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Hey everyone this has took me almost 4 hours just today to edit the video BUT WE FINALLY DID IT !!! ITS CONVERTING  haha this is probably the worst problems we have ever had. We are going to be using weverse for all the runs now. I have no idea what happened.... Im just glad we finally got to watch it in full.

thank you everyone for being patient i know its a mess but it should be out in less than 2 hours its exporting then converting. love you all !



This is perfect timing. It’ll be out just in time for me to lay down and relax and watch and laugh. 🥰💜


I'm sorry you hade all those problems, but I'm happy you finally were able to fix the problems.😊😊


Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication in order to get these videos up for us!💗


Does weverse have the old run episodes? Only the new ones show up for me. Also thanks for your hard work, you're so good to us. I hope it wasn't too stressful for you guys.




No worries. I appreciate your hard work :)


Awww, I love you guys 🤗


No worries 😊 and weverse only have the recent episodes from 86 not the old one