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This video was so amazing  It  had us all up in our feels!! man these burn the stage are so REAL! 

 cant wait to get into more! it was sad when jin and tae argued but they are brothers argue from time to timE. i love how they resoled the issues together its truely amazing how they love one another

hope you all enjoyed watching this video with us! love you 3000

run 12 is going to be uploaded tonight as well💜💜💜💜💜





we’re being spoiled with content 🥺🥺<33


I literally just started watching burn the stage the movie lol


This episode always is the one I remember most when I think back to watching the entire burn the stage. We all see Tae and Jin as such goofy fun loving people, so even if we logically know they argue, actually seeing an argument just hits differently. I feel like the less "perfect" they are the more I love them if that makes sense?


We know that they argue but actually witnessing it is different. Hearing JK and Hobi telling their story about fighting for a banana made me laugh when I was sad about Tae and Jin argument.


So first Things first.. There is (sadly!) only 1 Season of Burn The Stage with 8 episodes (i think..my Memory is hopefully correct :D) but I recommend you to watch the movie after you've finished the series :) It is really great! And this Episode is Always hard to watch but I think it is so amazing to see how they solve their conflicts … and I think that Jin as the oldest apologized to Tae before their Show means a lot because in Korea Age is really really important and I think it is a sign of how mature he is to swallow his pride and to apologize.. However they are and will Always be a Family! <3 So to end this already to Long comment I loved your reaction as Always ! :) I'm sending you Purple hearts from Austria ! <3 Purple you guys!


Josh maybe you mean Bon Voyage has 3 seasons, Burn the stage is a series in yt

Crystal Taylor

This was a hard episode for me when I first watched it. Cait had the same feelings I did. Great job y'all. Also please put personal clips on the videos. I love seeing y'all in real life, so to speak.

Lily Wrenn

The Burn the Stage series is just one "season". I'm not sure if they will release any more but there is the Burn the Stage Movie and the Bring the Soul movie which gives us more content. Love your content as usual. Happy Birthday, Zoe! Enjoy that party.


There is only 1 “season” for Burn The Stage so far. There is also one movie for Burn the Stage and another movie coming out soon called Bring the Soul. In the beginning, Hobi said he’s out to support Namjoon because at that time he just released his collab track “Change” with Wale. While watching Tae and Jin argue, it really hit my heart, not only because I knew Tae was genuinely upset and Jin was sorry for reacting that way, it’s when Namjoon was thinking about ARMY at that moment. He says “our fans lined up for days to see us”. They really don’t want the people who come to see them to feel like they wasted their time and money because they didn’t give it their all and their focus wasn’t on the performances. I also respect Jin for pushing away his pride and apologizing to Tae because he knew it wasn’t worth it and he didn’t want to hinder the concert. They are true professionals and good hearted people. I am really proud of them and how they established their brotherhood and great teamwork. This relationship is rare and priceless.


Their imperfections and flaws are what makes them all the more relatable. Other artists and celebrities are sometimes put in a pedestal where they are looked upon as the epitome of perfection and like all their darkness are hidden to the world. That's why im grateful every time our boys trust us enough and confide with us their worries. It makes our interactions with each other more "human" (?) if that also makes sense??


Thanks for the video! Just wanted to say, regarding your last few comments, that Burn the Stage was actually filmed in 2017 so it's really only been two years! Of course they've done a lot of growing since then haha but they weren't that much younger. Glad you also brought up Namjoon and how difficult he has it as leader too! Thanks again for sharing :)


Thank you 💙


I actually attended day 2 of the wings newark concert!! It was so much fun and was my first bts concert. I haven't been to another one since then but i want to sooooo bad. It was a magical experience ♡♡♡


I'm watching Burn the Stage for the first time alongside you guys. I've not got any friends/family interested in BTS, so this is much more enjoyable compared to watching it alone! These episodes are fascinating and far more emotional than I had expected. The band always seems so much larger than life and able to handle anything, so to see things stripped down to a more human level makes me so much more conscious of the amount of pressure they must constantly be under.


that how Bang pd teach them, if they have problem or fight, they need to sit down together and resolve it..but now they change method, if any of the member argue, that person need to go outside hold hand and talk about it until both parties reconciled and settled, they said it during the interview, but i forgot which interview..


I love the way they talk things out and solve their problems together. They are family and while family can hurt you the most they can also lift you up and love you the most.

Laura Moore

What’s most adorable is that the clips of them rehearsing at the end are them working out the part of the choreography V had concerns about. Like they not only addressed the argument but didn’t let it make them forget the concern. They still validated Vs opinion thus showing respect. Like Suga said, the closer you are the more respect you need. Maybe why they are eachother’s biggest fans 😂


I also think its great they showed us this side of them too. It shows they are human too. They make mistakes, get upset, argue. Like suga said, its ok to do that. Thats how we all learn about eachother and can grow. I really appreciate how they talk things out. I also appreciate that jin apologized first before the concert started. Not many people do that even if they are right.


Idk if you already knew this guys, but at the beginning of the episode the boys where praising Namjoon because it was when his collaboration with Wale came out :)


great episode! i hope when you guys finish the series you can watch the movie. it’s also on youtube red and it took place during the 2017 wings tour. but it has a lot of behind the scenes that we didn’t get to see here and the movie is just amazing!


When l first saw the episode, I was really impressed how they resolved the problem so beautifully. It made me love them even more. And I really love the scene all other members are staring at Jin&Taehyung doing that part of the choreo("spring day") at the end. I got so emotional during that part, because of its lyrics. "you know it all, you're my best friend, the Sun will rise again, because no darkness no season can last forever" I just cried. Thank you for the great reaction again. :) Btw love your shelf💜


You should watch the dance practice or live performance of Spring Day now ( brief clip of it was at the end of that episode). Their disagreement will be more in context.


I was expecting a lot more tears from Cait but I guess she's getting used to the sad moments lol.. I'm a cry baby so I cry every time 😥


It was during vlive with RM and Jimin. The one with Bang PD was an old interview of some sort


I don’t know if someone has already informed you of this or not but there’s actually only 1 season of burn the stage, however there is also burn the stage the movie which was released in cinemas in november of last year. You guys should definitely react to it too if you enjoy the series as it’s mostly new clips :)

Alishea Ally

I cry so much whenever the boys fight or get sad. Fighting made their bonds stronger together and I find coming together at the end of the day and talking it out creates such a healthy relationship. RM takes it upon himself to be the mediator and diffuse the situation, he does an amazing job of doing that but it's huge pressure on him as the leader and i'm so sad when I see him taking on all that stress. Thanks for the comments at the end guys, I agree with all you said <3


idk if its just me but the background noise is really loud. can hardly hear your reactions :(

Murisan Family Vlogs

So sorry our computer fan is going and we need a new computer we been trying to work around it when the fan turna off


It's very refreshing to see how mature they are about solving their differences. Suga and RM always find a way to put things into perspective and get to the bottom line of the situation. I felt Jin's apology right before they went on stage was a last ditch effort to come together. Sometimes apologies are not about who is right and who is wrong, they are about valuing the relationship more than valuing the need to be right. It was heart breaking to see them heading to the stage, almost in tears and having to put on their game face. It was sad to see how Jimin is so hard on himself and how quickly he can spiral into deeper and deeper self-doubt.


I love how when they’re having this big discussion about the taejin fight.. and when addressing jin being older than Tae and that is something Tae has to remember… somehow jungkook got thrown under the bus who had nothing to do with it lol and jins older than all of them so was weird he just tossed jk in there out of nowhere lol also something that’s difficult for the younger ones to navigate their relationship dynamics and expectations of Korean culture… is that they rarely follow that mentality or kinda guidelines for interactions between ppl in relation to age. I love Tae but he’s kind of the diva in the group sometimes but I really don’t think he was in this time… once jin heard Tae mention him trying to get to his spot quicker for their timing… then jin was totally closed off.. Tae wasn’t calling jin slow and just telling him to run faster than he can… but trying to see if jin could transition out of the move before he needed to run like not bending all the way down before running to kinda cheat a little bit to give him just a split second more time that could have solved the problem… but jin just kept saying he was going as fast as he could and that he couldn’t go faster… but Tae was getting frustrated bc jin wasn’t listening to what he was asking bc he was getting more mad at what he THOUGHT Tae was saying. Like it was nothing personal for Tae but personal for jin and Tae even asked if jin could just try what he was saying for this performance to see if it helped but he was met with the same “I’m going as fast as I can,” from jin which was starting to frustrate me lol but bc Tae was literally backed into a corner with 3 or 4 of them standing around him can put someone on the defensive… but the fact that nobody seemed to be listening to what he’s trying to say and for rm to say “what are you trying to do” to Tae caused him to shut down bc now he felt Ganged up on and nobody was having his back. It was definitely a simple problem ramped up bc they’re lives as stressful as shit and on tour there’s just a lot happening… so tension is a guarantee lol I think the awkward “apology” jin gave to Tae in that moment while he stood there with his arm stretched out and his hand on taes shoulder felt disingenuous bc it looked awkward as shit lol but he was just trying to form some solution before they went on stage … just a tough situation with lots of emotions and they all love and support each other… these kinds of fights can happen with any of them lol neither handled it right so just a draw but good they talked it out later… but it’s tough when things are good and there’s no honorifics or any of the standard Korean ways according to age… so they may get over comfortable with that dynamic just to flip it on them in a tense situation if that makes sense… poor boys… that’s so much stress for all of them… but that’s how you KNOW you’re truly family lol


im rewatching these and i just see your essays in about every comment section