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 On Saturday I had surgery but it was half done because I started to bleed too much. And it's probably that on Saturday I have to finish it. After some blood tests and a (not as much as last time) painful recovery process I am here again, from today until the dentist makes an appointment I will be available to work and read your ideas for new patreon rewards, I promise that I will work hard to deliver everything pending.

I know I should rest for a while but it is my only way of getting money precisely to pay for so many medications, antidepressants, appointments to the dentist, psychologist, now gynecologist, a nutritionist and according to my psychologist he will do some tests to determine if I need to go to a psychiatrist.

Have a nice day everyone and don't let depression make you end like me


TheVHM108 Productions

Feel better soon and take care of yourself. Thanks for your encouraging words! It makes me feel better whenever I'm stressed out.