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Another great Episode of Run. I love watching the boys bungee jump and overcome their fears. Would you ever try this or have you already. What are you afraid of and want to overcome. Episode 10 will be in the morning. 


RUN 9.wmv


natasha richardson

I dont think I could ever do this lol I'm chicken but I'm really proud of the guys for doing it especially Hobi he always does everything even if he's scared he still tries his best

Aj Amo

Thanks for the surprise!!! 👏🏻


From episode 11 of run there are also behind the scenes on bts+ (fanship) on vlive but i think it is paid content 😌 sorry I don’t know too much information otherwise I would tell you more lol


A new week has started with your video. 👍🤩 It's always amazing to see boys try something new. Actually they all did better than I expected. I know how scary it is. They are all brave! I don't think I can ever do bungee jump 😅 (though I want to try skydiving) so I am grateful our boys did it so that I can experience it indirectly 😁 I always love your reactions and wish tmrw were Wednesday 💜


I would totally bungee, I even wanna skydive. I'm a pretty fearless person, I may be a little hesitate when I'm at that point but then I'll just be like 'oh well, I'm here no quitting now'. Things like this are very exciting and euphoric once you've done them.


When Yoongi jumped he said that he hoped that their latest album "The Most Beautiful Moments in Life pt.2" (aka HYYH pt2) had big success


I told that earlier many times, I think Hobi is the one of the bravest person I've ever seen in my life. He gets scared of practically anything and everything, he's shaking, he hates it but he always overcomes his fears and does everything the others do. That's what really makes you brave. I hope he knows that.

Aj Amo

I don’t know why But I got emotional watching this the 2nd time. Prob combination of them overcoming their fears and the messages some members said before they jumped e.g. yoongi saying Great Success for HYYH PT. 2, jimin saying ILY BTS and Hobi saying BTS FOREVER. 😭👏🏻

Alishea Ally

I would never jump i'm so scared of heights my legs shake so badly XD J-hope is the real brave soul for doing everything he fears during bts run, seeing them overcome their fears together as a team warms my heart. Your surprise video made me tear up so badly, it was truely beautiful, thank you for sharing your wonderful family memories together with us 💜


I dont think I could ever Bungee jump I always have an irrational fear of something going wrong in those situations 😭😭😭


It wasn’t translated but when Jin was comparing heartbeats and he touched Jungkooks chest, Jungkook says “why are you touching my nipples??” Lol


Our terrified, but brave Jhope! 💜

Barbi Duarte

Thank you so much for the surprises I get so happy when I see the notif 😁 I bungee jumped once years ago, it was one of the best feelings, I screamed my lung out but it was so liberating, would definitely do it again


I would definitely do this and jump out of a plane as well! I'm just waiting for the right time, chance, and place✊ i think it'll be an amazing experience:))




I would totally jump! I have a fear of heights, but would love to be able to face it in relative safety.


I would probably be just like JHope, shaking in my boots the whole time, but when got up there then I would just take a deep breath and jump. I think...😳 Anyway thanks for the surprise post, it made me so happy!!!


Nopeeee! I have a paralyzing fear of heights and can barely climb a ladder let alone jump off that great a height lmao


I would definitely jump. I've skydived twice now so I think I'll be ok trying bungee jumping 🤔


wow!! run episodes every day on top of the other usual uploads? yall are spoiling us :'))


Hey guys you should watch BTS on Running man its HILARIOUS you won't regret it https://youtu.be/DQ98l3EQ2eM


I'd like to do something like bungee one day, but I am also a scaredy cat so I don't know if can actually do it


I would never Bungee jump!! :D I'm not a fan of rollercoaster either.. Everytime I watch this Episode I get emotional when Jimin says he saw the members before he jumped.. I don't know it is just so sweet :)


I would bunjee jump. It would work up my nerves but i would do it. One thing that really impresses me about jhope is the fact he does overcome his fears. He has a lot of them but still does it. Also i swear jungkook is an adrenline junkie. He loves coasters and stuff like this.


yeahhhh run everyday thank you guys <3


im scare of high, but i challenged myself last year by joining the World Highest Ropes Course at my hometown...my friend keep encouraging me by saying "imagine Jhope waiting for you infront!!" hahahahah...same goes to Cylon roller coaster at Universal Studio at Singapore, my friend keep saying 'Jhope can ride it why not us'..but since then it going to be our 1st & last ride...btw BTS Run everyday, wow thank you guys!


Just a little reminder : starting from episode 11 there is behind the scene :)


We getting pampered this week 😍

Lenny Merlenna

I don’t think I would jump cos my fear is of falling and not of heights cos I can go to high places with no problems but I cannot look down too long or my knees will start to quiver.. I think I have surpassed that age of thrill rides now.. anyway, anticipating your videos spread this week guys!


I always wanted to feel jumping off from the plane, but I am too scared to do so 😖 not even bungee jump......


I would love bungee jumping! And also jumping from a plane with a parachute! I'm literally like Jungkook for this kind of stuff, that's one thing my bias and me have in common haha


I think I'm like Jungkook when it comes to these kind of things! I want to try everything and I'm always watching it on Youtube XD So to answer your question...I've always wanted to try bungee jumping and jumping out of a plane ;)


Yes, I would. I already did bungee jumping and sky diving when I was in NewZealand and would def do it again, it was a lot of fun (for me) :)


I would do both ... but only on a bungee -jumping facility that allows jumping upright cause i couldn't bear it upside down


I usually wait until the end of the video to comment, but I don't want to forget. V just jumped and Cait saying, "There you go," I could just see and feel the motherly pride that beamed out. To overcome your fear like that though, he did such an amazing job.


Oh, and I never have but I would go bungee jumping and skydiving if I had the opportunity. I'm sure I would get nervous leading up to it, but it seems like an amazing experience. My husband wouldn't be able to though, because he's afraid of heights. That's the only thing that really stops me since I don't think I'd want to do it alone.


Ok so I suffer from vertigo so I would never bungee jump or skydive I would be sick for hours afterwards thats if i didnt have a heart attack doing it


I have bungee jumped and I love the adrenaline rush it gives! It's a different type of rush from going on a roller coaster. I would definitely do it again and sky diving is on my bucket list. :) Great reaction episode guys.