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Hey Guys we are so excited to see Season 4 with you guys we are so happy that we are all caught up with you. We can't wait till Episode 2. 

Thanks so much for watching and for your love and support. 





Omg yay so excited to watch your reaction! I’m currently traveling so I’ll only be able to watch it at night (It’s 10am here now)

natasha richardson

I've watched it already but I'm looking forwards to watching it again with you guys it's really good💜


I woke up & not in a mood just now.. I hate being angry early in the morning but i just cant help it.. Then popp i received noti & i gain my smile again... Hi Cait & Josh i just want you to knw that you have put a smile on me & i hope both of you have a bright smile & happy day too... I cant wait for the next ep too 💜


I love all previous BV seasons but this season is the BEST and it is even better because you guys finally caught up and watch it with us!💜 I'm sooooo excited to watch your reaction!🤗 Oh! FYI - be ready for the next week's episode! It will be 70mins long🥳 Thank you and purple you💜💜💜


So excited to watch it again with you guys!

Rodica Ogmar

Apparently Namjoon is allergic to shellfish, I don't know if that's true but I know for sure he doesn't like seafood


Waiting all day for this! This will only be like my 98976573 time watching it but somehow it always feels new with you guys.


Joon & Jimin actually are not fond of eating seafoods. haha


Why is the quality so low?? Is it just me?? o-o It's only available in 360p. Anywho thank you for the upload!! <3 It totally made my night as i couldn't stop thinking about this at work.


Waiting for kookie to drop this mixtape #jjk1


Hi! Is there any possibility of uploading with higher quality? It was so pixelated it was almost impossible to read the subtitles? I enjoyed watching the episode with you, but that makes it a little tricky!


I agree, that would be great! I didn't watch the reaction video yet because it's too hard to read. x'D I know it would be a huge pain to re-upload the entire video...


He's not allergic to crabs, he doesn't want to eat his sea friends. He says he always feels sorry for them. Even when they've played with stingrays or gone places where fish are captive, he always says he feels sorry for them.


Oh my goodness. Lol. The reflection from your computer was shining on your JK mini doll and at first I thought you had gotten some sort of different color changing light that went inside the box to light up JK. 😂

Lily Wrenn

Josh stop saying you're dumb. It does take you a second to catch some things but you are definitely NOT dumb. So cut that out Mr. You guys are both awesome and make so many of us who are struggling through our days very happy.


I think they used the airline's clips for the outside shots of the plane. Free promo for the airline so I'm sure they don't mind them using their clips. As for using cell phones on planes, you can use it but only wifi. You have to turn on airplane mode so that the only cell radios being used are bluetooth and wifi.


I was waiting for your reaction! This reaction video made my day. Thanks, Cait & Josh. BTW I noticed that Josh knew how to speak “one, two, three (hana, dul, set)”in Korean; You said it in the BV3 reaction video as well. I would say the pronunciation was perfect and assume that Josh has brilliant insight. Haha. so Plz don’t say you are dumb ;) I’m looking forward to watch the next episode. Purple U!


Im so happy to be watching this along with you guys. Im so excited for this season. The guys look happy to go on this trip. Also i feel suga on the wisdom tooth pain. I had all 4 of mine removed at the same time and i was miserable for a few weeks.


I’m excited but it is a little hard to read the subtitles I was struggling a lot but the stuff I could read I enjoyed it


Josh keeps talking about how good the quality is but we can’t see it because the video is so pixelated I wish I was with them watching it on there screen😂


First off. Cait. That is a great question. How DO they get those shots of the outside of the plane? Unless they just request use of promotional video footage that airlines use in their commercials. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Secondly...and this is something I’ve noticed a lot in your videos and haven’t said anything until now: Josh, please stop calling yourself stupid and/or dumb just because you miss stuff or might not completely grasp or understand something. You are not stupid. You are not dumb. There is a lot that goes on in their videos, bon voyage especially, and it’s hard for international armies because we have to both watch the captions closely and try to catch what’s happening in the video. So if you miss something or didn’t see something or whatever...it does not mean you’re dumb or stupid. I have to constantly pause and/or rewind cause I’m always missing shit or I’m not understanding something or I completely interpreted a moment wrong. So. Yeah. That’s my ted talk for the day. You’re not dumb. You’re not stupid. You’re awesome! You both are awesome!! Love yourselves guys! 💜💜


Josh, FYI - I am not 100% sure but it seems you guys are not watching it in full screen. I think it is why some buttons on your keyboard (i.e. space bar to pause) don't work. What I mean is, on the right top corner (next to 1080p), there is a square-shape button to enlarge the screen. And if you make it to full screen size, you may be able to control with your keyboard☺️ I hope it works :)


Finally I get to watch Season 4, thanks guys! Josh take care and hope the girls feel better soon.

Aiden Tomori

Who’s song is playing at the end of the video??


I loved this reaction guys!! I watched the ep when it aired and the whole time I was watching it I kept thinking aabout how much y'all would enjoy it ♡♡♡ (also btw what jhope, jimin, jungkook, v and rm were eating at the airport was indian food! What Jimin thought was tofu was actually a dish called paneer and the thing you guys called "fried dough" is naan. It kind of reminds me of what jamaicans (my family is jamaican) would call "roti". It is dough but the way it's made I'm not 100% sure. My grandma knows how to make the curry that goes with it tho 🤤) Anyways i really loved this reaction y'all! I loved seeing more airplane scenes than usual ♡


Wooo we are staring season 4 together. I'm so excited !!!!! I loved this reaction guys. I loved this episode and actually you pausing gave me the time to catch up too cause i'm the same way i pause and rewind a lot the first time i watch runs or episodes of the boys cause i don't want to miss anything haha.

Nasra Aboubacar

Please reaplod with a better quality bc i really can't read the captions guys :(

Lily Wrenn

FYI: The "tofu" was actually Paneer which is served in cubes so it looks like tofu but is actually homemade cheese. Quite tasty.


Btw. Did y’all catch Kookie’s arm tattoos during the untold story? :)


I see a few people talking about the quality and its confusing me. Do you guys watch on something different? I watch their reactions on my PC and the video quality of both the BTS video and their reaction are super clear. I can read the subtitles as if I was watching the video myself. Why is it pixelated for some people? Maybe do you watch on your phones or something that compresses the screen smaller? I could view everything in HD.

Murisan Family Vlogs

<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/5Badbj_NoI3R9uebdfF9ObgF3E8eY7weiIf-ndDp5mvenoGAiu_wtzAldh2tk9r5.jpg?token-time=1648425600&token-hash=c8b6FX0eMJS80iXOblIILZkH4bpeR5TL6ZOyoaHN1Wg%3D">

Murisan Family Vlogs

<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/HEJTDwqOjCs7xUC9UB48c-X0sEnZ93x-w2Sr0N5pPWvW3Q4_4eG2O2UpCELtRAy2.jpg?token-time=1648425600&token-hash=rDEqJDBfN9ZMO6DOtUMFiSv7NALNdhxPmsxzj3G0jzc%3D">

Murisan Family Vlogs

Goodmorning guys just woke up and was reading the comments. I saw some comments talking about the quality and reuploading it so I went and checked it from my phone since this video was uploaded in the highest quality. Weverse also doesn't give an option to change size or color of font. When i clicked in from my phone it was as clear as watching from pc. I see comments also saying they see the subs and its in hd not pixelated for them. So not sure the cause for some of you.

Murisan Family Vlogs

Yes this is an episode you can watch over and over. :) thanks for rewatching with us it means the world to us to have you here

Murisan Family Vlogs

Yay 70 mins :) im so happy we caught up with you guys. You can really appreciate it and how they grew across all seasons.

Murisan Family Vlogs

Thanks for watching. Not sure if it was lower quality because you were early or something else. I see comments saying it was as clear as watching on own and also some saying about the quality being lower. But we uploaded in best quality. I checked from my phone also and it was clear for me. Not sure of the cause why it is low for some and hd for others.


WAHHH it looks perfectly fine now. x'D I'm assuming the video was still processing since i'm always SUPER early?? Although this has never happened before from you guys so idk what the deal was. Anyways don't worry about it there's now an HD option!! &lt;3 I'll watch the video tonight. :D Thank you again.


I watch everything on my laptop and nothing else. It was extremely pixelated to the point i couldn't even watch the video. :'D It's perfectly fine now for some reason so who knows what happened. Hopefully the problem figures itself out for other people as well so they can enjoy the video! (:

DeJané (DJ)

I’m excited to see the swing jump or zip line thing they will do but so nervous to watch them do it lol


Will you guys be posting a SNL tonight? :)

Lenny Merlenna

Aww the first part of this episode makes me all proud to be a Singaporean! So proud of our airline for being efficient and treat the boys well.. the food that Hobi is called satay. It’s meat, either beef, mutton or chicken served with slightly spicy peanut sauce.. it’s our local fav.. if you come to Sg, you have to try it.. it’s so surreal to see Suga and Hobi walking abt in the transit section cos the view is familiar to us who travels. I can’t imagine walking abt or heading to my gate to spot one of the boys just happily window shopping.. I’d probably call them and wave from afar... after getting over the shock and probably standing still covering my mouth at the sight of them.. hahaha

Lenny Merlenna

Since Suga loves Singapore airlines so much, here SGArmy is hoping they travel more on SQ and drop by Sg more often.. haha who knows some of us can dream of bumping into them in a store inside the transit someday! Omg, I’m freaking out at the thought! Hahaha..


Finally!! I love this♥♥


Guys no SNL this week?


About the flight attendant, I think Tae had not requested the juice, cuz he looked so lost when he saw the juice. I feel like the flight attendant liked Tae, so he offered the juice to Tae and then asked for taking picture. But I think his attitude is fine as he still thanked Tae and told him to enjoy the juice after he was rejected. One more thing, Tae said he felt bad (English translation), he was indeed saying he felt sorry in Korean. So the true meaning is that he felt sorry that he had to turn down the man’s request, couldn’t take picture with him.


I’m from Singapore! So I was so proud when they mentioned Loving Singapore airlines lol. I’ve been taking the airline since young


Did you not watch the video? 🤦🏾‍♀️ They’ve already explained it


Yeah. That said I feel it's better if people leave them alone sometimes, esp as a flight attendant you'd want your customer to feel at ease. I guess he couldn't resist asking


put it on the full screen mode on the right up corner [] so you can use the space bar for pause


I'm watching BV for the first time :D


Ohh, i wish Jin would've gone in first class on that fancy flight too :( But at least we still watch him through the flight


Its really not that big first one i drove had a twin cab truck front and a 6 berth caravan built onto it and we took it through the center of Melbourne on a Friday morning took what was signed as a main road only to find it was two lanes both ways but one lane had tram lines and everybody has to give way to the trams and it was super busy lol. New Zealand the roads are much quieter where they went and in both Australia and New Zealand see a lot of those vans around with holiday makers driving them. Unfortunetly in Australia atm we have some terrible bushfires raging so not exactly touristy.


Why I can’t find the episode 2?


I love that Hobi still has his 'Chicken Noodle Soup' hair! He looks so good! &lt;3


Hi Cait &amp; Josh! I am from Singapore! I just signed up to your patreon a couple of weeks ago and finished your BV Season 3. Am now watching your reaction to Season 4. The food that Jhope is eating at 1:37:35 is called Prata and it is usually eaten with fish or mutton curry. It is South-Indian flat bread made by frying stretched dough flavoured with ghee (Indian clarified butter), typically served with fish or mutton curry. You can find this dish in several countries in Southeast Asia, including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.


aww no josh you are not dumb, u understud it right&lt;3


You do have to turn off electronic devices (i.e. smart phones) during take off but afterwards, you can have it on air plane mode and connect to the Airline's Inflight WiFi. I makes sense for Yoongi to like Singapore Airlines so much because Singapore Airline is 5-star certified and has been voted No. 1 for the past 26 years by Travel &amp; Leisure. Also, Singapore Changi Airport has been ranked No. 1 Best Airport in the World for the past 8 years (as of 2020).