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Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve had my commissions open, but the time has come to start opening them little-by-little!
My style has evolved and so has the workload with it. Because of that, I’ve needed to increase the price of the commissions. I want to stay as affordable as I can while also not punishing myself in the process. Hopefully you can understand that thought process :)
along with the price changes (which you can see below)

There Is also a change to the PayPal fee percentage, which has increased from 6% to 8% (don’t blame me, blame PayPal)
2 new rules added to be able to commission me:
- I will not accept any Ai generated references.
- Upon the completion of the commission I will create a second version of the final image that will be protected from Ai through Nightshade and Glaze. The Client accepts the condition that only the protected image is allowed to be posted publicly (on any platform). The unprotected version may be shared privately, however, it would be appreciated if the Client kept that to a minimum. If the unprotected version is found on any public platforms/Ai datasets I reserve the right to decline further work with the Client.

4 slots are available, I will update the title once some are taken.

i’m only accepting single character commissions at the moment, couples and groups will be available in the future months!
