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run 48.wmv



this is such a sweet surprise! I hope you and your family have a lovely christmas 😊🎄💫


Thanks for uploading it early. I hope you have a lovely Christmas 🙌💜💜💜


Seeing you guys' reactions to the reveals was so worth it lol 😂 I think the reason why Tae was such a big surprise to the members is because Tae is really good at acting innocent and oblivious so the members didn't even think to suspect him. He really is a genius:D


Wow thanks great surprise I loved this ep too also the run episodes have stopped for now


I kinda guessed that it was tae since the editors were not showing much of him but I didn't guess yoongi. Also, special appreciation for my boy jin who guessed everyone correctly but no one believed him lol


I remember when I first saw this episode, I had completely forgotten that there were three outsiders to find so I was so shook when Yoongi and Tae were revealed. 😂


Yeah you are halfway through the Runs now! It has been so fun to watch it all again with you 😊 I felt bad for Jin for constantly being suspected, but it was also kinda hilarious - he even became confused of his own identity lol. And then he guessed all three intruders right! Wish you a merry Christmas Josh and Cait! I hope you get some quality time with your family 💜💜


Yes there will be more episodes like these and you will see how Tae is exceptionally good at games like these. He observes people and is insanely good at acting (that we all know). Like Jungkook said, he is a real genius. You will see more of it in later episodes


The thing is with Yoongi is he's the exact opposite of Tae, when he loud and talks a lot he is definitely lying but when he is quite and keeping his words to a minimum he is telling the truth. So watch out for that


I'm so excited but today is Christmas for me so i´ll watch it tomorrow <3


Oh yes!!!. This episode was sooo funny . the first time I watched it I knew it was Jimin the second he smiled... and Yoongi I figured out when they found the bus ticket but Tae I did not suspect one second until the end. He played his role soooo well. Honestly whenever there is a game where a bit of acting comes in Tae just slays. He plays the innocent forgetful and seemingly "dumb" role so well It's actually scary how good he is. I love him. He wins lots of games this way. Merry Christmas !!! I hope you have a peaceful and happy time with the girls and all other friend and family!!! All the best to you and see you friday with BV.

Alishea Ally

I loved seeing your surprised faces! this episode was full of twists and betrayals, taehyung really is the best actor XD Merry Christmas to your family!


The boys love this game, on a smaller scale its called Mafia, and the boys play it a lot, V loves it most and even played mafia online with ARMY through Weverse, and none of ARMY believed it was V playing with them until they voted him out and he posted it on Weverse. In the Run episodes when the boys are on tour you'll see more of a smaller scale mafia, and i believe in either a seasons greetings, or a summer package they also played mafia. I do love when they do grand scale runs, and they did a few of them in this last season, so you will have some really awesome runs to enjoy!


Yeah right, Yoongi smiles and talks more when he’s lying.


You will see more episodes that have mafia games like this. It can be smaller or less complex version, but still we have to find the “mafia” or “culprit”. I love this game cuz it’s always very entertaining. Just some notice for you guys, usually if you see Yoongi talks / smiles more than usual, it can mean that he’s lying. If V seems to very calm, silly, quiet, or cautious that he barely talks, it means he’s up to something lol. I’m not sure about Jungkook though. He’s mainly quiet all the time. If he acts surprisingly engaging, he’s probably lying. But he can also act quiet to avoid being suspected. I can tell when Jin and J-hope are honest. RM is serious in these games. I haven’t seen RM playing culprit role so I don’t know lmao. About Jimin, he can act logically and talk a lot when he lies, but he seems to know how to keep quiet sometimes to.

Lenny Merlenna

Haha took me awhile to comment but we have such a place here called Kidzania. I think there's something like this too in some other countries around the world.. its usually a building with many small 'stores' inside for example besides the ones you see in this episode, there can be a radio station, the passengers cabin of a plane, a fast food restaurant or a pizza place, a fire and police station, a beauty shop, a travel agency, a tax office etc.. so kids go to each location to 'work' and earn money which they charge collect and 'bank' in their salary in the bank there, which in this case something like where Jin is supposed to work at. They have their own currency and even a credit card to withdraw money with and they can either keep the money for future visits or shop at the special store there with the money they earned. So like if there's a Pizza Hut store, they can go in, in batches to learn how pizza is made and after which, they get to take home the pizza. After each job completion, the kids will carry this passport with them which they need to get it stamped to show that they have completed the task in that store.. some places are more popular so they'll be a queue or some even have time slot in which you need to book early if the kids want to try the job out.. parents can be with their kids accompanying them but they cannot enter the individual stores so as to let the kids do the job on their own with a facilitator. Sorry for being too long-winded.. but just wanna share, the kids looooooove coming here and they can really spend the entire day in this place..