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OMG!!!! FINALLY!!! WE FIXED THE EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE ISSUE! Capone ripped the wire out of the external harddrive and it ruined the wire. we have a new wire to use it actually worked hopefully there is no issue with the video anymore. thanks for your patients.

This episode had some emotional roller coasters for sure i love that they went back to some old photo shoot areas. I also loved that they we dancing everywhere haha outside of the restaurant and on the boat! It was sad seeing rm not be able to go with them because of his passport but im glad the boys made him fel better a little at the end when they were joking around with him .

Behind the cam episode is coming soon most likely tomorrow. Thanks for watching with us and we love you 3000


bon voyage 5 final fix hopefully.wmv



Yeah ! I guess Cpaone really wanted to featured in one video here and since you ignore him he took drastice measures x)


Thanks 💜


You can just google images "BTS gama stan photoshoot"


The reason why they don't take pictures with people while on bon voyage is mostly because they don't want people to leak their locations and have lots of people going there just to see them. Sometimes they do get spotted, and I know when they were filming S3 pictures were spread but not as much as if they were to take pictures with fans, as some people would go just to try and get pictures with them too.


Capone you dog of destruction did he ever appeared on camera? I'm sure he is soooo cute

Murisan Family Vlogs

Honestly I feel dumb because I never even thought of that Haha thanks so much ..but for real why didnt I think of that lol thanks for watching have a great day!!💜💜

Murisan Family Vlogs

Thanks so much for letting us know ! I imagine people would just see a glimpse of a picture and know exactly where they were. Thanks for watching💜💜


My heart hurts everytime when Tae says at the end that if one of them is missing their trip to finland doesn't mean anything..That is just so sweet and at the same time so sad… I was so upset when I watched this Episode for the first time that I waitet a month or so to watch the other episodes because I was so sad that Namjoon couldn't be with them.. But as Always I loved your reaction and I definitly want to see your Dog of Destruction at some Point :D Purple you!!!


I find interesting that Jimin was shy and Jhope so confident when they started dancing but when people started to get together it was the other way around. BT21 were not born yet, when they do you´ll see them everywhere. Jin does love Mario. Maybe because Hobi is the dance leader but when RM is not there he usually takes the lead, he's like RM right hand. Jin and Suga don't like to lead much.


You guys are all good. Hope you're having a nice weekend! Thanks for another fun video! 💜


Can't be TATA because BT21 didn't exist


Hey guys! Thank you for the video, I'm glad you worked out the issues. Honestly this episode got me so emotional when i first watched it, 'cause you can clearly see how upset all of them where when they found out about Namjoon not making it to Finland. It might've gotten me a bit more since I'm from Finland myself and I would've of course wanted everyone of them to visit heh :D But yeah, the cruise boat they took is pretty common way of travelling between Sweden and Finland, so I've been on the boat quite a few times. Like others have said, Jin really likes Mario and that's why in older videos and pictures you can often spot him with something related to it. Last but not least, don't worry Josh, I'm sure people get now where the pickle thing came from, even tho they might've gotten a bit upset about it at that time. Thanks again and sorry for the long comment :D Can't wait for the next ones! You nice keep going 💜


Yes Jin loves Mario, or did, idk now. He had lots and lots of Mario merch.

Lily Wrenn

Tata hasn't been invented yet btw. This is pre BT21. :) Don't take negative comments to heart. Kudos to you. I could never do You Tube. I get hurt easily because ppl are jerks to say nasty things they would never say to a persons face. If ppl come at you just realize the hate is about them and not about you. You are a gift and we appreciate you.


I thought you guys will have fun to watch BTS NOW 1.2.3 , BTS Season Greeting (2014-2019) and BTS Summer Packages ( 2015-2018) which are their photo shooting during traveling ~🥳🤩👣


I live in Finland, we also do cruising with my family to Sweden few times already with the same cruise company BTS had taken before 😊💜


Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. I know it's not easy, but you guys are doing a great job! I have never got to see any of the full episodes of Bon Voyage, only clips, so I'm really loving that I get to see them now with you guys. Always looking forward to the next episode. Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Zoey!!!


Helsinki is the capital of Finland 😊💜 you take a cruise from Sweden's capital city Stockholm. It's from city to city 😊

Debi Mico Wood

Don't panic and stay up until 4am to edit and post videos. Enjoy your kiddos and take some time out for yourselves. I love your channel. 💜


I'm so sad because RM could not come to Finland. I'm from Finland, so that's why it's so sad. 😭😭😂 I've only seen clips, so I'm excited.😊💜


Thank you for this upload♡ all your time and effort you put into this is really appreciated 💙


Thank you for fixing it . I think Capone needs to make a special appearance on camera now.😆 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOEY!💜🎂🎈


I hope you don't mind the upload date. I don't think you should keep the upload date when you're tired or have other business to do. I think it will put a lot of pressure on your life. I just feel happy with what you enjoy. 💜💜💜


Thank you for your reactions. I genuinely love your raw reaction to BTS’s content. Korean culture is very different and it takes some getting use to for people in the West. I lived in Korea for a year and it is very different. What I will tell you is that you will always receive some sort of hate comment or criticism about how you do videos and what you say. I think that comes with the territory when you make reaction videos or any type of videos for that matter. I just want to say thank you and that you guys are doing amazing!! Your showing us you and that’s all we should ask for. 🙏🏼😊

Barbi Duarte

Thanks for working so hard for us. Don’t stress so much about the uploading schedule or if you make a minor mistake with their namer or whatever, we are all human and it’s imposible to get everything right right away specially with the amount of content you put out, we can see you are always trying your best and that it’s more than enough 💜 love you guys, great reaction as always 🥰


Jimin can really hold his alcohol. In all the times they like drink infront of the camera, he really drinks alcohol like it's water. Jimin,Jin and JK are the usual drink buddies. Tae is the one who asked for strawberry juice cos baby cant drink beer. Sooo cute!!! Oh and about what u apologized for.. In all honesty I say that too sometimes. Im not that picky eater but I also sometimes say "Ew" and "That doesnt look delicious" or something like that to other foods. I even tell my mom that. She likes to eat raw egg mixed in rice and i was like "Eww ma!! Thats gross" but ofc she gets that it doesnt mean to offend. I think it's really like a common response to something we are not familiar or just visually not appealing to us, but i get that it can go off rude to other people and culture who enjoys it. So thank you for apologizing. I myself would be careful saying such things infront of other people so that i wont get misunderstood. But yeah thank u for apologizing to them and for even googling it and educating yourselves. I really respect and love that about you! 🥰 And josh, regarding those haters, you just cant please everyone so no matter what you do there will always be people that will not be satisfied with you. And it's okay. Just dont mind the toxic ones and just like now if you've done something that u think is unappropriate or rude or mightve offended anyone, apologize and educate yourself. But if u havent done anything, just ignore the toxic hate cos its always gonna be there. People can be really toxic at times. ANYWAY. Sorry for this long comment. Hope you'll be able to read it though. And dont be disappointed about the ones who left patreon, the true ones who enjoys your content will always stay. Purple you guys!💜


kookie and his camera though<3 anyway guys dont stress or fret if you cant deliver these videos on time.. dont stress about the haters.. you cant please everyone .. but dont stress yourselves you have a life and we dont want you guys to not have fun reacting to these videos because of peoples comments. just create and enjoy ! if you enjoy the photo shoots you should add seasons greetings and summer packages to your line up #fighting!


thank you for posting these and you 2 are so special always love yourself and don't get sad i love when u guys smile then it makes me smile =)


Don't stress about getting things uploaded exactly on time! We enjoy watching because y'all enjoy doing this and if you keep stressing and worrying yourselves it's not gonna be sustainable for you guys. You will get burned out too quickly. Y'all have jobs and kids so we all completely understand. Alright now I am gonna shake my finger at Josh for a minute.... do not stay up until 4 in the morning editing and uploading videos! After your health scare recently you better take good care of yourself and getting a good night's sleep is very important! It may be beneficial if y'all change it from videos on specific days to a 2 day window that they go up. For example: Bon Voyage Fri-Sat. That way you have more of a time cushion..? We all love you both and please stop worrying 💜💜💜

Lenny Merlenna

Hey guys, firstly don’t fret about putting up content on time so much considering the fact that you’re trying to celebrate your daughter’s birthday and the computer gets problematic with all sorts, you know when things wanna go wrong they happen all at the same time.. you’re trying your best and we know that. Also you’re already giving us quite a bit of extra this week.. so for me, I understand if there’s a delay cos you have so much to handle.. you’ll put the videos up when they are ready. Oh and about the food thing, I feel like it’s no big deal cos when you said it, I took it as it wasn’t your intention to mock or ridicule the Korean food per se but it was a reaction of someone who just thought that that particular food doesn’t sound appetizing considering the boys themselves reacting in such a manner upon opening that slip of paper. RM himself said that it wasn’t what they would want to choose. So being non-Korean we’d assume that the food must not be nice. C’mon, you ARE doing a reaction.. so that was your genuine impression on that scene.. we can’t be putting up a fake reaction just because we don’t feel a certain way right? That’s the reason why we follow guys here cos you’re genuine. So don’t worry so much about reacting honestly.. if you can’t be genuine then it won’t be real.. keep up the good work guys.. I appreciate your efforts no matter what.. love you guys 3000.. 💜💜💜


Loved this reaction guys!! Thank you so much for working hard for us ♡

Aiden Tomori

Cait and josh,just ignore those negative people being critical to every word you say.i guess that’s where “you can’t please people all the time” came from.i’m a picky eater too,so i know how you feel josh when you see food that is not so appetizing for you,wether it’s korean,mexican or american food or food anywhere else in the world.so don’t fret much cause a lot of us loves your genuine reactions,more than those people who just wants to have a say in everything and picking on every little thing they see and hear.on behalf of those people that actually loves your reactions,i just want to tell you that thank you,for giving us something to look forward to after a stressful and tiring day.watching these reaction videos and seeing the boys literally doing their best in everything they do,it gives me energy and strength to do more things in life and more importantly to do those things happily.so guys cheer up!don’t let those people make you feel bad.’cause you’re already awesome!!!


yup Jimin is a DRINKER. He has pretty high tolerance and used to drink a lot with Jin and Jungkook I believe. Whenever the boys drink champagne to celebrate something, Jimin always one shots it lmaoo.


One of the reasons why they always left things is because their managers will take care of everything. But, on this trip, they need to do everything by themselves. RM...............😢 It's breaks my heart even one of them is missing. Cait and Josh, I appreciate all your hard work. I've been watching your reactions from the very beginning so, no matter what happen, I'm gonna continue this journey with you guys. I 💜 you Cait and Josh.


Tata didn't exit at that time. The first Bon Voyage was filmed in 2016, BT21 came out in 2018


hi, please react to BTS DNA Comeback Show. The video a bit long though. There are behind story of how BTS was created and what member's thought about each other. The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LL8aLFi1Rw


But if you look hard enough you might find an early version of RJ. Jin created RJ based on a cute little doodle that he used to do of an alpaca face. I know I’ve caught a glimpse of unnamed RJ in one of BTS’s older videos. Maybe it was it was AHL? Rookie King? If I ever find it again I’ll link it.


Jimin downs his drinks most of the times!! And Josh sorry for people that made a big deal of you saying something about pickled radish ... I don't think it's that big of a deal and i don't consider food preferences as a disrespect to any culture. So sorry for the mean comments you guys have received unjustly to some videos about the littlest of things. Be strong and know that most of us support you and don't judge you as we are all human and make mistakes.


Tae mentioned a while back that he doesn’t like the bitter taste of beer. You can see that Tae returns the beer back to the staff and they give him a cup of cola instead. He does enjoy soju (Korean liquor) and wine. I think Tae and Hobi were either drinking wine coolers or flavored soda in the glass bottles when they were dancing on the cruise ship. To the people in the comments who said I was rude/negative/blah blah for mentioning how it was a pet peeve of mine when people say “ew” to foods of different cultures, I said it was my personal opinion. I didn’t ask for an apology. Like you, I love and support their videos to the point I go out of my way to translate things they could have missed because of poor subtitles or the lack of. I pay to watch them just like you do. It was just constructive criticism and it was his choice to take it or not. Yes, I love their true reactions, but it is not bad to also have a filter. If you want them to be honest, why can’t I be? To Josh, thanks for taking the time to say those words at the end of the video. I didn’t say it to get an apology from you or even a comment back. There were just many times I’ve experienced an “ew, what is that?” when I would bring Korean food to school or work. Even my friends from other cultures have experienced the “ugh, that looks disgusting” or “omg, that smells so bad” as we were putting the food into our mouths. It’s not a good feeling to hear that, especially when you really enjoy the food. I’m so happy something positive came out of my comment and you took the time to research it and other foods that pair well with it. I love the growth and how much you get to learn about our culture from watching BTS. Thank you.


Thank you June for sharing how you feel in a respectful way. Thank You Josh for being so considerate and open-minded/ hearted. As someone from a different culture myself, I relate to June's experience which is part of a larger pattern of judgment against minorities that sometimes happens. I know Josh meant no disrespect! We are all human and can say things that may not be taken the way they are intended. I just hope that we can try to understand how such comments can be triggering for minorities because of the historical & social precedents/ context. I actually think it's great that issues like this can be addressed so long as we are having a respectful conversation. BTS themselves have apologised for and learnt from some of their past actions/ comments. From this, as well as seeing how you've handled other comments on your youtube channel (some of which may be unwarranted or not worded in the most kind way); my respect for Josh continues to grow!


RM said he wouldn't want it was because they wanted proper food and water, pickled raddish aint proper food. It wasn't because he dislikes it. They indeed love it and it can be seen in the run episode where they made kimchi.


Guys u are great.love your content.keep going.fighting.army always stick together at any cost just like BTS


I love rewatching Bon Voyage with you guys (and Burn the stage and Run too)!! :)

Maggie Collins

You guys said before this all started that you have never travelled. There is no reason you would ever be expected to know that a vegetable of the same name in a different country would be a different vegetable. Your radish and Korean radish are just as different as your pear and Korean pear, but therés NO way anyone should expect you to know that from listening to k-pop music. No worries, Josh, it is clear to me that you didn’t mean any disrespect.


I don't know if you notice that Taetae changed his beer into cola


I hope you guys don't take the ridiculous negative criticism to heart some people like to nitpick and think they know it all, but people don't understand that you are new to the knowledge of Korean culture so just like some patreons think you guys should already know stuff they have to come with an open mindset when watching your videos that you guys aren't always aware of these things and that your learning as you go...honestly even your tone of voice showed you meant no disrespect like it was clear as day. I hate when people are too harsh on you guys for no reason and you guys end up apologizing. Josh don't worry true armys know you meant no harm so don't worry:)


K but can we talk about RM’s shirt in the final scene? Omg. It makes me weak.


This is new territory for a lot of international ARMY who have come to the gang late. We just need to remember that it's a learning process and often times many people, ARMY or not, can be hasty to respond. I've noticed for me, however, that it's few and far between. I have thoroughly enjoyed the wealth of knowledge and patience ARMY has had with my learning process. We all make mistakes and we're all just doing the best we can do. What matters is that you had the integrity and respect to point it out and apologize, even when it wasn't truly necessary. Nonetheless, it says a lot about you as people. I already knew you guys were awesome, but now, you are double awesome! ;) (Again, I already knew that, but I had to affirm it.)


can't access this video!


I still can’t access this video. Is there any other way I can watch it?


Hi! Hope you are well and safe. Also, new here! Like your reaction! But I can't see the video for this episode. Please help. Thanks in advance!


Hi! Love your reaction, I really want to watch the whole series with you guys. It seems like episode 5 link is still not working. Can you please review. Thanks.!


I could't find Episode 6 under the "Bon Voyage 1" tag, so I had to search for it. The post isn't tagged with anything so unless you use the search bar at the top or scroll all the way through the posts you can't find it. This is the Link to BV1 Ep6 Reaction for anyone who needs it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bon-voyage-6-cam-29038501?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare


Why does it say couldn't play video? help