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Hey guys quick question for whomever sees this before Friday. I am getting our schedule together for Youtube and Patreon for this week and next week. I know you guys wanted us to go to BangtanSubs for Rookie King this week not to miss out on what the boys are saying although the subtitles will be harder to read for you guys so I wanted to find those videos now. I only saw a playlist that went to episode 4. We are filming episode 6-3 and 6-4 Friday. I found a channel called  Channel Bangtan https://youtu.be/vgn-VxSZqR8 here is the link. That has episode 6-8 and wanted to know if this is a good source or if im just not seeing it on BangtanSubs. Long story short can someone comment the link for episode 6-3 and 6-4 so we  know where you would like us to watch it from? Thanks so much, 

As for SNL this week we were thinking about not posting because of BangBangCon we may post something on Youtube for it not sure yet but if you have any ideas for SNL you still want to see if you can also comment/link them so I can make a poll and put that up for next week.



Don't worry about SNL just enjoy bang bang con😊


Hey so I just watchted the link and I think it is a good one to use it! :) I didn't look up Bangtansubs yet though.. and don't worry enjoy the bangbangcon just as much as we are :) <3

Tanya perez

It's going to be all about Bang Bang Con!!! That's what all Army will be doing. You guys just get your Army Bombs out and enjoy!!!


Have fun and enjoy BBCON! Don't worry about uploading, all armys will be enjoying it as well! Get lots of sleep prior, 11pm to am est is crazy but it'll be so fun💕love yall <3


Hey guys, don’t worry about uploading on Saturday. I’m sure most of us will be watching BBCON along with you guys too. I have a requests for next weeks SNL performance. It’s the 2017 KBS performance. It’s so good, they performed 5 songs. I hope you have time to react to this. Also, I hope you and your family are doing well at a time like this 💜💜 Here’s the link with eng subs. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=2ahUKEwidvt6q8NPoAhULYcAKHY6oA18QtwIwA3oECA4QQw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dh06JtyTjG6g&usg=AOvVaw2i9oj2lezFLpNIxMANRzsy


As far as I know, Bangtansubs didn't translate episodes 6-8, because they are already translated by Channel Bangtan, so the translations are good to use! Have fun and enjoy BBCon<3


I so badly want you guys to watch the bangbangcon with us! The concerts are all extremely amazing. The hyyh epilogue concert and wings tour are my favourite concerts that the boys have done and that's all i really wanna see from you. :') They're both incredibly emotional eras and i hope you watch certain performances with us. For the epilogue i suggested whalien 52, young forever, and i need you which is all featured at the very end! The wings tour and their solos is a major thing to look forward to as well along with born singer and spring day. I wish we could sit here and watch the entire thing together but i know that's probably not gonna happen or is possible but whatever you guys plan to do, i can't wait to see. Enjoy the stream. ❤️


Yeah bbcon starts at 4am for me 🤞🏽