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Hey everyone this was so fun to watch them play uno haha I love Tae in this he was so silly. We had trouble finding a behind the scenes, there was no one that we saw. If you guys can help us out please were sorry too. Comment down below your favorite board game and if you had a chance to play uno with the boys would you? Wait thats an easy answer haha heck yeah I would ! !  Sorry think I answered for all of you im sorry again lol

Love you all and bring the soul doc #2 Up tomorrow and Sunday # 3 

Happy birthday to our leader!!!!


RUN 21.wmv



When I was in elementary, I didn’t have lots of friends.Not bc I was being bullied and I did have some friends but in elementary I never hung out with them out side of school.I was very shy but I don’t think you should worry about your daughter being shy.I think a good way to make friends is to do a lot of activities like going to camp.Well not camp but like getting her into a sport, like what you guys are doing now.I haven’t finished the reaction video but I just wanted to say that it’s normal and it’s ok if your daughter is shy.Just make sure to not force her to make friends, just make sure she does lots of activities to get to know other ppl.Also if she’s getting bullied I recommend talking to the teacher maybe and see if she can get switched out of class.If I ever felt uncomfortable in a class I would tell my parents and they would switch my class and it helped me a lot.So if she is getting bullied I think that would be best for her and if she’s not anymore then I wish her a great school year.💜💜


There isn’t a behind the scene for this episode. Also I know that it’s beneficial for someone her age to go out and socialize with other kids but I just have to say that Zoey is a whole mood tbh 😂😆


I was super shy in elementary. Around 3rd grade I made a couple friends, and fourth/fifth is when I really started to I guess be comfortable talking with others and making more friends. However it was not until 8th grade that I really came out of my shell and wasnt shy anymore. I just think all kids go through things at a different pace, and whats important is to not force it like you said. edit:: my mom signed me up for dance classes when i was young to try to help me with being shy. I never befriended any of the girls at my dance studio, but I will say to this day it was the best decision my mom ever made for me. I found my passion because of that, and now years later (im 24), nothing is more exciting to me than dance is.


I was also an extremely shy kid growing up and i still am to this day but not to the same extent. I was lucky enough to have my cousin with me throughout the majority of my school years (until middle school) because just having someone that you're familiar and comfortable with beside you is always nice and really put me at ease. She was like my security blanket. :')) But yeah, my parents put me through so many different activities like swimming lessons, skating lessons, jazz/tap dance, and girl guides which was my favourite out of the bunch. You meet a lot of new people and the experiences are really memorable. Don't worry too much. She'll learn at her own pace and i hope everything goes well. <3


do you guys watch rookie kings?


PS: There's a lot of board games that they play in run and they will be very confusing to foreigners so it's okay if you don't understand the rules. x'D I've re-watched the episodes countless of times and still don't know a damn thing that's happening but hey, as long as the boys are having fun i'm down.

DeJané (DJ)

Some people like to figure out the game as it goes and some pause the video to read the rules. I personally have to pause to read the rules because I wouldn’t enjoy it if I didn’t understand. Don’t be afraid to pause or go back in the video if you need to. Even if it makes a longer video.


dont worry Josh, not only you, most of the Armys struggled to read the game instruction too...hahaha way too fast.., sometimes i dont even understand the games, need to watch over & over again. looking them laughing, bickering to each other already made me happy..


I think the way you are dealing with Zoey's shyness is on the right track. You are totally right that she has to do it on her own, it might be a little difficult for you to not be able to do anything about it but as Cait said, your words of encouragement will give her lots of strength. She's a very lovely kid based on your vlogs so Im sure she'll come out of her shell and eventually be able to overcome her shyness. Just continue guiding her and being by her side every step of the way. 💜

Lenny Merlenna

I have BTS Uno!!! I bought it a week ago and I’ve yet to play it.. I think it would be awesome to play with ARMY friends.. it’s really fun seeing the boys play and they do get competitive with one another.. watching this again with you, my heart goes out to Jimin.. somehow or rather he seems to be the one to get most of the penalties.. even he wonder why.. Hahaha..


omg same, I couldn’t understand that heart board game they played more recently but I still loved the ep 😂


I didn't wanna compare cause I feel like it isn't the best thing in the world to do, but I'd just like to share my story as well. I've been bullied a lot in elementary school because I couldn't fit in well, my personality was just different and in a society like Singapore, you can be shut off easily for that. There's a lot of peer pressure and everyone tries to act a certain way, it's hard to explain. But I didn't have a supportive family, my family was also one of my problems during that time, haha. My parents never listened to me when I talked about school, and when they heard I've been "bullied" they called me weak and told me to deal with it myself. They said it must've been my own problem and that I deserved it. Yup, I pretty much grew up in a perfect but strict and abusive household, where I've been beaten by my parents to the extent of bleeding and running away from home. So what I wanna say is, I really admire and support you all, for being great people. I think it isn't a given just because you are their parents. I think it's something treasurable


i grew up very shy as a kid. i still am shy, since it's part of my personality. however, as i started discovering my own hobbies and passions and exposing myself to many things, i was able to really see myself as an interesting individual. i was able to meet people and make new experiences. along the way, i eventually became more confident with myself. the only difference now is that i learned how to embrace my shyness as part of my personality. as i became more secure with myself as an individual, i also became more willing to step out of my comfort zone in socializing with other people. for zoe, it's really just a matter of helping her find things she will be interested in and passionate about, allow her to grow into it in cultivating her own personal self-discovery, and hopefully through that confidence, she'll be able to see herself as a unique individual, meet new friends and gain the ability to socialize with other people. and you guys are obviously doing a great job with that as her parents. :)


I'm from Singapore too and while I was lucky enough not to be bullied, I understand how you described our society. That must have been really challenging for you, I hope you're in a better place now. I'm glad you feel that this is a safe space to share.


Blue Marble is the Korean version of Monopoly.

kimberly enriquez

No worries thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, you need people to talk with. I hope Zoe finds friends this year who will help her out of her shell and grow a little more this year. :)


Feel free to pause whenever you want. For some runs you really have to read the instructions. Also, I can't find my way through vlive yet so I always use google. If I'm looking for something I just type it (run bts ep x vlive) and it's usually the first option. Episode 25 doesn't have behind either.


I was so shy as a kid and still am as an adult, and from my personal experience I think Zoe would be able to make new friends and that stuff when she finds out what she's interested in. Like. for example, I've always liked to read books, so I joined a bookclub and met people there with the same hobby as me and became friends with them. And also maybe she just needs more time to have enough confidence with the other kids. There are always kids (and adults) who are very social since the first day they met someone, but others just need more time to feel confident enough. Don't worry too much about her being shy (unless she's having a bad time cause of it, of course), it's just a normal thing :)


I think you guys being zoe's support and encouragement is the best thing. Like many others said her, i was also bullied pretty bad to where now i have social anxiety but i didnt have the parental support like you are doing for zoe. Its great you both love and support her so much. She'll find some friends that'll help her out too. Also for the runs, feel free to pause to read if it helps you both. The subtitles zoom right on by lol.


i always use this vlive link to watch the run episodes, its easier to navigate all the episodes. It doesn't include the behind the scene videos though but it might help in finding the episodes faster. :) https://m.vlive.tv/video/1037/playlist/27764


Most of the games they play on Run are always confusing. I dont even try to read the instructions anymore and just enjoy watching them being chaotic as ever 😂 love you reactions fam. Borahae 💜