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run 67.wmv



Winter package please!! ❤️ It's great and so adorable. ;-; I would really love you guys to watch it as soon as possible. It's my favourite one so far. You guys are already getting pretty close to catching up so taking a little break and watching other content is a great idea honestly. No matter what you choose to watch, it'll be amazing.


I’m happy with the two runs a week! It’s completely up to you guys though, whatever you want to do ☺️

I love myself

Winter package on Wednesday please. I am still ok with whatever you guys decide


Winter package since there is only one. This is my favorite so far of the packages


Yoongi was the only one without a book, jimin had one! He was laughing bc he got caught before lol


I don't mind winter package on Wednesday or Monday. Bts gayo you guys still have alot of time to check it out . It is about 15 episodes .Then the new episode they did is run bts 89 &90

Alishea Ally

winter package would be nice


The lie detector thing isn't real! It's just a toy. :'D There's an option on it to shock you if you turn out to be lying however, the staff were nice enough to turn the shock off for the boys. Hobi was worried about it. xD


Yeah I think they missed the part where it said there would be 6 books, and 1 wouldnt have one. the directions always go by so quickly


I personally prefer to stick with the old schedule (2 runs per week) but I’ll to see winter package on wed just this once. After that resume back to Runs because there’s still lot to catch on. But I’ll respect whatever decision u made~


I'm fine either way with 2 runs a week still, or dropping to 1 run with another show. Either way your gonna watch everything at some point so the when isnt that important to me! As long as you continue run episodes still ! I can't give those up! haha


You should check out winter package or weekly idol


I also prefer 1 Run Episode and another show!! But whatever you decide it's ok!


I think I one run and one other thing each week is a good idea because there is a lot of content you probably aren't even aware is there. Since there is all the memories dvds and behind the scenes tour content as well. And yees! I really like gayo so you should try to get to that at some point. This link shows a lot of the content that's there that you could watch https://sung-jaelly-fish.tumblr.com/links-tags


this ep was sooo funny! btw i would like to see winger package since it’s new, very cozy and chill to watch and wholesome! 💜


Just a hint, the answers are often in these parts [ ], so keep and eye on what they say. The answers wasn't studying, it was cartoonist. And if you think you've missed something, just go back and check. We want you to understand what's happening so we definitely want you to go back and see what you missed. You were a bit distracted by the drinks so you missed a few things like Joon showing that he had a book and the fact that Jimin did have a book. In the clip they showed, his book fell over. You can see that he had one. You should just hit pause when you want to share your stories with us so you don't miss parts of the episodes. Also can I quickly say that your relationship is really sweet and I love how you seem like really close friends, as well as being married. Just the way you talk and interact with each other is really sweet. 💜


yes you should definitely get to the gayos they're so much fun! and they're also short


yess maybe one run and winter package to start with?


I definitely wouldn’t mind having you guys react to the winter package!!!


I really want to see your reaction to winter package and the summers! And Gayo maybe after you finished with Run?


I'd love to see you guys react to the winter package as well as previous summer packages :)


you can do weekly idol and after winter package

Alex Sarmiento

Can you react to the time jimin and v first came to the comic bookstore? It was part of their comeback show video back in 2018 Included in the video is how bts members recharge too. https://youtu.be/eJJaVtSnFhM You can also react to the full video of their comeback show for 2017 https://youtu.be/NP0O5VMyrBA 😊💜


You missed some points only 6 of them had a book and one didn't, you missed when Joon accidentally showed his book and Jimin did have a book it fell over anlso the answer was cartoonist they did say it. Don't hesitate to pause or go back ! We all know that the instructions goes to fast and sometimes they all talked at the same time so it's hard to keep up with the captions. When you watch korean variety show they do these kind of games (at least from what I've seen) :) I would prefer you to keep the same schedule at least until you catch up for Run since you're not that far away now and the Run are coming back soon so I feel you're going to be even more behind if you start watching less Run now. I would suggest doing a winter or summer package or weekly idol or whatever show you choose instead of a live on saturday. Gayo is the variety show they did before they started doing Run


Can't wait for run 69 70 71 those are my favorites.😍 i didn't understand run 68😅

Lenny Merlenna

I’d still look forward to your RunS on Mondays and Wednesdays cos there’s still a lot to catch up.. and they do get better.. maybe can slot in the summer or winter packages after you finish rookie king.. in any case you probably are intrigued abt the packages yourself so anything you decide we’ll still watch..


You can react to WP. I knw you guys eagerly want to watch it. So after that maybe Summer package, but watch it in order. SP/WP is like mini BV diff is BV is completely vacation, for SP/WP they work while playing some games.


definitely wanna see your reaction to Winter Package 2020!! it's sooo good! can't wait🥰


If you are going to start of the packages i'd recommend starting with: NOW 1 Thailand, NOW 2 Europe and NOW 3 Chicago since they were the pre summer packages and then doing 2015 Kota, 2016 Dubai, 2017 Palawan, 2018 Saipan, 2019 Korea. Then theres Seasons Greetings 2015-2020. Honestly everything is alone Miintaes Website which is super helpful. Theres also multiple concert dvd behind the scenes making of for Red Bullet, HYYH, Wings, Love Yourself, Japan Concert behind the scenes and then also Gayo on V-Live. Then theres also Memories 2014-2018. Honestly theres hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of footage that they have created over the years. I think do it as you like but as theres so much content it depends how fast you want to catch up on it all. I started In March last year and watch about 2-3 hours a day and am only just finishing up everything they have ever put out.


I like the 2 runs a week There’s still a lot . but if you want to try a new show I’m fine with it on Wednesdays , the boys were not treated well at all on weekly idol so I’ll be skipping that but if you want to experience everything that’s great :)


Bangtan gayo is really fun! I'd love to see that!


Jungkook was in such a playful mood during this episode. 😂


i like the more runs