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Note: As after each release, the new version has been submitted to the Chrome, Firefox and Edge stores, and it is now in their hands, pending review. It has been approved for the Chrome and Firefox stores, but still pending on the Edge store. I unfortunately have no control over the time it takes for them to review and approve the update.

Hi again,

D&D Beyond have updated their website once more on May 7th, which broke the ability to roll saving throws, ability checks, initiative, and spells. As this is the second breaking update in 2 weeks and it took over a week last time to get the new update approved on the Firefox and Edge stores, I’ve reached out to the D&D Beyond team to work together to avoid this situation in the future. While waiting for their team to reach out, we’ve also seen DDB revert their website changes on May 9th, but only for a short period of time, before breaking the extension again. This made me very weary on pushing an update prematurely if the site was in constant flux.

At this time, as it’s been 3 days (thanks everyone for your patience), I’ve decided to release a hotfix and I made sure that the new update would continue to function without breaking, even if DDB reverts their website back again to the older version, so this should satisfy everybody.

I’m keeping a close eye on the situation, and I expect to be in contact again with the DDB team soon so that future updates can have a minimal impact on your games.

Thanks for everyone who helped out with this issue and provided support on Github and Discord. And as usual, thank you as well to all contributors and to my generous Patrons and Ko-fi/Github supporters.




Did it happen again? I'm trying to roll weapon attacks and it's giving me "Virtual Table Top Not Found" pop up and not rolling the dice