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dalbang drama.mp4


Alishea Ally

Thank you guys for uploading your re-reaction again :) this is just my opinion but comments here are a bit harsh on you guys and it makes me sad they could be pointed out in a nicer way rather than criticizing where you went wrong. I think since I'm similar in age as you guys I understand where you guys are coming from, you both respond in a respectful and good manner from what I've seen and you shouldn't let it bother you too much


thank you so much guys! ☺️💜


please don’t be so hard on yourself, we love you so much! 🥰 you even said in the last video that you would react to it today if we wanted it so I’m not sure why people were rude about it :/ keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing great and always make me smile :)

I love myself

Love you guys always 💜💜💜


Thank you for the reaction! I feel sorry that you guys feel that way. Let's be respectful to each other.


Yay! Thanks so much for posting this :) I knew you would enjoy watching it again. We all love you guys and that's why we want you to watch things because we want to share the moments with you. So for myself, and I assume for most people, we just want to share all the times possible. Also quick question, should we message or leave comments if we have specific requests or information for you guys? And is twitter messages or patreon easier for you guys? Just to make things less stressful? I hope the moving is going well and not too stressful for you guys. I can imagine it must be an extra stress during a stressful time already. Take care of yourselves!


Also you saying about the hashtag makes me so sad. I've watched so many reactors and there are quite a few that clearly don't care about bts. I cannot understand how people would have anything negative to say about you guys? Your love and appreciation for the boys is so clear! I have tried to recommend you to lots of people on twitter, so just know there are a lot of people who appreciate you guys!


Watching the members act out these arguments that are based on true events make me so curious about how the arguments went down the first time haha And yeees they took out that scene when Jin opened the fridge. So sad because it was such a highlight haha. Jungkook is the cutest in this haha. His lines and expressions are adorable.


Please don't feel bad, there's always gonna be mixed opinions and I think many Armys forget that not everything was clear when they first watched many of these videos... honestly, there's a lot of times where one of you will point out something in a BTS video that I never noticed before! It happens often lol You guys are great and one of the most dedicated reactors I know of. Thanks guys too for this re-reaction ^^ 💜💜💜

Tanya perez

Just watched part 1 of BTS' uber fun and hilarious 100th run episode today and from the highlights I can't for part 2 next week! It will be great to watch your reactions to it! Keep doing what you do!!


It wasn’t a big deal to me tbh I wanted you to enjoy it on your own time lol anyways I love you guys too and hope you are doing well 💜


You guys should try not to take some of the comments to much to heart if u let it effect you it’s going to burn u out and put u off from posting here and it’s would be a shame. You will never make everyone happy. We pay because we enjoy your reactions I’m glad you guys rewatched the drama with us so sad that it was due to some negative comments. Y’all are doing great and if u are to tired or to busy to upload just let us know most of us understand. Plus your in the process of a move too.


thanks so much for posting this, im sorry some people took it too far (really hope I wasn't one of them). all of the comments were super unclear but it shouldn't have been that big of a deal... anyways, I know you guys are totally genuine and really care about your followers. thank you guys for doing these videos


Hey guys! Just wanna remind you that you work so hard for us viewers and even though it may not seem like it sometimes, we are very grateful for you! I especially am so happy I found your channel bc not a lot of "bts reaction channels" genuinely love the guys like you do. Im sorry for all the negative comments you guys got about yesterday, I just went to look and I saw some ppl who were just being mean. Please just know if you need a break we understand. The last thing I want is for these negative comments to get to you. I love you guys so much!! You nice, keep going!!!


I also just wanna say that no matter how good you are and no matter how good ur intentions are, you will always get keyboard warriors to try and taint ur image. I for one know how that is, and it sucks. And they wont listen no matter how much you try to explain urself. My advice is just to block and report. Not worth your time at all. Sending all the love to you guys!

Lily Wrenn

I second Aliesha's comments! We appreciate you 3000!


Focus on the positive comments! I know how hard it is to ignore hate and negativity because that's all your brain wants to fixate on but just remember you have a lot of people who adore watching you and love seeing you upload content. You can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. It's just not realistic. You're doing the best that you can and that's good enough. Keep your heads up. I noticed people were being way too harsh yesterday and could've phrased what they wrote in a nicer manner. You are only human after all and have feelings and emotions too. Not only that, you guys also have a busy life. Thank you for being such amazing people, we appreciate all of the hard work you do for us. Have a lovely night. 💜


Hi Guys! Here is something maybe you haven't watched yet and might be interested. 1. GO! BTS (just one episode, you can find it on youtube.) 2. Summer Package 2015-2019. 3. NOW 1-3 (NOW series are like early version of Summer Package, they made photo shooting in different countries.) 4. Season’s Greetings 2015-2020. Thank you for always doing interesting reaction videos, your videos are like the medicine during this hard time, too.


You guys are definetly amazing reactors I hope you ignore all of the negative comments because you definetly have a ton of positive ones. I also agree with you with just relxing and watching content and not being in detective mode because I do the same. I love this channel by the way you guys are my favorite reactors


You guys are great don’t stop!! I’m sorry for the rude comments you guys have been getting. :/ 💜


You two are amazing and funny you guys crack me up. I just want you two to be happy.


You are awesome!! I hope those comments don't get too much to you.. <3 We love you!


We love you guys💜


Hi! Do you know where I can find the Now series? I can only find some clips of it.




I have a huge respect toward you guys. It not easy to edit video. I just started my YT channel & it need a lot of commitment to edit a video. You guys done a lots. You guys should feel proud cause you put a smile on me & fellow Armys here. 😉. I always looking foward for your video.


Thank you so much!💜💜💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜💜💜The first thing what I do in the morning is watching your reactions. You make me feel happy, so don't pay much attention to bad comments. You are great! This drama is amazing, and if you wat more of it, watch the reaction of BTS to their drama. It's so fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMBcfIIzQlU


I was definitely one of the annoyed ones in the last vid but I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate all the effort you guys put out. I was just annoyed that these last episodes had been leading up to the drama and then you cut it out 😅 And it's bc I care about you guys content that I even got annoyed, if I didn't I wouldn't be here let alone commenting. I'm sorry if I made you guys feel bad, that's never my intention. ❤

Lenny Merlenna

First and foremost, I really appreciate all that you do, you guys have the most content so far out of all the other people who reacts to BTS. And so organized.. you know what and how you’re doing the reaction.. it makes following you comes with so much ease. Don’t worry about the negativity.. we are here because we want to.. no one is forcing us to stay.. you guys are amazing.. just know that..


this video does not exist. :(