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We are still without power in a few hours it will be 24hrs. I came to the car to charge up the phone. We will have to replace all the food we just bought but we are all well. I will keep you posted on filming tonight and when the power comes back on. Thanks for all your messages.



Oh my God! Take care guys. Please stay safe!


Filming is a low priority, you take all the time you need to take care of your physically and mental wellbeing 💜


Be safe always. Take care. Please prioritize your safety.


What Liza said! 🙂 Thinking about you guys! Hopefully you can feel all our love, support, and good energy during this stressful time. 💜💜

Mich Sm

Thanks you for keeping us updated. But please take time to rest, ok?


Thank you for keeping us updated, please take your time and be safe! That's our first priority!


It's good to hear that you are all well. Stay safe... We are willing to wait. So don't worry about us.


Its ok take your time have the day off please be safe and stay healthy xx💜💜


Stay safe please!💜


Damn. What a great housewarming gift. 😂😭 Take this time to rest your minds for a bit! We’ll all still be where when you get back. :)


As long as yall are good it's okay😊

Jona Manalo

Don’t worry about us.. we will wait for you.. just be safe..


No worries guys take your time and be safe. 😍💜

Katja S.

Take your time. You don't have to worry. We can wait. it's more important that you all are good and safe. Real life comes always first.

Amanda Rose Reyes

Oh no stay safe!!! Y'all take all the time you need your family is more important we understand!! 💜💜💜


Omg thats insane. You guys literally just moved and you're having these issues! I hope your power comes back on soon! I hope the weather isn't too hot either! I live in MA and its pretty hot right now! I can imagine the girls must be going insane too:(


I hope everything gets better.