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HEY HEY HEY!!!! just wanted to thank you all again so much for joining me this month again. i truly appreciate everything you guys are doing here for me and I'm happy to do what i can to give back to you. Now to business. Got lots planed this month as usual. Starting mid this week I will start doing all the 20$ and up artworks. so if you don't get a message from me, make sure and message me with a reminder. Next month will be the start of the first page of the Tanya comic. I plan on doing the layout sometime this week or next. I should have lots of places for background characters. some cub, some adult. The setting of the first page will be the school interior so i have plenty slots for you guys. ill start sending messages to everyone as i start to fill in those slots so have your characters ready. Besides that, I'm starting to feel better and things are picking up for me. On Monday I should receive some word from a furry con staff member about seeing if ill be in the dealers room. if so you'll see way more art postings. wanna make sure I have a nice portfolio before the con. Beyond that, I'm just trying very hard to manage my time. ive been constantly working between here and my dayjob so i need to try and fit personal R&R in there somewhere. In the end Ill figure it all out. Thanks again for all the support, and i love yall lots. Till next time. :)



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