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EP 4

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EP 5

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Heyy, I'm back again hahah Once again, love your reaction, love that you guys are enjoying this show so much. I think you might be understandably a little confused on the conditions of their deal (I know I was, the first time I watched the show hahaha), so I'll write them down real quick (because I think you might have missed a very important part in their deal): - the deal goes for 100 days (until she's supposed to die) - he makes sure, that she isn't in pain during those 100 days -on the 100th day, she is obligated to wish doom upon the world (so basically destroying the entire world!) - she has one extra wish free that she can use for whatever she wants (there are certain limits, but he will tell her, if he can't fullfill a wish) - if she doesnt't wish for doom on that 100th day (so if she breaks their contract) the person she loves most in that moment will die INSTEAD OF HER! - if she breaks the contract, she will stay alive!!! (that's the part I think you might have missed, since you never brought that up in any of your discussions) That's the whole reason why she started trying to fall in love with him in the first place - she was saying to Doom "I'm going to save my brother and I'm going to stay alive, by loving you most and then breaking the contract, so that you'll die, the world will stay alive and I'll live". She doesn't have to use her wish to stay alive (and I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't be able to anyways, I think that is one of the wishes that she can't make) And yes, that's also what he's saying at the end of episode 5 - he's asking her to love him, so that he'll die and she lives. (I mean, he only wants the world to end, because he thought that was the only way he could die, so it makes sense that he'd be on board with this) Oh and btw, they actually revealed who Doom was crying for at that funeral in episode 3 (they revealed the actual person, not just that it was his "mother"), but in a very subtle way, so it was easy to miss. But don't worry, they'll explain it again in another episode, if I remember correctly!


Hi guys, how are you? Josh the roommates are not a romantic couple, the editor was the cafe owners tutor and then they became friends and now live together. Thank you for your reaction 💜