💗 love you guys please don’t feel like you need to post. Focus on getting better and staying healthy. No need to rush💋


🙏Keeping Josh in our thoughts! You too Cait! No pressure, but feel free to update us on how y'all are doing fam


Please take care! I’m praying for you, Josh!!!


omg so sorry to hear that.. i hope he get better soon...

Do I look like sick⁷

Oh no I hope you all are and will be okay. Speedy recovery Josh! 💜💜💜💜 and please don't worry about posting I would be happier knowing you guys are okay and well than a run episode


I hope he gets better soon 💜 hugs


Prayers and thoughts going out to your family. wishing Josh a safe and quick visit.

Léa Esteves

You guys take care of yourself 💜 health is the most important 💕 i hope Josh gets better soon!

Mich Sm

Not gonna lie, i'm Worried, so i'll try my best to send you positive vibes. please, take care and come back soon.


Oh my 😞 praying for all of you guys especially Josh. Pls do take your time, health comes before anything!! Safety first safety second & safety third! I wish Josh a quick recovery. Stay strong Cait. See you guys whenever things are ok again 💜


Hope he's good. Sending prayer 💜🙏


Noooo... Josh get well soon..😢


Hope he feels better soon. God bless you guys. Stay safe.💜🙏🏻


Praying for you guys! Take care josh, get well soon💜


We are all praying for you. I hope he feels better. Don't worry about uploading videos and please get some rest.


I will keep you guys in my prayer. Get well soon Josh! 😊

Line Henriksen

I hope Josh feels better soon. Stay safe and sound 💜


Oh no Feel better soon Josh. Take care of yourselves. Get well soon.


Sending lots of love and prayers 💜 stay safe , get well soon ✨💗

Eva Gutierrez

hopefully Josh will feel better and Safe at home. praying for all of you to be healthy!


get well soon, Josh! I hope everything will be okay with you guys. take care 💜💜💜