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Hey guys we were so excited for this episode of Run. We couldn't wait to find out who the spy was and if either of us were correct. Watch to find out if we changed who we thought it was originally or if we changed last minute.  

Again sorry for the late upload we had family come up we tried to update on recent video on yt this morning.  We discuss this in the beginning of the upload.

Reaction starts at 13ish


BTS RUN 15 .wmv



Are you guys going to start reacting to the Behind the scenes??? There is one for every episode starting from episode 11


I was working on my essay for school just now. This is a good quick break for me! edit:: I'm so sorry that you had a bad weekend with family. Its hard to cut off a family member, especially when its someone who is supposed to be your mom, but if its too toxic to the point that it can ruin you and your family, its for the best. Currently my family has been having a bad situation as well. My mom's brother, (my uncle) has been messing with my family horribly lately. My grandma (my mom's mom) is dying of cancer, and my uncle was sending her texts saying shes a horrible person and is mean, and stuff like that. Shes the sweetest person ever, so my mom, her sister, and her other brother are at the point that they can't deal with him anymore, and cut him out of their life. Which means I'm cut off from him, and his kids (my cousins). I felt like I could say this to you guys since you understand issues with family.


I can relate to you guys so much that I almost cried. I felt how hurt you guys were through the screen when you talked about your family. My mom sadly didn’t support me when I was younger at all. I feel like she didn’t care if I lived or died to be honest 😞 that was what brought on my depression, but now I’m getting better since I moved out and enrolled into a university to succeed in life. I haven’t spoken to my parents in years 🤷‍♀️ At least you have each other and your beautiful girls who I can tell you love very much💜


your introduction is seriously making me so teary-eyed. after watching your reactions for some time now, and your older vlogs (which i absolutely enjoy btw!!), i would have never known that you guys have to deal with these sort of issues. you're both positive, genuine and wonderful individuals and just an overall lovely family. you'll always have us by your side, no matter what. thank you for being so open and straight forward with us.


Hey, please don't stress about the upload! Btw, just wondering, do u guys watch the BTS member's VLive videos (especially Jimin's recent ones)?


Thank you for sharing your family issues especially something this personal. We ARMYs love you 3000 always and will always be there for you!!

natasha richardson

I understand you guys sometimes family can be so stressful my relationship with my mom was terrible for years she left me with my grandparents and moved away with my sisters father then she came back a year later and I resented her for years but we are so much better now but still it's hard sometimes and I also have family members that make life diffcult my grandfather always said that you learn from the people around you and do better then what they did so I'm trying to live better and be kinder espeically towards myself it's okay to be not okay it's hard sometime but cutting off toxic people is what's best and I understand about the guilt because I've felt that before but you have to put your mental health and your families health and well being first anyway I probably rambled alot and made no sense but 🤘🏽fighting🤘🏽💜


I am sorry to hear that, we love you and thank you for sharing all the thoughts with us.


great video, you should see the behind the scenes on these episodes bc its so funny.Also army totally understands if you upload late


Thank you so much for trusting us enough you know to share all these personal stuff with us. And you'll never go wrong with ARMY. We are of different countries and races here but WE HEAR YOU and WE FEEL YOU. It's really hard when it's about family. We all have our own family issues and dramas on our lives but what you guys are going through is really rough. But I agree that you have to cut off the toxicity in your life esp for your daughters. That whatever you experienced in your past, you vow that you will never let your daughters experience it. That you will protect them. You're great parents and good people, Josh and Cait. And it's totally okay when u said u wished you had BTS when u were a kid to look up to. BTS always comes in your life at the perfect time. You found them. They found you. And you have a big army family now. We love BTS for a million reasons and one of that is because of this big family that they created. The people that they connected to each other. I can feel your pain because I have my own pains too but you will never have to deal with it alone. Please if you need someone to talk to, dont hold it in and talk to us. We are here and we will listen. We are family, guys. You can always count on us! :') Sending you the warmest hugs!


I know you made upload schedule for videos. Don't worry about us if late uploading we don't mind. Many time family problems are worst things happened. Protect to your kids is most important. Love you guys from Japanese granny.


Thanks for sharing your genuine story. I almost cried when I listened to your family story. I want to say a lot about this, but will not. Haha. Anyway, I appreciate your reaction video all the time. Watching your videos is one of my big joy in my recent lives and makes me smile. I purple your family! :)

Lenny Merlenna

Thank you for sharing your story with us.. it just made me want to do this.. *opens arms wide* come and have a biiiiiigggggg hug from me! I know it’s very painful to have to go through so much that at some point you just want things to be done.. it can never be easy as severing ties with someone who supposedly to be your family too. But sometimes family can be the ones to hurt you the most. For Cait, always know that even though we are far away and perhaps different time zones, we are only a click away.. what can we do as fellow humans for each other other than become that positive support for one another, cheer each other and keep rallying ourselves to be positive everyday.. we are here for you girl! And Josh.. you have done so well to get to where you are today and your family is your reward.. despite the tumultuous past you had to go through and somehow still bugging you today, you managed to stay positive and be so cheerful. Don’t say anymore you don’t have friends, ok.. you have us. We purple you too!


Im glad patreon is a safe place for you to open up, whenever you need to vent or talk we're here for you as your family. ive gone through my fair share of struggles and discovered the boys in 2014 , my life has been way better since then whenever i see anything related to them. they are my favorite humans in the world. and im glad they are brightening your days up too. Out of all the reaction channels ive seen , you two are my #1 favorite :) cheer up guys we purple you.


Awww...I hope you guys are feeling better. We've all got our struggles, sometimes you just have to vent and talk it out. So no worries my friends. BTS is the perfect cure. You can always count on BTS to put a smile on our faces :)


I'm sorry to hear about how rough the week has been for you guys. It's really sad that your grandma couldn't come by and visit because you were so excited to see her and i could feel that. You know deep down that she loves you with all of her heart and is proud of your accomplishments. Keep the memories close to your heart and hopefully there will be another opportunity because you never know. Just hope. <3 If toxic energy exists within a family whether that be physical, mental or emotional issues as hard as it may be, it's best to cut ties for your own safety. Take care of yourselves and stay positive. Josh what you did was the right thing to do. Don't feel regretful, guilty or make yourself feel like a "mean" person because what you did was to protect your family and that was the best choice. Also you guys aren't gonna lose any of us by opening up and talking about your problems. We're always here to listen no matter what and if you need to vent about something, say as much as you feel comfortable with. It's good to have someone to talk to and i know how that feels when you have no one to turn to. We're here. <3


Thank you for sharing with us. Never be afraid to open up to us in fear of pushing us away. We are a family and we will listen to you guys and give advice when you want it and ears when you need it. Cutting off a toxic person is especially hard and I can’t imagine how much harder it is when it’s your mom. You two deserve happiness and someone to trust and I’m glad you found that not only in bts and army, but a loving family that you two created. You two are good parents. We love you!! If you ever need a break, never feel guilty for it. We understand!


my heart was so touched watching this i had to pause and cry. if only i could teleport and give you a big hug. Cait, you are so inspiring , beautiful and strong . i can tell your girls are an exact replica of you , absolute angels . Josh, you truly are the best most genuine . i pray one day when i have my own kids and family they have a dad like you. youre both so lucky to have found each other . theres so much love in your home im glad i see a glimpse of it and sorta part of it now


“Je t’aime plus qu’hier moins que demain” = “I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow” - Kim Taehyung 💜🥰 Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves guys. It means so much to us how genuine and caring you two are. I hope we can cheer you up with our positive comments. Fighting! We purple you! Borahae! 보라해


I’m so sorry you had a horrible weekend. I know how it feels to deal with toxic family members. I hope you both are feeling much better. Take care of yourselves and your beautiful girls. 😊🙏🏼 Much love to you both! ❤️


i been though what you have maybe less my parents were drunks i never really saw my dad until i was older my brothers were drunks i have anixty and depression also i would love to talk to you i don't have no friends either and sometimes i feel so alone and the main person in my life right now is my daughter and you 2 and bts


I appreciate you guys opening up to us! It’s much easier to understand you guys when your energy gets down or videos get delayed (not that it made me upset before) now! Also I feel much closer as you said and I can connect to why you guys love bts so much and react to them the way you guys do! Thank you for the reaction video and hope the rest of the week gets better💜


Also I’m really happy that Josh is a strong enough person to end ties just for the sake of your daughters! It must be really hard and you may feel mean at the moment but we all know that it’s what you have to do. Hope you don’t get too deep in your thoughts and make yourself feel bad cuz all I see is a great mom and dad trying their best!


I am so sorry that you guys have been though a lot... and thank you for opening up. It is not easy to open up hardships especially when family is involved. Well, stay strong and take your time to make videos. It is ok for us to wait... We all love you so much and it is important for you guys to feel better. Don't forget that we are your family here too! We love you!


I am so so sorry to hear about this. You guys deserve much better. I’m glad no one was hurt and you are all okay. Don’t feel sorry for the late upload, thins come up, stuff happens, and we all need to have time to take a deep breathe. Never be scared to share anything with us. We won’t leave you guys!! We all love you💗💗💗. This was an amazing reaction. You guys are seriously the best and if you would like to share more about ur family I’m sure we would all be okay with it. It lets us into ur lives and helps us understand and maybe even relate more on a personal level. But again that’s only if your comfortable sharing❤️❤️ thank you guys love you Josh and Kate !!!


Thank you for being so open with us- both of you💙 sending love, a smile, and a *hug*


Theres no such thing as too much, not for me. Feel free to open up and be assured that my ears are more than willing to listen. I actually can relate when it comes to "difficult"/ very troubled family members.




I'm not usually one to cry but Cait you have my eyes leaking- but dont feel bad. Its needed for people to grow connections and feel more human. People who leave are the ones who cant bear the weight of true affection and care ♡


Aww we love you guys, too. I actually have a friend who had a rough childhood and it still affects her to this day. She's been dealing with depression since before I even met her. There are days that she falls deep into it that it scares me knowing that she used to hurt herself before I met her. We're here for you guys so if you guys ever want to rant about anything just record and upload it here. We'll be listening 💖


If it helps, you have us here. And you have your daughter, that's a great focus! I'm sure you can build something beautiful with her. Feel free to message if you would like to talk more.


Im glad you feel comforable enough to share some stuff to us. It brings us closer. Also im glad bts and army can be there for you. I can completely understand about bad childhoods and toxic family. I can relate to you both since mine was bad too. We are here for you both and your family. ARMY is your family too. 💜💜💜💜💜


i do not usually leave comments but i thought it was necessary this time. thank for for always being so open with us and sharing ur stories please never feel bad for talking too much or making long intros and never be scared to make a post or talk to the army when u need us. im sorry u guys had a bad weekend i hope u can handle whatever is happening behind cameras and feel better. just know we are here for u and we love u guys


it's not easy to speak up our problems to anybody, but i believed you both have trust in us here, that why you guys share your concern. & im glad that you speak about it if it can help to lessen your worries. if you feeling down or sad, always remember that you still have fellow Armys here who loving your family.


i can’t believe you guys opened up to us. it takes a lot of courage. and you guys went through so much. we love you guys. you’re amazing people and you deserve all your blessings. keep pushing through and just know you have so many people that love and support you. love you guys. 💘


You can speak to us About anything if you Need someone to talk to.. And someone told me that you don't find BTS but BTS finds you when you Need it the most and I think this goes for you and personally for me too.. My Father is an alcoholic and last August he drank 3 bottles of hard Liquor (that belonged to me) So my Christmas was a Horror but I found out About BTS Right after that Christmas so I really believe that this saying could be true :) OH and Cait since you asked.. I wanted to tell you the whole time and I was so confused and proud that you guessed it Right from the beginning! Something I didn't do once in all the run episodes with spies haha :D But remember if you ever want to rant About something you can do it and we will listen to you! :) We Purple you!! <3


Hey guys, really appreciate you opening up about your family troubles. You both seem so kind-hearted and intelligent people. It makes me happy that you two found each other and made a beautiful family together. I hope you think of Army as family because we are here to support you any way we can 💜 And I totally understand the whole "BTS-fix" thing.. finding them helped me through one of the toughest and most stressful times in my life. Somehow they became my light and got me through it. I hope you know that you bring so many people so much happiness too! I literally cheer when I see you uploaded a new reaction video (like everyday^^) Love you both!


Usually when ppl talk a lot before reactions i skip it but with y'all i love hearing what you have to say! Thank you so much for being honest and open with us 💜 Your struggles and how you overcome them are important so I like that you guys took the time to discuss the. Thank you for calling us your friends and family ♡ I hope future days are brighter for y'all, I already know your beautiful daughters are lucky to have you two as parents 💜💜💜💜 Also thanks for this reaction!! It really brought a smile to my face :D you guys should check out the behind the scenes too when u get the chance. Yoongi was just chowing down while everyone was discussing who the spy could be 😂

Nao Mi

As the previous comments stated, I hope Patreon becomes a safe place where you feel like you can share with us. Don't ever feel guilty for it. It is so important to share and speak your truth. Personally, I relate to some of the issues you've mentioned and cannot imagine how hard this whole situation is. I'm inspired by how open you guys allow yourselves to be (for real, it takes courage) and always happy to watch videos with you both on Youtube and here. Thank you a lot! Sending much love.

Vanessa Squintu

Okay...I had to pause the video after the intro. Normally I don't comment here but after I saw the intro I felt the urge to say something. I really adore you guys. You decided that patreon is your safe haven and that is completely okay. You went through a lot and I can only imagine how hard that must be for the both of you. You are doing a great job of trying to sustain a positive environment for your children. I am a kindergarten teacher and I see children every day who are suffering bc of the influence of their parents. How much you want to open up to us is your decision alone. If some people decide to walk away...it's their decision and you know who is really here bc of you guys. I think that the most of us won't go anywhere and that we are always here to listen. Not to give advice but to listen...to let you pour your heart out and make you feel accepted and loved. So...as to quote Namjoon..."Use us to make you feel better". Don't try to let it eat you up from the inside...if you have the urge to talk...talk. You can even make a segment...circle time or something like this. I hope you guys feel uplifted by the amount of positive comments and that you can use it as positive energy to keep going. Now...I will enjoy the reaction 💜💜.


Hey guys. Sorry to hear about your struggles with the family. It's hard and it never truly goes away cause you can't choose your family. I'm so happy that you found each other and created such a beautiful family and raised 2 great daughters. You are an inspiration honestly to come from such a rough background and still grow so gentle and nice!!! you made me cry and I just want to give you a virtual hug to both of you and your kids! And open up as much as you feel comfortable that is the most important! it's okay to keep some things to yourself if you feel like it. But also know that most of us will not go if you want to talk about depression or rough times Cait!!! As a person who also went through depression I know how hard it is and every little thing to could help even venting sometimes!! I love you guys!!! PS: Congrats Cayt on getting the spy right !! I know I didn't get it right the first time I watched it.


Hi guys. I don't usually comment until the end of the video but after what you shared with us in the intro I wanna say that I hope you'll be find after this hard time. I kinda relate a lot with Josh, I also didn't have a good relationship with my mum (neither any of my siblings had it with her) cause she's a really toxic person. I left her house as soon as I could live by myself and cut the relation since that moment and it was the best choice for sure. You have two beautiful daughters and you're always thinking about the best for them and raising them in a nice environment, so don't worry because everything's gonna be fine with both you and the girls. You can share with us your problems whenever you need to and maybe our comments could help you feel a little better and cheer you up. Remember, you nice keep going :)


Wow. I respect you guys for sharing your struggles. It’s hard to open up personal stuff especially if its about your own family. I’m glad you guys found each other and your kids are so blessed to have you guys as parents. I wish you well.


It’s amazing that you two can still have such great personalities after those miserable times in the past. I am not good at comforting people, but I wanna tell you that, I love your family (I mean Josh, Cait and your daughters)! And I will always support your family!

Alishea Ally

I never shared my personal life story online before because I'm scared of people judging me but after hearing about both of your struggles it makes me want to open up about mine. I have an alcoholic dad who lost his job after 25 years because he couldnt keep the alcohol away from work, my brother has schizophernia that went undiagnosed until he was 27 and the following year he got into trouble with the police and he was killed which left a huge hole in my families life and my heart. My mom became obsessed with religion and now spends every hour of the day praying and being toxic and ironically my older sister has been diagnosed mental health issues so I'm the only sane person in my household. This is also just a bit of what I've gone through as a teenager and I'm 27 now but the problems never seem to go away even when I try to break that circle of toxicity. I'm so thankful you can use this page as an outlet to let your struggles out and sharing what you've gone through and to be the strong loving family that you are today. BTS are the only ones who can put a smile on my face in a matter of seconds and in a way this is therapy for my soul. Like RM says, "please use me, use BTS to love yourself". I wish you the best in your family and I'm so sorry josh that you had to come to this decision but in order to move on you need to cut those people out. This is a quote for you "Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” by Roy T. Bernnet. I purple you Cait and Josh 💜


Oh, from 17:33 there was a translation mistake. What Tae said was, he knew he was wrong but he would NOT stop doing it. That means he would continue to do so 😂


i'll keep it short and simple. I LOVE YOU SO MUUUCH!


Love You Guys 💜💜💜 Mad Respect ✊🏼 I PURPLE You Guys 💜💜


Glad you could open up to us. Us introverts can still connect via internet ❤️ It's cool how you guys coming from rough backgrounds can have such a cute and wholesome family.



Barbi Duarte

Thanks for sharing with us, you are really inspiring people, after all you've gone through you are still so kind hearted and loving. We are here to listen if you wanna talk, we care about you as people and friends its not just about the reactions. I'm so sorry of what happened to you these past days, sending you all my love ♥

Murisan Family Vlogs

Thank you for sharing your story with us. My dad was an alcoholic as well. When he went to prison for the 19 years from me being a child to recent. My brother is also schizophranic he was 35 when he started showing signs. Im sorry about your brother. Mine has been out of work for a couple years now from paranoia. My mom and my brother have been the same way about religion his came as a shock to me because it wasnt always. Both been out of the phych trying to end their lives. I totally get where you feel like your the only sane one. Ill be 30 in December feel like I related to a lot of what you were saying so I shared some more. Thanks again for sharing


I'm so sorry to hear that you guys had a terrible weekend. Even so, I am greatful to you guys for sharing your story. I really think you guys are great parents. Not only as loving parents, but even more than that, as people. We are here for you Cait and Josh and I'll always support you guys. love your family💜 and sending a bi---------------g hug.💜


Thanks for sharing your story. Im sorry you guys had such a though weekend I can't even imagine how you must feel. I'm not really good with words but i want to thank you guys for your video's. You said you are both introverts without any friends but you guys have a whole ARMY of friends. I'm also new to the BTS fandom. I became a fan around the same time you guys joined and I feel like i love them even more because I see things for the first time with you guys and it makes me enjoy everything more! Every time something amazing happens in a BTS video your reaction makes me enjoy it more. And even though we have different favorite members (Kookie for me) I understand completely how you feel when you are watching a video and your favorite does something sweet or amazing. So I really want to thank you guys for your amazing reactions and helping me fall even more in love with BTS. All the love from The Netherlands♥♥ P.S. Since Burn The Stage episode's are almost over will you guys react to Summer Package. I think you guys will love this and i want to see your reaction to it 💜

Tanya perez

you two are truly blessed to have each other and those 2 beautiful little angels and thats is a wonderful miracle. We cant choose are family but we can choose who we want in our lives, If they arent bringing anything positive or uplifting in your life then you have to do whats best and healthiest emotionally, spiritually and physically for our families. . I believe it was destiny for you to come across BTS through your daughter and look how its already changing your lives. We are here for you guys and I personally am so happy I came across your channel and sharing this ride with you. From a fellow ARMY and Jersey Girl dont ever feel alone we are here!

Lily Wrenn

I'm 50 years old and my mom passed years ago but I still carry the scars from the issues my mom had. She was very verbally abusive and physically abusive. And I got to the point where I formed a boundary. For the sake of my mental health but more so for my boys who were small the last time she saw them and complained about them. It will help you heal even if the pain doesn't go away. You won't feel it as much. I'm glad you have Patreon and please feel free to share. We miss you and wonder what's going on when you aren't on the normal days. We don't get angry. But we get concerned. I'm a social introvert. Which is what I think you are. I don't go out and gather friends but when I am caught in a social situation people see me as extroverted. But I still have a very small social circle. I wish we could all hang out physically but here but this is the next best thing. If anyone leaves btw, they arent the group you want to have around you. Biggest hugs and squeezes.


It's admirable you guys have so much stress built up but somehow keep up a positive front. Remember that your health is the most important ALWAYS, and if you need time then take as much as you need. Thank you for the amazing content as always


You can never go wrong when you put your kids first. Adult relatives have had their opportunity to make life choices and be an adult. Kids are still  moving toward that point and they deserve an opportunity to start their lives fresh and enter adulthood unburdened by the bad choices of the adults around them. At the end of the day, it is hard choices we have to make but it seems like you guys are making the right decisions. I wish more parents would put their kids first because it doesn't often happen in our society. We tend to prioritize everything else over children, because their voices are not as loud and demanding as say the adult knocking on your door at 2am in the morning, but they are the population who needs our protection the most. Keep them safe.


Your story really touches me from an emotional perspective, I too have been in a very dark place recently. And about 4 months go, I saw 7 young men working hard, being focused and literally shining with a light that I didn't understand because depression had me buried so deep that it was only darkness around me. But just like you Ive been consuming that light since April and the darkness is receding. If they can somehow exert the type of effort they do and make this thing called life work, then I can make an effort as well. I am just now able to start giving positive energy back to people and you guys have been a part of my journey. So stay positive and focus on how BTS and ARMY makes you feel to help you through the tough days.  Thanks for being open.


First, thank you so much for sharing your hardships with us ARMYs and genuinely loving BTS. Everyone has their own difficulties and I’m so glad that you guys didn’t give it all up but strongly dealing with it instead. You guys remind me that I should live my best too. I come from a complicated family as well so I understand how you feel. I just wanna let you two know that you are so admirable to me because you two have grown up and become such lovable people now despite coming from a complicated background/family. Your kids are so lucky to have parents like you. As long as you still love yourself and your beautiful little family, nothing is gonna take happiness away from you. Also Cait, I kept smiling every time you said Jin was the spy cuz I remembered who. 😂 I kept saying Cait don’t change your mind! 🤣 and Josh, I like how your guess about the spy kept changing cuz it’s totally ME whenever I tried to figure out who the spy was.😂 Just wait, in the upcoming episodes, BTS members are just gonna surprise you even more. I could never guess the spy correctly lmao.💜💜💜


Watching the first few minutes of this video really hit my heart. I connect so much with both of you in terms of my past. I don't share this a lot with many people but my mother suffered from depression from most of my childhood. She committed fraud when I was 12, and while she didn't receive a jail sentence, she received home arrest for a year. When I was 13 she fell into a deeper depression and alcoholism. For my entire life she was absent. Raised by my grandpa who is my rock and my person. When I was 19..my mom passed away. But I think if she were still alive I would have had to cut her out completely for my own self-esteem. The only surviving people in my family are my Grandpa and my Aunt. So I truly feel for your story and what you've shared with us. I also connect strongly when you mentioned falling into bts, or finding bts when you needed it most. Because it was exactly the same way for me. BTS saved me in so many ways. Army has saved me in so many ways. I purple you, and I love you. I know that this is just a comment among many...but I'm always here to chat if you need. Love you both so much. As always, I adore your reactions.

Lizeth Hernandez

I’m happy you opened up and shared with us. You guys are amazing and you can always share with us whatever you want we’re here to support you ❤️

I love myself

It's really refreshing to see you guys talk about your private life with us. It means you guys really see us as family. Thank you so much for opening up about it. My life is also not that pretty but with BTS and ARMY, i am being consoled.


Wow I feel like I could relate so much to you josh and possibly you too cait, about having to cut off your relationship with your mother, cause I Think I’m going to have to do the same thing with mine, she comes back in and out of my life all the time, never really was a mother to me growing up, I’m 27 now, I felt more of burden to her than a child, never in my whole 27 years of life have I hear my mom even tell me she loves me maybe she doesn’t who know, but now that I have a 8 year old son (teen mom here) I make sure he knows he’s completely loved cause I would never want my son to feel what I felt growing up. Wow can’t believe I let that out over the Internet 😬. But if you ever need someone to talk to we’re all here, I know a lot of the army are younger from my experiences with talking to Army via twitter and instagram their all almost 15-17 they call me Army mom lol but since you have to pay for this you get some older people with more experiences in life and in what you two are going threw, you guys got each other and you guys got us. We’re family💜. Y’all stay happy and healthy, you got 2 beautiful girls to live for, Love Always Adri🥰


I really respect you for being able to raise a child at a young age! Interestingly most of the armys I know are mid to late twenties (myself included)


You guys are so brave for talking about this with people who are basically strangers to you. I respect how much the both of you trust us. We don't need to know it because it's too private but you still shared it. And that's just another level of trust. Thank you. You can share us everything and we promise to always listen. ♡


Hay Kate, I am here for you, anytime you need to talk.


Josh too. We all need someone to tell our troubls s to and to share how we are feeling. And its good sometimes when its not your partner because you dont want to make things worse for them . I will see you on twitter. So proud of you both. Lots of love xxx


I just really wish I could reach through the screen and give you both a hug. <3 I'm sorry you're dealing with unpleasant family things right now, but it's so awesome and amazing that you have your own little family that you describe as the eye of the storm. I thought that was perfect and just a really beautiful way to put it. My home life growing up was very normal, but my husband had a vastly different and troubled up bringing and so it was a HUGE surprise to me when we got married and we suddenly had all of these crazy problems from that side of the family. Sometimes I still cry when I think about the things that were done to my husband by his mom when he was growing up! And I 100% cannot let that kind of person around my kids, so I understand how you must feel about that. Toxic relationships have to be dissolved for the safety and peace of mind of your kids. You're good parents, you're doing what you need to in order to keep your family safe, and you shouldn't feel guilty about it even though I know the feelings can't be helped. Thanks for trusting us enough to share it with us. Love you both!


I wish so much that I could give you both a hug right now and I am not even a hugger! You guys should feel free to vent and share whatever you need to here. I have been through some hard times growing up but nothing compare to what you guys have gone through. When I think about what y'alls upbringing was like and seeing your beautiful family that you have created, it makes me so proud of you! You guys are obviously very strong people and cutting someone out of your life is never easy but I can't imagine how it must feel when it's your mother. I can so sympathize with the needing friends thing too. I am the same way about being an introvert and I have coworkers that I am friendly with but I also always keep a distance. I don't have anyone really to talk to about my family problems. I always feel like I have 2 lives, my outside life and then my family life. I find myself being able to share more of myself with the people I have met online than anywhere else. I honestly love you guys and I hope your mind eases about all that you are going through 💜💜💜


Im so sorry that you guys went through that....heres how I see it....if some of your family cant see how special you are its their loss and armys gain....dont worry about opening up too much cause us army are going nowhere ....we got your backs!!!! :-) Love to all.


Josh, it may seem hard now but you are 100% correct that you have to cut out the toxicity in your life. I think this is why I connect with you guys so much. I had to cut my biological father out of my life a few years ago. It is a hard thing to do but for your mental health and your families happiness; it has to be done. I am continuously praying for your families health and happiness. I love you guys and want you to know you do have people that genuinely care about you. We may not know you personally but we have all been connected by these 7 men who have taught us that we do matter and we do deserve to love and be loved.


Aw babies. I am so sorry to hear what you have and are going through. It is good for you to talk it through and no worries we understand. I think if you are looking closely enough Josh and Caite a lot of us in the fandom have had horrible emotional, physical problems and situations. we army have found each other and moved from our personal difficulties since being army and having bts. So WE UNDERSTAND trust me many of us understand what you are experiencing you are not alone. So please lean on us when you need to army is here.


I respect you guys a lot!! You can certainly talk to us, you can always DM me if you need to talk 💜💜💜 all my love for both of you.


I'm a little late, but am so sorry to hear that you guys had such an awful time. You are clearly lovely, genuine people. Though you haven't yet found the right friends to socialise with in-person, I am 100% wiling to be an online friend!


I went through a lot in my childhood, my mom was in and out of the hospital when i was growing up, she died when i was 14, my dad was a drunk who beat me and my mom, i was left alone with him and his abusiveness when she died, her entire side of the family abandoned me because they hated my dad and didnt want contact with him. At 14 i lost everything i loved, and I can relate to trying and failing to end your life. BTS has saved me, when i have a bad day they are what makes me smile and continue to be happy.


I know this video is months old at this point but I'm new to patreon so I'm leaving this here just in case you guys happen to see it :) I feel so proud to be a part of this youtube/patreon family you have built and I'm so happy you guys are comfortable enough to share parts of your private life with us. What you talked about hit me hard. Both of my parents are alcoholics and I have had to live with that my whole entire life. When I was 13 I stopped my dad from shooting himself. When I was 15 I dragged my passed out mom from snow, she was already turning blue from cold. Those are the most vivid memories I have from my childhood. I hope you're fine with me sharing that, it's quite graphic but I feel like knowing that you're not alone might make you guys feel better abt sharing this stuff with us. I'm now 20 years old and live on my own. I only go visit my family from time to time bc I still have love for them, especially my siblings. But it's so hard not to let them visit my apartment. I don't have any friends so I get lonely and at times like that it's easy to let toxic people back into your life. But BTS has made me love myself and understand that I didn't choose my parents and I am an individual capable of anything I want, I'm starting school again soon so hopefully I'll find friends there. You guys are so lucky to have each other and your beautiful family, I am SO happy for you. Thank you for giving us all this Bts content!! <3

Murisan Family Vlogs

Thank you for sharing and welcome to our page. I appreciate your openness and im sorry you had to go through those things. We never walk alone anymore. We all have eachother and we are here for you. Xoxo


I know how difficult it can be to share personal stories, especially when it comes to your family. Thank you so much for opening up and leaving yourselves vulnerable. It's refreshing to see down to earth people. Mine is way too much of a--excuse my language--clusterfuck to share here. It's also VERY long. Just know that I sympathize and am very empathetic to this plight. Thinking of you guys always. I do also want to say thank you for choosing to recover from the ordeal with us and uploading despite this situation. You guys totally rock my socks off! Another great mini series of episodes that tie together. I always love the ones that involve water because they are super adorable in their Princess Leia towel hats. Purple you! Fighting!


Video not working:(


I can't open the video :((

Marianna Melly

I had a difficult childhood too. You guys look like such amazing people and I wish the best to you and the girls!