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BTS AHL 2 1.mp4



It’s such a bittersweet series to watch cus there is some really fun and happy moments but also the way they are treated throughout is so awful, especially taehyung. Really appreciate you guys watching it though and experiencing it as army💗


I feel sorry for Taehyung when I watch it ;(

Sharonda Dent

The first couple of episodes are hard to watch because you love them so much but it gets better. I think ahl was an important part of the boys life it helped mold them in to the people that they are today. Everything is not rainbows and butterflies all the time. So please keep that is mind when you are watching it. I know a lot of people do not like ahl but I feel if you love the boys and want to know about them you should embrace everything about them. I respect them for going to usa and learning what true hip hop is not just the music but the history too. A lot of people dont do that. Keep watching you will see how this experience helped them in the long run and made them the men that we love, admire, and are very proud of.


He is just disrespectful,especialy with Tae,you wanna see more bad moments but later the things go better for him ,I dont want to spoiler more.I like some parts of the show but they are more like just funny clips and some cute moments.


guys this is a reality tv show and i know that there are some clips hard to watch but at the end of the day they wouldn’t just drop bts in a dangerous place and let them be. they had their crew with them and this had to be planned. although i still don’t agree with everything they did to bts, i understand the purpose of the show: to make them learn about the harsh reality of hip hop and just hip hop in general. at the end of the day this was a show that really marked them, they mentioned the show a lot of times through out the years which shows they still keep a lot of memories from it. if they had completely hated that show they wouldn’t probably never mentioned it again.


It is a boot camp. They are not suppose to handle them with kid gloves. Hip Hop is a very straight forward no holds culture. There were a few people in the series I wanted to hit over the head because they were disrespectful and just rude but overall; the boys were treated with respect because they truly showed they loved hip hop and were not just using it as a gimmick. Hip hop is a way for many people to have a voice when they are not given one in society to talk about social issues and change. They take it seriously because it’s their life. There are a FEW cringe moments but this series is a must see for any true ARMY. The boys love and respect the culture and as fans we should applaud them for exploring it and not exploiting it.

Murisan Family Vlogs

I agree with you, like I said in the reaction I had some tough teachers when I grew up in school and they for sure sculpted my knowledge of that subject. Thank you for the comment appreciate it.


Thank you for uploading today! I was really hoping you would for AHL. :') I really do love this series. The video is smaller this time.. i wonder if there is a way to make it bigger? If not, that's okay! <3 And the thing is.. we can't baby bts and protect them from everything. They have to go through these struggles themselves and they're strong enough on their own for sure. Having support is great but bad things will happen and that's life. Just like military enlistment coming up. (It's not really a bad thing but it will be harsh training.) Bighit knew what they were doing by sending them over. It's all a memory now for them.


I’m sorry but coolio is trash u can be a teacher of hip hop without being disrespectful or xenophobic. They way he treats tae in this episode and others is beyond disgusting to me did u see kookie tell Joon to make him stop . Then 3J being so excited for winning dinner and the jerks with Coolio asking him if it was a jackie Chan collab with coolio ? When I see what they went through and where they are now they most DEFINITELY DESERVE THEIR PLACE UP TOP. Caits face was my mood too . Thankfully They will have a better mentor in a later episode an actual teacher of hip hop an icon who actually deserves to be called a rapper. Sorry I sound pressed but I really hate coolio lol .


31:30 this part is kinda sad when i think about it because during this era jimin was starting his diet (He also had one during wings which was severe) and when they brought up who's hungry, you could immediately tell from his expression that he's not happy. When asked who wants to eat? Everyone raises their hand in excitement and jimin is very very hesitant in raising his hand and still looks uncomfortable. But yeah as you guys said, there's a lot of funny and cute moments in this show so you'll be experiencing all sorts of emotions. Just have fun with the good parts! Smile! And don't forget to watch the behind the scenes when you're done. <3


It is not about being a "tough coach". Just because someone is different than you does not mean you get to belittle them and call them names. The way Tae was treated is not being a tough coach, it is just being disrespectful because he can. You will see what I mean in later parts.


It’s hard to watch the show bc I do get that sometimes you need to be tough on the boys.But there are parts in the series where they are kinda racist towards them or treat them poorly on things they aren’t doing anything wrong in.So I get that you need to be tough on them but I think the other ppl in the show went to far sometimes, I just hate the random insults or the subtle rudeness they might say to them, and they might not even catch it bc of the language barrier.I think one of the only ones that treated them well was tony and a few others


What about our sweetheart iris? 🥰 I don't wanna spoil anything but she was extremely sweet.


A lot of you guys comment here about it’s not “tough coach” but “being disrespectful”. I understand what you all mean. I agree with that too. But remember that it’s how life is. Big Hit did this to shape BTS of today. Because they experienced things that were hard like this, they have become humble and understanding. What I love about these 7 men was that despite being treated unpleasantly or wrongly (like you all think), they still keep their spirit up and being cheerful. I’m proud of them so freakin much. So I hope you all can stop complaining.


I love how you described it “bittersweet”. That’s exactly right!!!


I love and hate this show. I love the relationship that they formed with Tony, because Tony really had a life long impact on Jimin. Also bringing RM and Warren G together. As for a reality tv show and production side of things, as you know the Korean culture is very different that the US culture and there were a few moments that the Korean production crew stepped in to stop certain things because they felt it was shaming the boys on a level outside of a TV show. There are some positives, but honestly this show could have done without Coolio altogether, his disrespect was on a whole different level, thankfully once we get past Coolio there is only 1 other time that the production crew had to step in on a minor issue with Jimin. The best things that came out of AHL was Tony and Jimins relationship, Tae being told how special his voice really is, and RM's relationship with Warren G.


I can’t watch this the same way after finding out tony used them for clout after they got big :( it’s such a shame because jimin really admired him


I love ep 4 onward..i keep repeating watching it. But not the 1-3 ep..but here i'll watch again with you guys..


I agree with you on this but I kind of understand where the others are also coming from. Yes this truly shaped them and opened their eyes to the reality of life, to the reality of the real world. They have widened their horizons and perspectives and knowledge, not just of Hip Hop but of how life is in general. But people are also allowed to feel hurt and uncomfortable having to witness all these. Until now I'm contemplating if I should watch this series again, even with all of you here. I'm scanning the comments but still thinking about watching the videos. There are good parts, yes, but the bad parts are also really hard to swallow.. I'm proud of them for overcoming everything that happened here in AHL and also for learning A LOT, but let's respect each other's emotions. I'm sure the others are not complaining. They're just expressing themselves. AHL is both sweet and bitter mixed together after all.


I personally can not stand Coolio. I know he's supposed to be showing the tough world of hip hop, but you can be a teacher and still not belittle people just cause you think you're more powerful than they are. Cait mentioned that she felt Coolio was targeting Tae. Well, I'm sure you've watched it by now (or maybe not) so you know he really doesn't let up on him throughout the rest of the episode. It always makes me upset seeing that. Anyways. Just get through the Coolio part. All the rest of their mentors are super awesome!


I've watched AHL a long time ago, did not had the heart to go for a rewatch ever since and until now still contemplating to watch it with all of you guys here, but it hurts that I still vividly remember the part where Coolio said to Tae that he is the "dumb blonde" of the group, and Namjoon translating it to him and tae just letting out a smile.. Tae has a really unique personality that people who don't know him will really look at him as this really weird boy who goofs around and doesn't takes things seriously.. but damn, that is a little harsh still, even for him as a mentor. *sigh*


At episodes 5- to the last, it gets better. It has helped them, i mean look at them now. Tae has a unique personality, his strangeness makes him truly shine and what he is. I remembered they will say their thoughts at the end of the episode. IT just shows that Coolio literally had no education on them. Put one dancer on each other and one rapper, and go on from there. Make it fair. I would've done Jimin, RM and Jin. Then Suga and Jungkook. Then J-Hope and Tae. Make it fair, even out the field. Then every team has a vocalist, rapper and dancer since J-Hope dances and raps, and Jungkook sings and raps.


I just...don’t like it. I know it’s a boot camp and I understand that they’re pushing them a lot but there are A LOT of people who are *sses to them and call them mean names for not reason. Obviously there are nice people in the show (Tony and Nate) but i wouldn’t rewatch an episode like I would with run. But that’s just my opinion and I also agree that you should watch the series at least once as an army.


I agree, I understand that they have to be strict but the cast was just rude and disrespectful to them for no reason sometimes.Sometimes they wouldn’t be doin anything wrong or maybe did something slightly off and they just insulted them.Like I get it’s boot camp but you got to remember that they were teens in a foreign country with language barriers.And there was some things the cast would say that was insulting but bts might have not released it bc of the language barrier.


this series was just so cringey & frustrating to watch esp those people being so disrespectful towards them. I personally have love-hate feeling toward AHL, yes people disrespect them left & right but this show also taught them so much, from music to just be themselves & stick to who they are wc engraved to the boys up until now.


Yeah especially for this epsiode I have very mixed Feelings, because the way Coolio treated the Boys was not Right in my opinion. But they learned some important Things on AHL so I guess it is bearable. And look where our Boys are now! For me this Episode is really hard to watch but for me after that Episode It gets better :) And I also think that every ARMY has to watch it once so you can at least Judge it if you like or don't like it. <3 Love you! Thanks for the reaction!!


Oh no don't give Tony clout. He literally used BTS for his events and charged money. Only Nate is the good one


I don't know if you saw, but one reaction channel (fo squad or smth) invited Tony and he spoke kind of his side of the story. I'm not saying to trust him but thought it might be of interest.

Jennifer Akins

You have the heart of a momma. You don't want them to go hungry when they say they want to eat. Aw


I watched the video. He cancelled event and refund money. I'm not overreacting the situation. I understand Tony was saying. And Bighit ad BTS members never officially accused Tony. I believe still Tony loves our boys.