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Hey guys, 

Thanks so much for joining us over on pateron and watching us fall more in love with bts. The first month on pateron was more than I could

ever imagine. I know quite a few people had wanted us to start the pateron way sooner than we did but I'm happy that we listened and 

we started watching Run, Burn the Stage and Bon Voyage. We are enjoying all of them and getting to know you guys  even more. I thought we were only 

going to have a few people join the first month. I never knew that so many people were going to come and watch us here. We appreciate you all and hope

that you all know how much we really care about you and bts. 

On pateron they have goals that you can set-

we never put a number of pateron we would like to have because the number of people was never a goal as much as diving deeper into bts and whoever wanted 

to be here would be here weather it was 5, 10, 15 or 100 we were gonna still upload as much and as often to provide the best experience to whoever was watching. 

In our description we had said that all the donations were going to be used to better the content.  One of them being we were in need of a new

camera that doesn't overheat and turn off so we can put out content more quickly but also more effiecently. Without having to wait for the battery to cool or charge etc. 

When running into issues and wanting to uphold our promises we took it upon our selves to buy the camera sooner than the first of the month. We were going to wait till 

August 1st(yesterday) and with whatever amount that was pledge we were going to buy the camera. 

So thank you to those that are still here and for helping us buy the new camera that not only makes it easier to upload but cuts the time down not having

to wait for the camera to charge, the battery to cool etc. The only cut that happens now is for 25 minutes of filming and were trying to see it we can find 

a way to increase the recording time. We appreciate it because you not only helped us here but on youtube too. 

With all that being said we are making one change this will not affect anyone who is already here. As you know pateron charges a Monthly amount only on the

first of the month so if you came on the first you get charged but if you come after the first you don't get charged till the following Month on the first for 

the month you already watched. So for example anyone who came in after July 1st didn't get charged till August 1st. 

So if we had someone who came in July 2nd and chose to leave before August 1st you don't get paid by that person or persons. We are not making this about money

or saying once your here you have to stay. You may have changes to your finances, you may not like what we have to offer ect. But more than half 

of those who watched us for the whole month of July left this past week before having to pay on Agust 1st and a few returned this morning and today. 

That left this week. 

So the change that we are making is a charge up front so this doesn't happen again. So if Agust 1st you got charged for the month you were already here. This

will not charge you twice.  Anyone who joins after the 1st will get charged right upfront so if they decide to leave by the end of the month again. 

We wanted you to know we were making this change because wants we make the switch we can't go back.  

Again this is not about money those who are still here understand that this site is different than youtube. We pay to use it, and also have two seperate account on vimeo to

upload the amount that we do that we also pay to use.  We love the content and journey and wanting to upload on more often than a once a month experience or once a 

week to make it worth it. On top of the two uploads or daily uploads and uploads here it takes a lot of time to record, edit, thumbnail. Most nights we stay up clear

 past midnight because we care about our content and what we are putting out. When I saw the number coming in and that people wanted to be here I was happy that people

enjoyed us to the extent to take their love for bts one step further.Then right before the first so many cancelled not to pay the 3 dollars. This is not only not 

fair to us, but its not fair to those who did pay and those from youtube who want to be here but can't. When we first started we had people message us and say what 

happened to another person they were watching-something similar and told me to change than. I didn't because I trusted that those who were here wouldn't do that 

till the week before the 1st I saw half leave not to pay for what they watched all month. Most were here since the start of upload one for almost all 30 uploads making each 

video about  10 cents each.

Like I said I understand if your leaving because we said something wrong, we didn't do something right but reading the exit surveys some said we didn't put out enough, others

said we don't do the shout- out rewards as promised and the rest said financial, other or they were addicted. I'm not sure for those who left that all 

understand when they joined that they weren't charge and wouldn't be charged till August 1st but for those who knew and left right before having to pay isn't right. 

We had 50 Cancel and 174 cards were declinded.  We took the chance and bought this camera thinking a hundred percent we were gonna be able to pay it off on August 1st and

 now we can't for those who left willinging knowing that they didn't want to pay 3 dollars. Some even got shout-outs all month. 

We didn't know about pateron. We didn't start pateron cause we knew we could make money. We started because it was suggested. That other creators you watch do the same.

Our understanding was it was a site that we can upload run, burn the stage, bon voyage without getting strikes and continue our journey. When setting up the site I was

hesitent because I took forever to get it up and wasn't sure I was going to after I saw tiers and goals. But after talking with several people they told me

that not only I need to pay for pateron, pay for vimeo and pay for the videos to watch at times that people want to donate to our journey, want to see more of it

here and that those who joined knew that they had to pay into it and wanted to.

This was akward to type out, I feel bad even bringing it up but if I didn't it was going to continue to happen each month. I hope everyone understand why we changed

and continues wanting to be apart of our journey here and on youtube. Feel free if you have questions to not hesitate to message us. 

Thanks to those, who read this really long message and again we really do appreciate you being apart of our lives. We appreciate you helping with our journey. and we love you 3000 



I am really glad that you managed to get a new camera! And I totally understand you changing the way that people are charged - it is not fair for people to watch this content that others are paying for and not paying anything at all. I support this change! I love watching your videos, both on youtube and here, and even though I have watched this all before, being able to watch you guys see it for the first time makes it worth it. I wish you and your family all the love and I hope we get to see lots more videos and content from you.


I'm here since day 1 and I'm not regretting it. During the week I can't wait till Monday, Wednesday and Friday (also every day for Youtube) because I love your videos so much. You put so much effort into these videos and spread so much love. I wish you and your family only the best. 💜💜💜

Barbi Duarte

Dont worry guys, its totally understandable, i'm so sorry people did that to you, its so unfair!!! I really hope this change can help you in the future. pd: for this month im going to upgrade my tier, i'll probably cant keep it in the long run ( in my country USD1 its a lot of money, arround 50 pesos) but i hope it can help you with the camera, and because you made so happy this month with all the content its crazy!! i've had a rough month at work and you've helped me tons ♥ love you guys!!


That is really petty of people to do honestly if they are doing it just so they don't have to pay. I want to say that I appreciate all the hard work you guys put in and the content you put out. <3 <3 <3


Dang I would not have even known that it worked that way if you wouldn’t have said anything. That stinks that people did that but I won’t leave you, I purple you guys and love getting to experience this journey with your family 💜


I really hate the fact that people would just do that, not only to you but to anyone :c I was one of those people whose card was declined, 'cause the paycheck wasn't there yet, but I paid as soon as I could. I was really feeling bad about it cause I thought you would think I escaped from paying. I never thought some people would actually do that. I' m really sorry you had to experience that.

Crystal Taylor

I totally get where you're coming from. Patreon is its own beast really. I'm sorry that all this happened and I totally support your decision for paying up front. I'd do the same thing. Don't feel bad about it. Also I purple you guys 3000


I actually dont know that patreon works that way. I watch some bts reactions on youtube but you are the only ones I came on patreon for so I'm also new to this stuff. And hearing about it, i would've felt that it's unfair too if it were me esp since buying that camera is like your ultimate goal that u keep on saying on your videos. It's petty actually for those people who said u did not put out enough videos or about the shout outs. I watch you still on youtube and the shout outs were always there. And it's also unfair to those who watch you on youtube that wants to come here but aren't able to join here. *sigh* I'm really sorry you have to experience all these. It's embarassing to even call these people ARMYs. Imagine cheating your way into things.. *sigh* I guess this is another learning experience for us, atleast we know better now. Thank you so much for the lengths you really go through to give us all these contents, for your hard work and your genuine love for bts and your audience. As I've told you in my past comment, the true ones who enjoys your content will always stay.. I hope you don't stress out too much. We purple you guys. 💜


I signed up in the beginning and I remember thinking it was odd (albeit nice) that I could watch a whole month before getting charged, but I knew I wasn't going anywhere as long as y'all kept putting out videos. I've honestly been impressed and pleased with how many videos you guys are cranking out. I've even gotten a bit behind as I've been really busy this Summer entertaining out-of-state guests, though I'm determined to catch up in the next couple of weeks. I wish people weren't so shitty, you guys don't deserve what happened. Stay strong! Purple you guys! 💜


I feel horrid and angered:( for people to do this and with the intent of STEALING from you(because this it what it is) is disgusting honestly. I know this isn't about money for you guys♡ 💙 I've written it in comments and told people in real life you two are so sincere and your love for bts, making conten, and building a community like a family is pure♡♡♡ im so glad that you guys decided to make a patreon and i really would pay more if i could♡ charging up front is the best way to go about this!!! This is the real world and to be able to enjoy good content you need to pay. Those who can't have to wait till they can- the videos on patreon unlock automatically no matter how far back. They can pay for one month(really pay by the up front charge) watch all they want thats there and then leave. THANK YOU for sharing this with us...i really feel bad for not giving an extra warning to you:( people dont think about your effort, time, and even money- yeah you love bts but this still requires work♡ FIGHTING!!!!💜💙💛 for next month!!! I'll still be here ✊


I totally understand why you decidet to make that Change.. My Card was also declined because I didn't have my paycheck yet but I figured something out and solved that Problem :) And I don't understand People who use it like that because it really isn't fair for you who invest so much effort, time and Money to make those Videos for us :( Purple you !! <3


That’s fair I guess 👌🏼 Thank you both for your hard work 💜💜💜


Just upgraded to a higher tier to help you a bit


yall did what you had to do!!! it's ridiculous, honestly, what many of those people did to you guys. don't worry, it'll come back to them. you guys have my full and utmost support.


I getwhere your coming from...I know my payment was late by a day I think being in the UK im not sure of time differences but that wasnt through my choice it was because my wages didnt go in till the 2nd which over here was the friday but as soon as they where in the bank and subscribed again,now I know how it works and will bare that in mind for next month,sorry for any inconvenience it wasnt intentional. :-)

Roni Friedman

I’m so sorry this happened to you. Don’t worry I am not going anywhere. I’m staying here with the fam 💜💜💜


I know not everyone is a writer, but this is kind of difficult to read. If you are putting an important change/notice out to people, try having proper grammar/words...? :/ Just a suggestion.. I do understand the frustration but..;( Anyways, I'm always going to be staying with you guys, sorry this has happened.


That is so petty of people to do with you guys :/. My card was declined too, because they tried to charge before my payment was in my account, so i might be one of this 174 people, but as soon as my payment came i solved the problem :D And i completely agree with the change you guys are making.

Debi Mico Wood

I think charging up front is a great idea. Smart. I won't be canceling my subscription, I love your content. I can tell you two work hard with all the videos and posts. That's not even including YouTube, work, and spending time with your girls or each other. It's obvious that you do all of this because you love BTS. I saw that some people were saying Josh paid too much attention to Jimin, and a few other instances where you felt like you've hurt someone and wanted to apologize. You've done absolutely nothing wrong, ever. Even if you did make a mistake, it would never be in a way to offend or with negativity. Keep doing what you do, I think you're beautiful inside and out. 💜


I understood the contents with the help of the translator. I can understand you. Thank you all the time. (I can understand what I hear, but I can't speak. Because I am not good at English.)


I'm glad you decided to make that change. It's really disheartening that people would try to take advantage of you guys like that. Anyway, I'm sorry it happened, but I'll be sticking around for as long as you guys keep making videos! Love you guys! 💜💜💜


Don't worry I love ya'll anyway lol


I´m a really quiet person an social platforms, so i´m sorry that this is my first time commenting. But this really got me. I didn´t even know it works like this, and this seems so unfair to me, i´m really sorry people did that to you. I usually only used my Patreon account to watch a some free Videos that got put on here because of Youtube taking it down, like you guys did with Lights. But really wanted to support you guys, because i haven´t seen such loving and caring people in a long time, so i joined your Patreon a couple of weeks ago, and i couldn´t regret you being the frist ones for me to support this way any less. You put such an effort in this, it wows me every the time. I really look forward to your posts every week and your work and kindness is much appreciated. Please don´t feel bad about this change, i absolutely support it. Lots of love to you and your family. 💜


A fellow PH Army?? Omg. What a small world we live in.. 🥰💜

Katja S.

I totally understand you. I don't know why people doing this. You two put so much work and effort in it. I love to see you both reacting to all these videos of BTS. It's so much fun to watch it with you together. Everyone can see how you love and appreciate BTS. Keep going what you do, what you wanna do und how you wanna do it. Those people who loves you and your videos will stay.


I am subscribed to a few patrons and some in the past, so I knew about the whole charge up front vs charge afterwards. I even thought about bringing it to your attention so that this situation wouldnt happen to you as it happened to so many others in the past, however im honestly quite shocked that this happened. I didn't think this situation would happen with you guys. Id understand 1 or 2 people, but half of the people that signed up did this is just not right. I knew about the whole thing and I could have easily cancelled my payment to avoid paying, but I knew that my money was going to worthy people and I wanted to watch your content. I can say that not all of the ones who left did so with that intention though. Some have issues with their cards, and some may not be able to continue for the next month so they cancel at the end of the month thinking they already paid. Sadly, there are many that did this with the intention of being cheap and unfair to everyone else. To the ones who did so unintentionally, I'm sure they understand what happened and are aware. To those who did so intentionally, I'm quite disappointed in them being army. No excuses for them.


Hey I'm still here 💜💜💜


I don’t usually comment, but it’s so sad have to read this. Couldn’t believe that many people left. I also understand that everyone’s situation is different but you all are working sooo hard to get the content to us. Don’t worry about me, I’ll stay because I really do love your content :) 💜💜💜


Im sorry too but i dont think this is the time to be the grammar police. We're not in a spelling bee, the notice gives the main points of concern enough to understand it. There are more pressing matters in the notice to comment about rather than what you're concerned about. I dont mean to offend or be rude to you, I just thought this is a bit out of line.


One question tho: for those who have joined before August and have not left yet... We are being charged the same correct? I just don't wanna be confused with my mode of payment...


Wow, I didn't know that about patreon, but hey it's ok, I'm still here and gonna stay, love your reactions! This is the only patreon I've subscribed to, and I am so happy I did, keep up the good work 💜


Yup it's still the same for us. 😊 It actually sends notification of payment deduction. It's still every 1st of the month for us i think.

Lily Wrenn

I hope you do a patreon live soon if that's possible. If not maybe Twitch live? It would be nice to interact with you and sometimes ppl will donate live during the twitch live. If you do plan one on twitch, announce it on You Tube so ppl know to plan for it. You can watch vids live with us there ... maybe some you haven't had the time to react to. And then you can sometimes upload the Live to YouTube at least for a short time. I know the camera probs won't support this but maybe it can be a goal for when you are able to get the equipment that will make it possible.


I am really angry and ashamed as a member of the same army. I'd like to write a longer sentence to comfort you, but I can't write it for long because I'm not sure if the translation will work. I hope you don't get hurt. And I'm sorry. I agree with the change in payment methods. I think that is most reasonable and natural. I've already seen all the videos before. I don't know English so I can't understand what you guys are talking about in reaction. I can only understand your conversation by translating comments. But I love laughter when you guys react. Because your reaction is true even if language doesn't work. I want to be with you guys for a long time.

Laura Moore

Sorry you have to deal with such shitty-ness. I love y’all content, caring hearts, and positive family atmosphere. I have limited funds so don’t know how long I’ll be able to support but I became a patron to show love. That’s what pattern is about for me. I only have money to support a few artists in a small way and sometimes that does shift, but also you guys are honestly one of the best patreons that I’ve ever subscribed too. Don’t be to pressured to supply a service. I hope you use this space to react to things you think might get copyrighted and as a place to let people love you. Don’t worry about those who leave and just know that the ones who stay are because we actually care

Dani H

Sorry for all the crappy people leaving like that, but I intend to stay since you guys always release good content and lots of it. Even when you miss an upload or something you're always very quick to update everyone and upload it as soon as you can which is great. Hopefully this change helps :)


I think this is 2nd month i pay..Coz its appear on my cc bill....Oh Cait n Josh...I love u guy so much tht im willing to pay...im so sorry tht happen..Plz continue this journey..and plz dont feel bad bout the change u made...We love u..Keep tht in mind 💜💜💜


I'm incredibly thankful for your videos and I hope this doesn't make you feel too discouraged. You make amazing content and it makes me upset people would do this. But I sense this is only the beginning for you guys and everyone is going to be coming back soon enough


I’m sorry you guys have to deal with this shit. All I know is that if you guys keep doing what you’re doing and what you enjoy, more people will come. Thank you guys for taking time out of your busy days to make these videos. I love all of your content so much. I don’t have any friends or anyone in my life that likes or is interested in bts, so I feel like when I watch your videos like I’m watching all of these videos with someone like a friend. Maybe that’s weird 😂 but anyway don’t let this get you guys down, and thank you again for your awesome content. 💜


We get it, so don’t worry about it💜


Im so sorry to hear that :( i hope what happened didnt make you feel all armies are like that. I feel so bad right now :( i remembered i cant watch the vid for like a week and only got to watch like 1 video. I cancelled it but i subscribed again because i think its unfair i watch one vid and didnt pay. So I thought i will wait till next payment and cancelled later. But fortunately The issue is solved and i can watch the vid with you guys. I think thats the best idea to make front payment. Im so sorry for you guys! Love your channel verymuch💜💜💜


So sorry to hear that, and I totally understand charging up front! I'd be a bit annoyed if you guys didn't, because I would feel like you're being taken advantage of, while others actually did the honest thing and paid for the content ... I'm so happy to hear you guys got the new camera!! It'll make reactions run more smoothly, and so much more fun to watch! Thank you so much for the awesome content, and I hope only good things happen to you and your family! ☺️💜


Wow it's so shitty what they did. Some people just want things and don't want to pay for it. They don't seem to understand that the providers of the things they want pay out of their pockets to provide them. I'm so sorry they did to you guys and I'm glad you're going to start charging upfront.


I would have been one of those who didn’t realize they hadn’t paid for the month if I had cancelled. I would guess that at least half of those who left didn’t realize they hadn’t paid because post-pay isn’t how anything else works in the world. I’m sure several did know and skipped out, and for them I am ashamed. I’m about to move and need my money, so I had thought of putting this on hold for a month, but I’m glad I didn’t...and I’m glad they changed how things are paid here.

Lenny Merlenna

Gosh! I can’t believe people would actually do that to you.. but I’m glad you made that change and decided to do the upfront thing. I think it is the best way to solve the situation and like you said, to be fair to all. You guys are the only account that I subscribe to in Patreon and I’ve seen many people who react in YouTube doing the same thing, opening a Patreon and asking audience to join.. but their content wasn’t attractive enough to pull me over until you guys.. so look on the positive side, you eventually get a bunch of subscribers who are people who really want to be here and like you said about us being family, those who stay are the ones who are here because we love you guys, we enjoy your content and we probably don’t regard you as a regular reactor too. The ones who are here are genuinely here for you.. how’s that? Don’t let this get you down.. what matters is now we get to enjoy better quality videos of BTS with YOU both and your spanking new camera.. hehe 😉

Alishea Ally

I never had a patreon account until you guys got one. I never felt the need to watch another youtuber over here for paid content because I either didn't think they were genuine or worth my money. You both have proven since day one why your here and have only shown honestly towards the fandom and shared your lives with your family. I'm honestly struggling to pay my own creditcard, bills and going to school right now but I'm putting all that aside because of how much I love you both. $3 a month isn't worth me crying over when I come home from a shitty day to your wonderful videos, good on you both for changing the rules and please do what you have to do to make this also worth it for you as well, I purple you 💜


Charging up front is good idea and I absolutely support it. Cait & Josh, Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I didn't know either. I was almost one of those people who would have accidentally not paid because we thought we already had. I was only going to put it on hold for a month and come back later, but I'm so glad I decided against that!


Thank you for your notice! This is my first and only patreon. I was not interested and did not know anything about patreon but after I watched your reaction videos on Youtube, I really wanted to try to look into this. And now, I am very happy that I am part of here. I love your contents and I can see how much efforts you guys are putting into your videos! I definitely agree with your idea of charging up front. I am so happy to be here and appreciate all your effort here! Have a great one, guys! :)


I fully support any decision you guys make. I know your love for the boys is genuine and true, and that is why I decided to join your Patreon. Btw I have never joined anyone else Patreon before. But I truly love you guys and what you stand for. I am truly shocked that this even happened to you guys. Honestly I didn't even know that you could do that. I'm sorry it happened. Please know that you have my full support, and the reason I donate is because you deserve a new camera or what ever else you need to make your content easier to do. Thank you so so much for all your late nights, hours you donate for wonderful content, and all the love you show to us and BTS. I purple you, Josh and Cait!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Right now I changed from $3.00 to $5.00. Because your patreon channel is great and I love it. I recommended patreon to you guys because I want to see your reaction for many great funny videos but these videos have problem copyright issues. These videos you can't reaction YT but you can reaction on patreon. I know how's work patreon you don't own us anything. Your patreon money is yours. I believe your channel more grown... do you remember I told you my dream is your family can visit to S. Korea in the future. Please just relax enjoy watch/reaction videos. You guys are.... kind of my grandchildren. Sorry my English... call me Japanese grandma. Love you.


Honestly that's SO messed up that some people willingly left right before their card was charged and then had the nerve to sign back up right after the 1st of the month in order to avoid paying. You two are prob the hardest working YouTube bts reactors I've ever come across! Y'all are constantly providing us with content and genuine reactions, the very least we can do is pay the 3$ :( I'm so sorry that happened to y'all and I hope it doesn't discourage you guys 💜💜💜💜💜 Love you!💜💜💜💜💜


I cant believed that happened to you guys...on the 1st Aug i keep checking my bank acc until yesterday cause there is no deduction yet & i cant open your video(before knowing that you have technical issue) & i thought my subscription been terminate because i havent pay yet, then i figured it out that it took 24-48hrs for the process..im glad i paid my mmbership..eventhough the fee is 4x expensive, but i choose to continue cz i like your content..i feel happy watching BTS with you guys.


you did the right thing. i know it must've been hard for you to type this but it needed to be done. proud of you both. i purple you!


HI, it is my first time posting a comment but i feel that i have too given this has happened to you. I want to let you all know that as an army i am thankful i decided to make the switch here because i truly enjoy the content created by you! i am glad i continue my membership with you since i truly enjoy watching the videos along with you. Please dont feel the need to apologise if personal life gets in the way.. I can always wait till a later time to watch the videos. I am just thankful for the hard work that you have put in and is extremely thankful! I hope only good things will happen for you all! I purple you both!


I'm sorry people did that to you guys :( especially knowing you have bills to pay and children to care for and you're reacting to all these bts videos for us! It's definitely a smarter move to charge up front and I support you guys in doing that. I hope you'll be able to pay your new camera off soon.


Thank you for sharing and Sorry that you had to experience this! I suspect that many who left were not aware that they were not yet charged...I myself was thinking of cancelling temporarily because I have a busy work week ahead and want to minimise distractions. Now that I know this, I will not be taking any chances and will stay on. The amount of content you put out currently is staggering! I would be happy even if you posted once a week. Shoutouts are nice but I have no interest in my name being shouted out (I'm sure many agree). I subscribed because you help me discover more about BTS through your genuine reactions and it's comforting to feel like I'm watching with friends! Thank you as always💜💜


I'm glad you made the change. It makes good sense. I joined on july 1, and I was surprised when I didn't get charged right away. I feel like I've been getting free content all month. Now, I feel guilty because I'm kind of part of the problem since the bank froze my accounts suddenly. I was without money for a week... and even had to borrow for food (thanks mom lol.) I wasn't too worried about this site even though I got a message about the funds not going through (just one of many). I feel bad about all these other people, but I can happily say things are sorted now on my end and I've been promised it won't happen again. (Also, you guys put out tons of videos! I'm bewildered how anyone can say you don't.) I just hope you guys are doing well, and thanks for everything!


Oh wow! I didn’t even notice I personally didn’t get charged for July until you brought it up. That might have been the case for many of the people who didn’t renew. Which is terrible ☹️ I hope things get better from now and you can count on my patron-ship💜


This is my first time on supporting someone on Patreon and I think you guys deserves it. I was worried because the amount was not deducted on my bank account on the 1st but it was deducted on the 2nd. Maybe because of the timezone. But I promise to support your decision, whatever it is. 💕 I love you, Guys. 😘


I'm so sorry that has happened to you. I'm glad you've made some changes. I do hope this doesn't discourage you, I truly love your reactions and happy to stay and support as long as I can. ❤❤❤


You guy's were my first patron and I am here to stay. I c ant believe that happened, its just rude, cheap and unfair. You put in so much work for us and I really appreciate it.


You shouldn't feel awkward. It takes time and effort to edit and upload these vids, so this change is only fair to you. Hopefully, this will balance things out.


I think charging upfront is a good idea especially with what happened. People shouldnt take advantage of a situation like that. Shame on them for doing so when you both work so hard for videos. For myself, im a loyal patreon! I really like you guys and your content so im happy to pay to support you. I really love how you guys try to keep things positive. Thats what really drew me in. 💜💜💜💜💜💜


I'm sorry that happened :( but I'm here to stay! Love yall!!


Totally support the idea of charging upfront guys and I was in fact surprised that wasn't how it was as one of the reasons I couldn't join from the start were some financial issues I had with my cards at the beginning of July and I wasn't sure my payments would come through. I'm sorry to hear what happened with those who left it was totally not fair to you guys as you were very understanding and always go above and beyond to keep uploading content. I am amazed and proud of you guys to manage family, jobs and such a prolific youtube at the same time. Bravo!!!


I was actually surprised when i didn't get charged right away last month when I joined. You have every right to charge when someone joins. No one should be upset and you all put out plenty of content. Anyone who comes here should already know what wonderful people both of you are. I adore watching your videos on here and I get to relive my favorite episodes all over again with you two.


Oh im so sorry. This is my first time supporting on patreon. Such a noob how to use paypal(((((((( ㅠㅠ didnt even notice my payment was declined. Feel really baad you guys think we are free riders. I love the idea of charging upfront and one more time.. sorry for any inconvenience


thank you for sharing with us, and i'm sorry i didn't know you feel that way.... usually i left, if i'm tight on money and will come back when i have some money ^^... and i didn't realize i wasn't being charge for the first month after i joined... i only realize after i want to repledge that the money charged was not for august but for july.... ^^ fortunately, i left 2 august so, i dont feel like im a free rider.......because usually other creator charged right away, and i assume the same with you.... anyway, i love your videos..... i feel like i'm watching with friends (people surrounding me not interested in bts as much as i do)... huhuhu